Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 21, 1919
Mother Jones News for October 1919, Part II
Found in Indiana Encouraging Wives of Steel Strikers to Raise Hell
From The Muncie Morning Star of October 29, 1919:
Elwood District Quiet
Mother Jones with William Z. Foster
Harry B. Dynes, who is the state representative at Elwood, reported to the governor today that everything is going along nicely at Elwood. He said that there are many rumors, but little trouble. Mother Jones spoke there last night, but according to Mr. Dynes, “even the strikers were disgusted with her line of talk.”
Mr. Dynes sent the Governor quotations from her speech. The report said that she declared “this industrial war must be fought to a finish” and that she advised the women “to raise hell.”
[In fact Mother was loudly applauded by her audience, see below.]
[Photograph added.]
From the Mount Carmel Item of October 16, 1919:
“Mother” Jones, who took a leading part in the anthracite coal strikes here in 1900 and 1902 and is now assisting in the steel strike, will be ninety years old next May.
She made this statement to an audience of Bethlehem steel strikers in the Lyric Theatre at Allentown, where she spoke in support of the tieup.
Introduced as being a “better fighter at 83 than when she was 23,” Mrs. Jones corrected the Chairman and said that she was on the eve of four score and ten.
Approaching 90, she retains her mental and physical faculties to a remarkable degree and is as active as she was during the coal suspension before the Strike Commission put an end to labor troubles in that industry through northeastern Pennsylvania.
She has been in strikes all over the country and has been an organizer of the American Federation of Labor for nearly fifty years.
Hellraisers Journal – Friday August 15, 1919
Mother Jones News for July 1919, Part I
-“We have got to march on with the great army of the world…”
From the Coffeyville (Kansas) Union Advocate of July 17, 1919:
Different Sentiment Prevails in Many
Communities Than Did Few Years Ago.
(From the International Oil Worker)
The following letter from Mother Jones to Brother Paul A. Numan, secretary of Taft Local No. 6, was read before the local June 17, and as it contains so much of interest to all organized workers, a request was made that it appear in this issue of the International Oil Worker. We are more than glad to give it space. The letter follows:
Charleston, W. Va.,
June 11, 1919
Mr. Paul Numan,
P.O. Box 97
Taft, California
My Dear Brother Numan:
I have not heard from you for a long time. I thought I would drop you a few lines today to let you know how we were moving in this country. The thirteenth of last month [May 30, 1919] I attended a great demonstration in Fairmont, W. Va. There were some 12,000 miners in a parade with their band-a number of them were soldiers returning from the front. They marched through the city of Fairmount, returned to Watson, and held their picnic with their families. It was the first time in history that such a thing took place. One year ago if you wanted to go into those mining camps a gunman would held you up and ask you what your business was. Today the gunmen are gone, the men are thoroughly organized and they live in a most wonderful progress. It must be now a method of education if we put through in order to let them know their power and how to use it.
There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday January 5, 1919
Everett, Washington – Trades Council to Send Delegate to Chicago
From the Everett Labor Journal of January 3, 1919:
Big Meeting of Trades Unionists Last Wednesday
Night at Red Men’s Wigwam.
Wednesday, January 1, 1919.
The Council was called to order at the usual time by President Gulley.
The Trades Council, having invited the membership of the several trades unions in the city to meet with it a larger hall was necessary and the Red Men’s Hall was secured for the occasion.
Members of nearly all the unions were in attendance and a large meeting was the result.
There were present President Short and ex-President Marsh of the Washington State Federation of Labor, which added zest to the meeting.
Bro. Short addressed the meeting briefly, calling special attention to conditions existing in California growing out of the Mooney case and then discussed the subject of reconstruction. He said the nation had entered the war in a state of unpreparedness and had “made good” in helping to destroy autocracy, but was now confronted by as serious a problem in the reconstruction made necessary by changed conditions. This new problem would tax the deepest thought of the greatest minds in the country and its solution would require all the wisdom, and experience of the people. Relating to the proposed strike in defense of Mooney and his co-defendants he said it was ill-advised. It lacked organization as to its national significance. If there should be a strike it should be confined to the State of California where the trouble lay. Industrially and politically California was so strongly organized by the corporation employers of labor that united effort must be put forth to crush that opposition to the welfare of the workers.
California was the offender and to California should be applied |the drastic remedy implied by a general strike. If a nation-wide strike were necessary there must needs be nation-wide preparation for it if success in the use of this last weapon of labor’s defense be made successful…..