Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for November 1900, Part III: Found Speaking on Christianity and Anarchy in Vandling, PA


Quote Mother Jones, Live f Justice n Love, Carbondale Dly Ns p2, Nov 24, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday December 19, 1900
Mother Jones News Round-Up for November 1900, Part III
Found in Giving Ringing Speech to Large Audience in Vandling, PA

From the Carbondale Leader of November 24, 1900:

Mother Jones Speaks Vandling PA, Cdale Dly Ns p2, Nov 24, 1900

Mother Jones, Scranton Tx p1, Oct 13, 1900

Mother Mary Jones was given a rousing reception in Vandling last night. The famous female friend of the miners came to this city on the 3 o’clock train and was met at the station by a number of people. Early in the evening she went to Vandling. Quite a number of Carbondalians went up to hear her. So large was the crowd which wished to attend the lecture, it was found that Mr. Closkey’s hall would not accommodate all. Rev. Clarke and the trustees of the Methodist church kindly offered its use and this large edifice was filled to overflowing. The audience was an attentive one and for over two hours and a quarter Mother Jones held the listeners’ close attention. She is a woman of about sixty-five and her hair is very white. She speaks in a very straight forward positive manner leaving no doubt as to the meaning of what she says. With “Mother” Jones there were on the platform Thomas Davis, J. Johns and Rev. Mr. Clarke.


“Mother” Jones began by scoring the Wall street men whom she characterized as a lot of idling robbers. Then she cut into the coal operators. She told an incident where to save a piece of wood valued at two and one-half cents the corporation sacrificed a mans life. That was held of less value than a piece of wood. In part the speaker said:

We believe we live in a Christian nation and yet why do we take our children from the school and put them in the mills and breakers. The Christian church never murdered. Christianity means the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God; it means that all men should be fed; it means that our schools should be populated. But look at the vile language the children learn in mill and factory. Look, and see what the coming generation will be. You and I will have to render an account for our life’s work here below. How can you expect justice then if you wont give it now.

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Hellraisers Journal: From The One Big Union Monthly: “Hypocrites” -by Ammon A. Hennacy, from Atlanta Federal Prison


Quote Ammon Hennacy, Book of Ammon p136, 1964———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday November 17, 1920
“Hypocrites” by Ammon Hennacy, Written in the Hole at Atlanta Prison

From The One Big Union Monthly of November 1920:

Hypocrites by Ammon A. Hennacy, OBU Mly p35, Nov 1920

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Hellraisers Journal: Letter to New York Call from Atlanta Penitentiary Describes Two American Political Prisoners


Quote Ammon Hennacy, Love Courage Wisdom, Bk of Ammon


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday March 30, 1918
From The New York Call: A Letter from the Atlanta Pen

New York Call, March 21, 1918

The New York Call on March 24th published a letter written by Ammon A. Hennesey who, having been convicted of distributing literature against the draft, is now serving a two-year sentence at the Atlanta Federal Prison. Hennesey began serving his sentence on July 31, 1917. He hales from Columbus, Ohio, and is described as an “Irish America Socialist.”

Imprisoned with Hennesey is John T. Dunn, a Socialist from Providence, Rhode Island, who was sentenced to twenty years having been convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917.

Described also is William V. McCoy, a “Virginia mountaineer” from big Stone Gap, West Virginia who was convicted of conspiring to seize U.S. property and oppose the government. McCoy was sentenced to five years in prison and began serving his sentence on August 17, 1917. Despite the fact that he is sixty-one years old Mr. McCoy was sent to “the hole” in January and remains there at this time.

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