Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason: Mother Jones, Miners’ Angel, Found in Heaven Wearing the Biggest Crown of All


Quote Mother Jones, Union Card n Pious Christian, Shenandoah Eve Hld p1, Aug 27, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday May 20, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1911
Dreamer Finds Mother Jones in Heaven Wearing Biggest Crown of All

From the Appeal to Reason of April 1, 1911
-page 3, Kansas & Oklahoma edition:



Comrade Lee, of Oklahoma City, sends in a list of subs. He says that he had a dream not long ago and found himself, much to his surprise, in heaven. The first person he saw was Mother Jones, who was wearing the biggest crown in the bunch.

Mother Jones, Miners’ Angel

Mother Jones by Bertha Howell (Mrs Mailly), ab 1902

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason: Mother Jones, Miners’ Angel, Found in Heaven Wearing the Biggest Crown of All”

Hellraisers Journal: Fifteen Years Since 1886, Chicago Tribune Reports May Day Strikes for Eight-Hour Day in Many Cities


Quote Albert Parsons, Chicago, Nov 11, Alarm p1, Nov 19, 1887—————

Hellraisers Journal Thursday May 2, 1901
Fifteen Years Since May Day 1886, Nation’s Workers Strike for Eight-Hour Day

Albert and Lucy Parsons, Leaders in Chicago during
1886 Nationwide May Day Strike for  Eight-Hour Day:

Albert n Lucy Parsons, Essex Co Hld p1, Nov 18, 1887, Rck Isl Dly Arg p2, Mar 10, 1887

From The Chicago Daily Tribune of May 2, 1901:

May Day Marked by Walkout of
Union Men of Varied Crafts.

Building Trades Most Affected, the Employes
Demanding Increases in Pay.


May day strikes of union workers in all parts of the country were numerous, yesterday, although there was no general walkout in any line of skilled labor. In nearly all cases the points at issue were local differences respecting hours or wages. The eight-hour and Saturday half holiday movements showed gains in strength, many unions insisting that the shorter day be granted at once. The one strike most menacing is that of the machinists at Buffalo, N. Y., where a 9-hour day with no decrease in pay was demanded. It is claimed that this fight will be taken up by the local organizations throughout the United States, Canada. and Mexico, and that a general walkout is likely on May 20.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Fifteen Years Since 1886, Chicago Tribune Reports May Day Strikes for Eight-Hour Day in Many Cities”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for February 1911, Part II: Found in Report of Socialist Party’s Investigating Committee


Quote Mother Jones, Greensburg PA Cmas 1910, Steel 2, p83———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 20, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1911, Part II:
–Found in Report of Socialist Party’s Investigating Committee

From The Socialist Party Official Bulletin:

Socialist Party Official Bulletin, SPA, Feb 1911

Report of the Investigating Committee-
Sub-Committee of the National Committee

Report of SPA Investigating Com re Charges by Mother Jones et al, Nat HQ Chg Feb 28, 1911

As to charges of dishonesty, brought by Comrade Mother Jones against Comrade J. Mahlon Barnes, through Attorney Thomas J. Morgan, the Investigating Committee found that:

[W]hen the alleged claim was placed in the hands of Thomas J. Morgan there was, in fact, nothing due Mother Jones; that the debt had been paid in full, and that the subsequent payment of $200 to Morgan was made under duress.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for February 1911, Part II: Found in Report of Socialist Party’s Investigating Committee”

Hellraisers Journal: Newly Compiled: Socialist Songs with Music, from Charles H. Kerr & Company of Chicago, Illinois


Quote Charles H Kerr, Tramp, Sc Songs w Music No 27, Feb 15, 1901———–

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 23, 1901
New Socialist Songbook from Charles H. Kerr of Chicago

Socialist Songs with Music, Compiled by Charles H Kerr
 -from Library of Progress Quarterly, No. 37, February 15, 1901

Sc Songs w Music, ed by CH Kerr, Title Page, Feb 15, 1901


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Newly Compiled: Socialist Songs with Music, from Charles H. Kerr & Company of Chicago, Illinois”

Hellraisers Journal: Agnes Nestor Speaks on Behalf of Chicago Garment Strikers at United Mine Workers’ Convention


Quote UMWA, re Chg Police v Garment Strikers, Columbus UMWC, Jan 25, 1911———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday January 25, 1911
Miss Agnes Nestor Speaks on Behalf of Chicago Garment Strikers

Columbus, Ohio-Convention of United Mine Workers of America
 -Monday January 23, 1911, Sixth Day-Afternoon Session

Agnes Nestor, Everybodys Magazine p 801, Dec 1908

President Lewis stated that Miss Agnes Nestor of Chicago was in the convention and desired to address the delegates in behalf of the striking garment workers in that city.

President Lewis stated that Miss Nestor had credentials from the Chicago Federation of Labor and the Woman’s Trade Union League.

Delegate Walker, District 12

I move that an invitation be extended to Miss Agnes Nestor to address the convention. (Seconded and carried by unanimous vote.)

President Lewis-

I take pleasure in introducing the young lady spoken of in the credentials received from Chicago. Miss Nestor will address the convention in behalf of the striking garment workers in that city.

Miss Agnes Nestor

Mr. Chairman and Delegates to this Convention: I am here to tell you something about the garment workers’ strike now going on in Chicago and to make an appeal for funds. This is an extraordinary strike. It is a wonderful strike, it is a strike of unorganized workers. It began with the unorganized workers in one of the shops of Hart, Schaffner & Marx and spread to every shop of that concern and every other unorganized garment factory in Chicago until it reached 40,000 garment workers. It began the latter part of September and spread to the greatest extent in October. These people have been on strike now nearly four months.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Agnes Nestor Speaks on Behalf of Chicago Garment Strikers at United Mine Workers’ Convention”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Progressive Woman: Socialist Women of Chicago Stand With Striking Garment Workers


Rose Schneiderman Quote, Stand Together to Resist Mar 20, NY Independent p938, Apr 1905———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 12, 1911
Chicago, Illinois – Socialist Women Stand with Striking Garment Workers

From The Progressive Woman of January 1911:

Chg Garment Workers Strike, Socialist Wmn Com, Prg Wmn Cv, Jan 1911Chg Garment Workers Strike, Socialist Wmn Com Names, Prg Wmn p2, Jan 1911


The Chicago Garment Workers’ Strike


Workers of the world, unite! This is in deed the golden rule of labor—a rule that in the fullest application will give us one day a united workers’ world

Working class need is the great unifier; and so in the Chicago garment makers’ strike there stand 41,000 workers, comprising nine nationalities. The branches of the trade included are cutters, trimmers, coat makers, pants makers, vest makers and buttonhole makers. Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Progressive Woman: Socialist Women of Chicago Stand With Striking Garment Workers”

Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Fighting Garment Workers of Chicago by Robert Dvorak, Part II


Rose Schneiderman Quote, Stand Together to Resist Mar 20, NY Independent p938, Apr 1905———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday January 4, 1911
Chicago, Illinois – Garment Workers Strike Continues, Part II

From the International Socialist Review of January 1911:

Chg Garment Workers Strike Police v Strkrs crpd, ISR Cv Jan 1911


[Part II of II.]

The most admirable and contagious strike meetings were held in thirty-seven various halls in the city and money was pouring in from all parts of the country, with letters of encouragement and promise of further aid when another blow, again from union headquarters, once more nearly demoralized the strikers.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Fighting Garment Workers of Chicago by Robert Dvorak, Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Fighting Garment Workers of Chicago by Robert Dvorak, Part I


Rose Schneiderman Quote, Stand Together to Resist Mar 20, NY Independent p938, Apr 1905———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday January 3, 1911
Chicago, Illinois – Garment Workers Strike Continues, Part I

From the International Socialist Review of January 1911:

Chg Garment Workers Strike by Dvorak, Title Fighting, ISR p385, Jan 1911

[Part I of II.]

MAULED by city police, assaulted and beaten by armed, hired sluggers, shot by strike breakers and now being faced with a winter full of the horrors of cold and starvation, the striking garment workers of Chicago still remain undaunted.

Not even the best efforts of the mayor, the city council, the Chicago Federation of Labor and very influential persons, such as Raymond Robins and other “Good Samaritans” can force the “ignorant strikers” to accept meaningless but well worded terms of peace from the hard pressed renegades, Hart, Schaffner and Marx.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Fighting Garment Workers of Chicago by Robert Dvorak, Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Liberator: “Twenty Years” by Mary Heaton Vorse -Appeals at an End for Chicago IWW Case


Quote Frank Little re Guts, Wobbly by RC p208, Chg July 1917———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday January 2, 1921
Chicago, Illinois – Mary Heaton Vorse Has Supper with Convicted Fellow Workers

From The Liberator of January  1921:

Twenty Years

By Mary Heaton Vorse

WWIR, In Here For You, Ralph Chaplin, Sol Aug 4, Sept 1, 1917

RECENTLY in Chicago, after a meeting, I went to get a sandwich with a group of labor men. As I looked around the table, it came to me with a shock that I was the only person there, but one, who was not condemned to a long jail sentence. For all the people at the table were members of the Industrial Workers of the World convicted in the famous Chicago case.

Ralph Chaplin sat next to me. I had been talking only a few minutes before with his wife, a girl of extraordinary loveliness. She had not come out with us to supper because she had gone home to put her little boy of seven to bed. I had seen them standing all three together, only a half hour before.

Ralph Chaplin is a gifted idealist, a poet, as well as a man of action. His quality of uncompromising courage made me think of Jack Reed. It is upon such youth that the strength of a people is founded, men ready to suffer and with gifts to make people understand the beliefs which have stirred their hearts. And his wife is like him. It made you feel right with life to see them together. They face a 20-year sentence.

Ralph Chaplin is to be put in jail because he belonged to an industrial union, a legal organization.

Ralph Chaplin was Editor of “Solidarity.” And that is why he was given twenty years. It was a pretty bad crime for anyone to hold a red card. The talented ones were selected for 20-year sentences. Apparently Judge Landis could not bear that a man of attainments and gifts should belong to the organization of the I. W. W.

Charles Ashleigh is another poet. What had he done? He had been an I. W. W. He has a sentence of five years. He was one of those against whose sentence even Captain Lanier of the Military Intelligence protested. One wonders if the Captain had ever read the poem by his distinguished relative, called “Jacquerie.” And so Charles Ashleigh is among those who are slated for Leavenworth, where he has already spent two years.

Opposite me sat George Hardy, the. General Executive Secretary. He was one of those who got off easy. He only got a year and he has already served his sentence. No one knew exactly why some got long sentences or why some got short ones.

Bill Haywood, at the head of the table, as a matter of course was given the maximum sentence; that means a death sentence if it is carried out.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Liberator: “Twenty Years” by Mary Heaton Vorse -Appeals at an End for Chicago IWW Case”