Hellraisers Journal: From International Socialist Review: “Outlook for Socialism” by Eugene Victor Debs, Part I


Quote EVD Socialism Portends to Capitalist, ISR p131, Sept 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday September 3, 1900
“Outlook for Socialism in the United States” by Eugene V. Debs

From the International Socialist Review of September 1900:

OutLook for Socialism by EVD, ISR p129, Sept 1900
[Part I of II

-by Eugene Debs, Social Democratic Party’s Candidate for President.]

SDP Campaign, EVD n Job Harriman, SF Call p2, Mar 9, 1900

The sun of the passing century is setting upon scenes of extraordinary activity in almost every part of our capitalistic old planet. Wars and rumors of wars are of universal prevalence. In the Philippines our soldiers are civilizing and Christianizing the natives in the latest and most approved styles of the art, and at prices ($13 per month) which command the blessing to the prayerful consideration of the lowly and oppressed everywhere.

In South Africa the British legions are overwhelming the Boers with volleys of benedictions inspired by the same beautiful philanthropy in the name of the meek and lowly Nazarene; while in China the heathen hordes, fanned into frenzy by the sordid spirit of modern commercial conquest, are presenting to the world a carnival of crime almost equaling the “refined” exhibitions of the world’s “civilized” nations.

And through all the flame and furore of the fray can be heard the savage snarlings of the Christian “dogs of war” as they fiercely glare about them, and with jealous fury threaten to fly at one another’s throats to settle the question of supremacy and the spoil and plunder of conquest.

The picture, lurid as a chamber of horrors, becomes complete in its gruesome ghastliness when robed ministers of Christ solemnly declare that it is all for the glory of God and the advancement of Christian civilization.

This, then, is the closing scene of the century as the curtain slowly descends upon the blood-stained stage—the central figure, the pious Wilhelm, Germany’s sceptered savage, issuing his imperial “spare none” decree in the snag froid of an Apache chief—a fitting climax to the rapacious regime of the capitalist system.

Cheerless indeed would be the contemplation of such sanguinary scenes were the light of Socialism not breaking upon mankind. The skies of the East are even now aglow with the dawn; its coming is heralded by the dispelling of shadows, of darkness and gloom. From the first tremulous scintillation that guilds the horizon to the sublime march to meridian splendor the light increases till in mighty flood it pours upon the world.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From International Socialist Review: “Outlook for Socialism” by Eugene Victor Debs, Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: Mass Meeting Held at Seattle’s Dreamland Park; Remarkable Solidarity Between Rival Unionists


Hold the fort for we are coming.
Union men, be strong!
Side by side we battle onward;
Victory will come.


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday November 22, 1916
Seattle, Washington – Solidarity! A. F. of L. Stands by I. W. W.

This past Sunday there was a demonstration of remarkable solidarity when the Central Labor Council of Seattle (A. F. of L.) joined together with the Industrial Workers of the World to demand justice for those killed in the murderous assault upon the Verona as it attempted to land in Everett on November 5th. The ship, on that day, was carrying members of the I. W. W. whose only crime was that they were about to attend a Free Speech Meeting planned for that afternoon. The Wobblies soon learned that the sentence for practicing Free Speech in the city of Everett, Washington, is Death.

The Seattle Star of November 20th reported that this was “the largest mass meeting ever held in Dreamland pavilion:”

Everett Massacre Dreamland Mtg 11/19, Stt Str, Nov 20, 1916, p1a
Everett Massacre Dreamland Mtg 11/19, Stt Str, Nov 20, 1916, p1b

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mass Meeting Held at Seattle’s Dreamland Park; Remarkable Solidarity Between Rival Unionists”

Hellraisers Journal: Seattle’s Kept Press on IWW “Song of Hate” & Joe Hill Memorial Edition of Songbook


My body? Oh, if I could choose,
I would to ashes to reduce
And let the merry breezes blow,
My dust to where some flowers grow.

Perhaps some fading flowers then
Would come to live and bloom again.
This is my last and final will,
Good luck to all of you,
-Joe Hill


Hellraisers Journal: Friday November 17, 1916
Seattle, Washington – “Christians at War,” a Blasphemous Song?

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer makes clear that the I. W. W. song, “Christians at War,” is blasphemous song and a “song of hate.” The “Intelligencer” warns that the song is found in the I. W. W. Songbook dedicated as the “Joe Hill Memorial Edition” and goes on to describe Fellow Worker Hill as “an I. W. W. sympathizer.” We proudly point out that Joe Hill was a card-carrying member of the Industrial Workers of the World. FW Hill was a world-famous songwriter, a poet, an artist, and a true blue rebel, dedicated to the principles of the One Big Union of all the workers.


From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer of November 15, 1916:

IWW "Hymn of Hate", Stt P-I, Nov 15, 1916 (UW 100)
1-Front cover of the I. W. W. Book of Songs, containing the “Hymn of Hate” and other seditious [?] verse. The volume is inscribed “Joe Hill Memorial Edition,” The “Joe Hill” being the notorious Joseph Hillstrom, an I. W. W. sympathizer who was executed in Utah for cold-blooded murder. The I. W. W. sought at the last moment to prove as alibi for the murderer, but the [attempt failed?]. Spry [Governor of Utah] declined to interfere, and the verdict of the jury and the sentence of the court was carried out. This I. W. W. book of songs is sold [?] in the Seattle local and wherever the organization is allowed to exist.
2-“Christians at War, “ a blasphemous song set to the music of “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” which was sung by the Seattle I. W. W. when they invaded Everett and fought the battle that resulted in six deaths, Sunday, November 5.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Seattle’s Kept Press on IWW “Song of Hate” & Joe Hill Memorial Edition of Songbook”

Hellraisers Journal: Preparedness Logic by Boardman Robinson & Carl Sandburg on War


Onward, Christian soldiers! Rip and tear and smite!
Let the gentle Jesus bless your dynamite.
Splinter skulls with shrapnel, fertilize the sod;
Folks who do not speak your tongue deserve the curse of God.


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday September 19, 1916
Views on Preparedness and War from Robinson and Sandburg

From this month’s edition of The Masses:

Preparedness Logic, B Robinson, Masses, Sept 1916

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Preparedness Logic by Boardman Robinson & Carl Sandburg on War”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Masses: Boardman Robinson on the Execution of “The Deserter”


Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
-Fellow Worker Jesus of Nazareth,

Sunday July 23, 1916
From The Masses: A Drawing on the Fate of The Peacemaker

The Masses, The Deserter, Jesus Christ, by B Robinson, July 1916


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Masses: Boardman Robinson on the Execution of “The Deserter””