Hellraisers Journal – Thursday August 10, 1922
U. S. Department of Labor Report States 610,000 Coal Miner Now on Strike
From the Duluth Labor World of August 5, 1922:
Department of Labor Completes
Coal Fields Survey.
Washington, Aug. 3.-Following a survey of the coal industry, the department of labor announces that there are 610,000 miners on strike and 185,000 miners at work. Listed with the latter are 10,000 union pump men and firemen who have remained at work to keep the properties from being destroyed by water flooding the mines.
A significant part of the report is the statement that of the 13,000 Kansas miners, but 1,000 are working. This is the state it will be remembered, that prevents strikes by law. Colorado, also, has a law which outlaws strikes under certain conditions, but only 4,000 of the 19,000 miners before the strike was called are working.
Cossack-ridden Pennsylvania reports that not a man of the 155,000 anthracite miners are working, and but 20,000 of the 175,000 bituminous men are working.
Despite the terroristic policy of West Virginia coal owners, and the aid given them by the state, there are 40,000 of the 90,000 coal miners on strike.
The states that report a 100 per cent strike are: Illinois, 90,000 out; Ohio, 50,000 out; Indiana, 30,000 out; Iowa, 15,000 out; Montana, 5,000 out; Michigan, 3,000 out.
Wyoming reports 7,000 on strike while 8,000 were employed before the strike. The same situation is reported by Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and several other states.
[Photograph and emphasis added.]