Hellraisers Journal: Debs Indeed on Deck of Appeal to Reason, Calls for Action: “We Must Fight!”


If they hang Moyer and Haywood,
they’ve got to hang me.
-Eugene Victor Debs


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday January 27, 1907
From the Appeal to Reason: “We Must Fight! by Eugene V. Debs

HMP, We Must Fight, EVD, AtR, Jan 26, 1907

THE supreme court and the president of the United States have left us no other alternative. We have got to stand up like men or crawl on our bellies like cravens.

There is no compromise.

The class struggle is as clearly reflected in the supreme court decision and the president’s action as if traced in the skies in letter of fire. All the powers of capitalism, from Standard Oil down, are combined against Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone, and find expression along the political line all the way from Ruzvlt [Roosevelt] to McPartland [McParland] and along the judicial line all the way from the supreme court of the United States to a police magistrate in Idaho.

It is not a case of punishing crime that law may be vindicated, but the violation of law that crime may be committed.

The case against our comrades is notorious in court annals for the utter defiance of all law, state and national, statutory and constitutional, that has marked its proceedings from its inception. Indeed, the case, to be properly understood, must be traced back at least as far as the purchase by the mine owners and smelter trust of the legislature of Colorado, at the current Colorado rates per head, thereby defeating the eight-hour amendment which the people of that Guggenheim state by a clear majority of nearly 50,000 votes had commanded these political perverts to enact into law. This was followed by the military despotism of the infamous Peabody and his sodden satraps, who emblazoned the escutcheon of his murderous administration with the immortal shibboleths: “To hell with the constitution,” “To hell with habeas corpus” and “To hell with any court that decides against us.” These are some of the foundation stones of the fabric of law and order which Ruzvlt sent Taft out to Idaho to commend to the people of that state.

This law and order cry issues from the brazen throats of political hirelings, the tools of capitalism, to conceal its own crimes.

When such monsters as Peabody and Gooding and such misshapen degenerates as McPartland talk about law and order in the lurid light of their own crimes, and President Ruzvlt sends his fat special emissary to the scene of these crimes to give them the backing of the national administration, all in the name of law and order, and this in the very shadow of a dungeon in which innocent kidnaped American citizens are guarded by criminal body-snatchers-when it comes to this, then, indeed, has justice fled to brutish beasts, all law is miserable mockery, and even hypocrisy, used as she is to sickening saturnalia, is nauseated and deserts the scene.

That our comrades have been kidnaped and are unlawfully held by legalized brute force is admitted; there is no question about it, not even by the supreme court. That the preconceived purpose is to do them to death, regardless of their innocence, has been apparent from the start.

It is not as individuals that these workingmen are to be murdered, but as the incarnation of class-conscious organized labor that they must be annihilated.

That makes the issue my issue and their cause my cause.

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Hellraisers Journal: Federal Judge Upholds Colorado Supreme Court in Moyer v Peabody, Legalizes Bullpen


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Sunday December 2, 1906
Denver, Colorado – U. S. District Court Upholds Autocracy

From the Appeal to Reason of December 1, 1906:


Decision of Federal Judge Invests
Governors of States with
Autocratic Power.

WFM Colorado Strikes 1903-1904, The Bull Pen

WHEN an insurrection is declared by the governor to exist in any part of Colorado a citizen of the district affected by the proclamation of the chief executive of the state may be imprisoned and detained at the will of the military authorities, according to an opinion handed down by Judge R. E. Lewis in the United States district court in Denver, Colo., Monday, November 19. Such action by the military authorities is declared not to be a violation of the fourteenth amendment, or of the law providing for the writ of habeas corpus.

This decision, which is one of the most important announced in a Colorado court in recent years, was handed down in the case of Charles H. Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners, vs. James H. Peabody, former governor of Colorado, Sherman Bell, former adjutant general, and Bulkeley Wells, now adjutant general, but at the time of the commission of the act of which plaintiff complained an officer in the Colorado national guard. Mr. Moyer had sued for $100,000 damages for alleged false imprisonment during the strike troubles in San Miguel county two years ago. The demurrer of the defendants was sustained.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Federal Judge Upholds Colorado Supreme Court in Moyer v Peabody, Legalizes Bullpen”

Hellraisers Journal: Adams Discloses Truth About “Confession” and Prosecution’s Plot to Frame Haywood and Moyer


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Sunday September 16, 1906
Boise, Idaho – Adams to No Longer Corroborate Orchard’s Confession

From the Appeal to Reason of September 15, 1906:

Startling Developments in Moyer-Haywood Case
Dumfound the Prosecution.
Miserable Plot is Laid Bare, and Mine Owners are Raising
Slush Fund of One Million Dollars to Defeat
Haywood for Governor of Colorado, Now That His
Election Seems Assured as a Result of Revelations Involving
the Governors of Two States in Unlawful Intrigue.


By Telegraph to The Appeal to Reason.

Steve Adams, Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone Case of 1906-07, Darrow Collection

Denver, Colo., Sept. 9.-The above statement, sworn to by Stephen Adams and witnessed by his wife, was made public in the district court in Boise, Ida., Saturday afternoon, September 8th.

Adams, it has been claimed by the prosecution in the Steunenberg murder cases, would corroborate Harry Orchard’s confession, charging that the assassination of the former governor was committed by the officers of the Western Federation of Miners.

Adams told the story of his experience since his arrest last February, and if what he says is true, almost all of which is confirmed by his wife and uncle, some of the state officials of Idaho and Colorado will find themselves in a pretty tight place.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Adams Discloses Truth About “Confession” and Prosecution’s Plot to Frame Haywood and Moyer”

Hellraisers Journal: Mine Owners of Cripple Creek Prepare to Replace Scabs with Imported Labor


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 10, 1906
From The Labor World: George Shoaf on the Cripple Creek Situation

' Alliance Terror in Cripple Creek Strike

From the Duluth Labor World of June 9, 1906:


Mine Owners Association of Cripple Creek
Now Preparing to Discharge Scabs
Fellows Who Helped to Deport Union Men
to Be Dismissed By Mine Bosses.
Staff Correspondent Appeal to Reason.

Colorado Mine Owners Ass by Ryan Walker, AtR, Jul 30, 1904

Denver, Colo., June 7.-I just returned from my trip to the Cripple Creek district this morning. Conditions commercially in that community are really worse than were pictured in this week’s Appeal. The howls from the business men are loud and long. On every street corner groups of men gather and discuss the situation and outlook. In the restaurant conversationalists openly threw off the mask and spoke their mind. They cannot sell their possessions and they have no place to which they can go. They are barred from all other western mining camps-and they dislike to return east and take chances with the unemployed. Where I stayed at night-and I changed rooming houses every night-the men about the stove talked hard times, cursed their luck and admitted their folly in helping the Mine Owners’ association drive the Western Federation from the district.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mine Owners of Cripple Creek Prepare to Replace Scabs with Imported Labor”