Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs Speaks in Toledo at Mass Meeting for Moyer and Haywood

If they attempt to murder Moyer, Haywood,
and their brothers,
a million revolutionists at least will
meet them with guns.
-Eugene Debs

Sunday June 17, 1906
Toledo, Ohio – Debs Speaks for Moyer and Haywood at Mass Meeting

Eugene Debs, Wilshire's Magazine, Nov 1905
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Hellraisers Journal: Thousands Gather in Chicago to Honor FW Joe Hill and Sing His Rebel Songs

I. W. W. movement has been sealed in
the sweet blood of this poet-radical.
-Jim Larkin

Saturday November 27, 1915
Chicago, Illinois-
I. W. W. Gives FW Joe Hill a Grand Send-Off, Thousands March

Joe Hill's Funeral, Chicago, Nov 25, 1915-2, ISR of Jan 1916

A grand funeral hosted by the Industrial Workers of the World was provided for Fellow Worker Joe Hill, Working Class Martyr. Thousands gathered in the West Side Auditorium on Thanksgiving morning, November 25th. The windows of the auditorium were open and the singing within could be heard by the the thousands who filled the streets outside, extending for blocks in every direction.

After the morning’s orations were completed, a great throng of mourners followed the casket to the train which bore the remains of FW Joe Hill to Graceland Cemetery. Another funeral service took place there followed by singing which lasted late into the night.

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Hellraisers Journal: Joe Hill Honored by Friends & FWs in Salt Lake City, Sent by Train to Chicago


Gook luck to all of you,
-Joe Hill


Monday November 22, 1915
Salt Lake City, Utah-
Joe Hill Given Grand Send-off, Will Arrive in Chicago Tomorrow

Joe Hill, lgr

Fellow Worker Joe Hill, our martyred rebel songwriter, was given a grand send-off in Salt Lake City before his body was placed upon a train bound for Chicago where another grand funeral will be held in that city, headquarters of the Industrial Workers of the World. The Salt Lake City funeral was presided over by I. W. W. Local Union #69 and by Verdandi, Swedish Temperance Society.

Unfortunately, the only report of the funeral that we have on hand is from the hostile Salt Lake Tribune, one of the newspapers which so gleefully reported the Governor’s intention to drive the I. W. W. from Salt Lake immediately following the murder of our fellow worker. Nevertheless, as can be seen below, the unquenchable spirit of Solidarity displayed by those in attendance shines through the anti-I. W. W. propaganda of the Tribune’s reporting.

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