Hellraisers Journal: Mrs. Langdon Reports on the Torture and Deportation of A. G. Leduc of the Western Federation of Miners


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III————————-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday September 1, 1904
Cripple Creek District, Colorado – The Torture and Deportation of A. G. Leduc

DRWG Siberia CO Citizens Alliance, AtR p1, June 25, 1904

Terror still reigns against union miners and union sympathizers in the Cripple Creek Strike Zone of Colorado. Mrs. Emma Langdon, of Victor, Colorado, reports from the Cripple Creek Strike zone:

The Inter-state Mercantile Company is seeking relief through the federal courts from mob terror. This company operates the stores which assist the striking miners and their families, and, being run by an out-of-state company, they are able to take their case into the federal courts.

State wide pressure placed upon Governor Peabody forced the executive of the state to offer state troops to the Sheriff of Teller County in order to quell the violence of the white-cappers [Citizens Alliance]. This offer was rejected by Sheriff Bell, the sheriff chosen by the white-cappers to replace Sheriff Robertson who was deemed too sympathetic to the W. F. of M. and was forced to resign or be hanged.

Sheriff Bell has now arrested a member of the clergy, Rev. Leland, who is considered too friendly to the union cause.

And finally Mrs. Langdon reports on the case of A. G. Leduc, member of the Western Federation of Miners. Leduc was kidnapped by the white-cappers, beaten, terrorized and driven from the his home and family. He was able to make his way to Denver, but his condition is serious.


Interstate Mercantile Company Appeals to Federal Court

On August 23, H. N. Heinerdinger, manager of the Inter-state Mercantile Company, which had some time previously, taken the control of the union stores of the district, applied to Judge Riner and Judge Hallett of the Federal court, first for an injunction restraining any one in the Cripple Creek district from interfering with the operations of the store; second, for damages against Teller county and certain individuals for the wrecking of the store, and third, individual suits for personal damage brought by Mr. Heinerdinger and F. J. Hall, citizens of Montana, who purchased and owned the store in Cripple Creek.

The Mercantile Company applied for the aid of the Federal court because it was a corporation organized under the laws of Montana, which made it a citizen of another state than Colorado. It was the diversity of citizenship between the company and the defendants which gave the Federal court jurisdiction to act. Most of the other deported men being citizens of Colorado as well as the deporters, the Federal court could not act for them.

Governor Offers Troops

[With citizens of the state becoming more disturbed over the outrages perpetrated on citizens in Cripple Creek], the governor, in order to make it appear that he would make an effort to maintain law, sent the following communication to Sheriff Bell, of Teller county:

State of Colorado, Executive Chamber,
Denver, Colo., Aug. 27, 1904.
Hon. Edward Bell, Sheriff of Teller County, Cripple Creek, Colorado:

Sir—Upon Saturday, the 21st inst., there was assembled in Teller county a disorderly mob of men. This mob destroyed private property and maltreated and drove from the county a number of citizens and other persons.

Teller county has been a source of much anxiety to my administration. Order has been restored there at great expense to the state, and the militia, after a protracted service, rendered with the single purpose of making life and property secure, had only recently been withdrawn.

Your county had been freed, as I hoped, from criminal disturbers of the peace; the civil offices of your county are now filled, as I am informed, by incumbents who desire to extend to all citizens the full protection of the law. I recalled the troops because I believed and was informed that your community was once more safe in the hands of such officers. If I am right in so believing, there should be no occasion for lawless outbursts such as that of Saturday last.

I am recently informed that a similar mob of men have in contemplation another and still further outrage. I am convinced that you, as sheriff, having the full sympathy and support of the civil authorities, can and should maintain peace and lawful order. I therefore desire to say that should you not be able, with the means at your disposal, to successfully cope with the situation and maintain law and order in Teller county, I am ready to again place at your disposal the militia of this state.

Our paramount duty at this and at all times is to uphold the law and its safeguards, without distinction of interests or of individuals.

I will thank you for an early reply, and am, respectfully yours,

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mrs. Langdon Reports on the Torture and Deportation of A. G. Leduc of the Western Federation of Miners”

Hellraisers Journal: General Bell Blames Socialist and WFM for Troubles in Colorado as Terror Continues Against Strikers and the Victor Daily Record Is Destroyed


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 18, 1904
Cripple Creek District, Colorado – Terror Continues Against Union Miners

From The Indianapolis News of June 13, 1904:



General Sherman Bell, Huntington IN Dly Ns Dem p2, June 11, 1904

CRIPPLE CREEK, June 13.-Gen. Sherman Bell has given out a statement concerning his action in deporting strikers and the causes leading up to the same. He attributes the recent troubles growing out of the miners’ strike, and the strike itself to the Socialist element in the Western Federation of Miners, which, he says, captured the organization two years ago. He declares that the federation has made unionism a secondary consideration, and the organization, root and branch, is being made a vehicle for the promotion of socialism. The leaders, he asserts, have not hesitated to cause “weak and willing members to commit any crime to strike terror to property owners or working men who refuse to abide their dictates.” The murder of non-union men by blowing up the Independence station, he charges, was “perpetrated with the aid and advice of federation leaders and by men in their employ.” The only hope for peace and security of life and property was “to exterminate the federation from the camp.”

General Bell and staff attended church yesterday and transacted no business, except what was absolutely necessary. Another party of 100 deported miners left Victor to-day, their destination being either New Mexico or Utah. The saloons of the district were opened to-day for the first time in a week.

Practically all the large mines in this district which closed down last Monday, after the explosion at Independence, were working to-day. The Portland mine has not yet been reopened and the company has not announced its plans.


An Appeal to Gompers.

KANSAS CITY. June 13.-The Industrial Council of this city, which claims to represent 25,000 union members, adopted resolutions [yesterday] asking President Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor, to call a meeting of the executive board of that  organization for the purpose of devising means to settle the Colorado labor troubles. Telegrams were sent to President Roosevelt asking him to investigate and to Governor Peabody, condemning his actions by the orders of the Industrial Council. Mother Jones addressed the meeting.


Miners Remain at Holly.

HOLLY, Colo., June 13.-Ten of the deported miners from Cripple Creek left here at midnight Saturday for La Junta, Pueblo and Denver. The remainder are staying in town. They have paid cash for their meals and lodging and made purchases at stores. It is probable that a considerable number of the exiles will go into the country to seek work on the ranches


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: General Bell Blames Socialist and WFM for Troubles in Colorado as Terror Continues Against Strikers and the Victor Daily Record Is Destroyed”

Hellraisers Journal: Union Miners Deported from Cripple Creek District, Dumped at Alkali Sand Dunes Without Food or Water


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 17, 1904
Cripple Creek District, Colorado – Union Miners Deported to Kansas State Line

Cripple Creek District Striking Miners Deported to KS State Line, Rastall p88, 1908

From the Huntington, Indiana, Daily News-Democrat of June 11, 1904:


Men will Probably be Taken to Kansas State Line
-Will Not Be Permitted to Land In Colorado Cities.

Colorado Springs, Col., June 11-Acting under the orders of Adjt. Gen. Sherman Bell, of the state national guard, a special train was made up shortly after noon Friday [June 10th] in the Short Line yards at Victor for the deportation of 76 union miners. The train was composed of a combination baggage car and two day coaches. Almost immediately the work of loading the men began. They were marched to the train between heavy lines of military and deputies. A crowd of fully 1,000 people had collected to see the men placed on board. Among the spectators were wives and sisters, fathers and mothers of the deported men, and the scenes were very affecting.

Mayor Harris of this city, had been apprised of the decision to deport the men, and immediately took steps to see that none of them landed in Colorado Springs. Under his instructions a large force of officers and deputy sheriffs met the special train at 6:10 p. m. for that purpose. No attempt was made, however, to unload the men here, arrangements having previously been made to send them to Kansas state line, over the Santa Fe, because of protests made against taking them to Pueblo or Denver and leaving them there.

Kansans Indignant.

Syracuse, Kan., June 11.-Sheriff Brady of this county received a telegram from Sheriff Barr, of La Junta, Col., stating that a special train, carrying 140 deported miners from Colorado, would reach Coolidge and unload the miners in Kansas. Citizens of this county are indignant at this proceeding of the Colorado authorities, and an appeal has been made to Gov. Bailey to prevent Colorado from dumping her alleged undesirable citizens into Kansas.

Will Soon Be Rid of Agitators.

Cripple Creek, Col., June 11.-The woman’s auxiliary of the miners’ union has been forbidden by the military authorities to hold meetings.

“Within 48 hours this district will be rid of all agitators and other objectionable men.” said Gen. Bell, Friday. “One deportation after another will be made until none of the men who have terrorized the district so long will be left here”

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Union Miners Deported from Cripple Creek District, Dumped at Alkali Sand Dunes Without Food or Water”

Hellraisers Journal: R. E. Croskey of Cripple Creek: “I Do Not Fear the Bull Pen…It Is a Part of My Duty to Go There, and I Shall.”


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday December 10, 1903
Denver, Colorado – R. E. Croskey Interviewed, Does Not Fear Bullpen

From The Denver Post of December 9, 1903:

RE Croskey Ready for CO Bullpen, RMN p8, Dec 9, 1903, EFL p190, 1904

[Photograph of Croskey added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: R. E. Croskey of Cripple Creek: “I Do Not Fear the Bull Pen…It Is a Part of My Duty to Go There, and I Shall.””