Hellraisers Journal – Monday July 12, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for June 1909, Part I:
-Meets with President Taft on Behalf of Mexican Refugees
From Oakland Tribune of June 24, 1909:
Hellraisers Journal – Monday July 12, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for June 1909, Part I:
-Meets with President Taft on Behalf of Mexican Refugees
From Oakland Tribune of June 24, 1909:
Hellraisers Journal – Monday April 14, 1919
Chicago, Illinois – Bail Granted to I. W. W. Class-War Prisoners
From New Solidarity of April 12, 1919:
Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 14, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for November 1908
Found in Kansas: “Pioneer Socialist woman in the revolutionary movement…”
During the early days of November, we found Mother Jones* assisting the Kansas Comrades to wind up the 1908 election campaign on behalf of the Socialist Party. The Coffeyville Daily Journal described her speech in Coffeyville:
One of the most powerful Socialist lectures ever delivered in Coffeyville was given in the Coliseum Saturday night. “Mother Jones,” the pioneer Socialist woman in the revolutionary movement, was the orator. A large number of people were out to hear the speech on economics, despite the counter attractions.
“Mother” Jones has been trying to improve the industrial conditions of the working class for nearly four decades. She has particularly devoted her energies along the line of unionism. For nearly a score of years before the Socialists put out a ticket in this country she was going from coast to coast talking unionism to the wage workers. This she is still doing but her scope of work is now much larger than before she embraced international scientific Socialism. She is not only assisting in liberating those who work for wages but she is equally intent on emancipating the entire human race.
The Appeal to Reason credited her contribution:
Mother Jones lined up a great crowd of miners at Weir and Chicopee.
In Parsons:
“Mother” Jones, noted Socialist, spoke to a good sized audience at Edward’s opera house on Sunday afternoon [November 1st].
By November 20th, we found Mother back in Chicago where Clarence S. Darrow and Peter Sissman were part of the legal team engaged in a desperate fight to prevent the Russian Government from extraditing Christian Rudowitz, Russian revolutionist. Describing the court scene, the New York Sun stated:
Mother Jones and several other Socialists were also there.
I want to say to this jury that
before Harry Orchard got religion
he was bad enough,
but it remained to religion
to make him totally depraved.
-Clarence Darrow
Hellraisers Journal, Monday March 23, 1908
Caldwell, Idaho – Judge Wood “Positively Believes Orchard”
From the Boise Idaho Daily Statesman of March 19, 1908:
ON FRIDAY, MAY 15“I am more than satisfied that the defendant now at the bar of this court awaiting final sentence has not only acted in good faith in making the disclosures that he did, but that he also testified fully and fairly to the whole truth, withholding nothing that was material, and declaring nothing which had not actually taken place.”-From Judge Wood’s Address.
Positively Believes Orchard Told the
Truth Fully, Unreservedly.
Hellraisers Journal, Saturday February 8, 1908
From Wilshire’s Magazine: Photographs from the Haywood Trial
Following the sad news of the untimely death of Margherita Arlina Hamm, who, with her husband John R. McMahon, covered the trial of William D. Haywood in Boise for Wilshire’s Magazine, we took another look at the fine articles written by this husband-wife team and published in Wilshire’s from June until August of 1907. Those articles were accompanied by several photographs, some not found elsewhere, and those photographs we are happy to republish today.
From Wilshire’s Magazine of June 1907:
John R. McMahon-
From Wilshire’s Magazine of July 1907:
Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Photographs from Wilshire’s Magazine from Coverage of the Haywood Trial”
Hellraisers Journal, Sunday January 12, 1908
Los Angeles, California – Pettibone On Labor Spies and Frame-Ups
From the Los Angeles Herald of January 11, 1908:
Man Accused of Complicity in Assassination
of Former Governor Steunenberg Gives
Interesting Opinions
Weak from long confinement in the jail at Boise, Idaho, where he was held a prisoner on a charge of complicity in the assassination oE former Governor Steunenberg, George A. Pettibone has arrived in Los Angeles and is staying at the Touraine apartments, 447 South Hope street.
In company with his wife, Mr. Pettibone contemplates making Los Angeles his permanent home. His trial attracted attention wherever the words “labor union” are known.
He spoke heatedly of the efforts which were made to connect him with the murder of Steunenberg.
[He said:]
False testimony concocted by Pinkerton agents was responsible for the arrest of William D. Haywood, Charles H. Moyer and myself and the sole purpose of their efforts was to give them an opening wedge so that they could retain their official position as agents of the Mine Owners’ association.
Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday January 8, 1908
Boise, Idaho – George Pettibone Finally Freed from Behind Bars
After almost two years of confinement George Pettibone is finally a free man. He was found “not guilty” of the murder of ex-Governor Steunenberg on Saturday, January 4th. Following the acquittal of Pettibone, the case against Charles Moyer was dismissed. The rejoicing over this welcomed news, however, is muted by the realization that Mr. Pettibone leaves his prison cell seriously ill and may not live long enough to enjoy his newfound freedom.
From the Globe Daily Arizona Silver Belt of January 5, 1908:
BOISE, Idaho, January 4.-The end of the prosecution of the men charged with the murder of ex-Governor Frank Steunenberg, except the cases of Harry Orchard and Jack Simpkins, came today with the acquittal of George A. Pettibone.
Charles H. Moyer, president of the Western Federation, was formally released this afternoon and will return with Pettibone in a few days to Denver.
The case of Orchard is in the hands of Prosecuting Attorney Van Duyin of Canyon county. No statement of further procedure in the case has been made, but it will be called during the next session of the court at Caldwell, when it will probably be finally disposed of.
To advocate peace with things as they are
is treason to humanity.
This is a class struggle and on class lines
it must be fought out to a finish.
-Ida Crouch-Hazlett
Hellraisers Journal, Sunday December 29, 1907
Boise, Idaho – With George Pettibone in Ada County Jail
From the Socialist Montana New of December 26, 1907:
Editor Ida Crouch-Hazlett describes visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Pettibone-
In Pettibone’s Cell.
Saturday afternoon [December 14th] after the court session was over I went down to see Pettibone to get his picture for several of the papers I was correspondent for. He was lying on a cot, seemingly wearied after the demands of the day. His wife was sitting by him. The watchfulness of the sheriff’s office has been wonderfully relaxed since the Haywood trial. At that time visitors could hardly gain admission to the accused, and when they were allowed in the cell, a guard was in constant attendance at every conversation. Now, upon a simple request you are shown into the main room. There are no guards, the door is unlocked and the iron door not closed at all. Half a dozen of us were in this large room at the same time with no officials present whatever.
Pettibone, although looking ill and worn and wasted is still full of his quips and gibes. It is wonderful the way these men have stood this awful confinement.
Darker and more strenuous days than these though are before the working class before it comes into its own.
Ida Crouch-Hazlett.
Hellraisers Journal, Friday December 6, 1907
Idaho and Nevada – Western Federation of Miners on the Firing Line
Through their ownership of state and federal government power, the Mine Owners carry on their battle against the Western Federation of Miners. The Socialist Montana News of December 5th reports:
Boise, Idaho, Dec. 1.—Sheriff Shad Hodgins and force of deputies yesterday completed the serving of summons on the talesmen for the special venire of 100, to respond for service when the Pettibone trial is resumed Monday morning at 10 o’clock.
During the day yesterday the eleven talesmen now in the custody of the bailiffs awaiting the opening of court Monday, informally reported at the court house and to the court. They were given magazines, papers and reading matter, all of which had been censored relative to anything concerning the trial, after which they returned to the quarters at 612 Bannock street where they enjoyed a session of news, fiction and romantic. In the afternoon they took a long walk out beyond the Boise barracks returning just before the supper hour.
Attorney W. E. Stone of counsel for the state was appointed by the court to censor the reading matter that is to go to the jury during the trial and Leon Whitsell for the defense.
The defendant’s health is still very poor and he is barely able to climb the two flights of stairs to the court room. He continues to give assurances however, that he will be able to sit through the trial.
The elimination of testimony in regard to the Colorado labor war, which was stricken out by Judge Wood in the Haywood trial, will mean the saving of much time, and it is believed that the taking of testimony will not require over four weeks.
Hellraisers Journal, Saturday November 30, 1907
Rathdrum, Idaho – Jury Fails to Convict Steve Adams
The second trial of Steve Adams for the murder of Fred Tyler has ended with a second jury hung. Ida Crouch-Hazlett reports the trial’s outcome in the November 28th edition of the Socialist Montana News:
Rathdrum Ida., Nov. 24.
The jury in the Steve Adams case disagreed to-night at 5:45 after being out 21 hours. The case was given to the jury last night at 8.30. The result was 8 for acquittal and 4 for conviction. Gorwood, House Dittemore and Varnim were the men that hung out for conviction. Varnim leading the fight against Adams.
Papers were on hand to rearrest Adams in case of an acquittal and take him in one case to Telluride, Col., to be tied for the murder of Arthur Collin, and in the other to Wallace to be tried for the murder of Boulier, a notorious claim jumper and land stealer.
Adams was indicted last week in Telluride for killing Arthur Collins, the superintendent of the Smuggle Union mine, who was shot through a window.
It is said to-night, however, that Adams is to be retried on the Tyler charge, and will be held here at Rathdrum till the next term of court.
The intention is evidently to pursue Adams to the utmost, to break down his constitution and will if possible, and use him as a means to break down the Federation. The policy of the capitalist prosecution is to exhaust the treasuries of the unions through continuous attacks by the courts.
Pettibone’s trial at Boise has been postponed till Friday, Nov. 29.
Ida Crouch-Hazlett.