Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 9, 1901
Mother Jones News Round-Up for November 1901, Part I
Found at State Miners’ Convention in Huntington, West Virginia
From The Indianapolis Journal of November 1, 1901:
Urges Miners to Resort to Arms if Necessary to Win.
HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Oct. 31.-Twenty-five of the officials and organizers of the United Mine Workers of America attended the first day’s session of the State miners,’ convention here to-day. The presence of John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers, Vice President Lewis, Secretary-treasurer Wilson and others of prominence made the meeting one of more than ordinary importance. The convention consists of more than 150 union miners from Virginia and West Virginia. A permanent organization was effected during the forenoon session and the usual committees were appointed.
The afternoon was spent in hearing the reports from the various delegates as to the condition of the order in their respective territories. There were no transactions of importance, and the day ended with a mass meeting to-night which was addressed by Vice President T. L. Lewis, of the national organization. “Mother” Jones and Organizer and Secretary-treasurer W. B. Wilson, “Mother” Jones advised the miners to go home and resort to arms, if necessary, to accomplish their purpose.
[Photograph added.]