Hellraisers Journal: William Z Foster on the Alschuler Award: “How Life Has Been Brought into the Stockyards,” Part II


Quote WZF, re Poverty of Packinghouse Workers, LnL, April 1918


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday April 6, 1918
Victory! for Packinghouse Workers by William Z. Foster, Part II

From Life and Labor of April 1918:

A Story of the Reorganization of the Packing Industry

William Z. Foster
Secretary Chicago Stockyards Labor Council

The main questions, touching wages, hours and conditions of labor, involved in the Stockyards arbitration hearing before Judge Alschuler, and his decision concerning them, are of overwhelming importance, both in principle and in consequence. Just how far-reaching will be the results of the decision one cannot now forecast. But lips stiffened by poverty will perhaps now learn to smile, and thousands of families will for the first time taste of life.

[Part II]


Chicago Stockyards, WZF, LnL p68, April 1918

The cup was full. It was evident that the packers had no intention of living up to their agreement, but were seeking openly to destroy the unions, let the consequences be what they might. The unions accepted the issue. They at once broke off negotiations with the packers and sent the committee away to Washington again to demand that the President take over the packing houses, as the only way to guarantee their operation during the period of the war.

On January 18th the committee met with President Wilson, explained to him the imminent danger of a great strike in the packing houses and asked that he take steps to seize the industry. The President replied that the proposed remedy involved a big issue, that he would take it under advisement, and that in the meantime another, effort would be made to get a settlement through arbitration.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: William Z Foster on the Alschuler Award: “How Life Has Been Brought into the Stockyards,” Part II”

Hellraisers Journal: William Z Foster on the Alschuler Award: “How Life Has Been Brought into the Stockyards,” Part I


Quote WZF, re Organizing Packinghouse Workers, LnL, April 1918


Hellraisers Journal, Friday April 5, 1918
Victory! for Packinghouse Workers by William Z. Foster, Part I

From Life and Labor of April 1918:

Life and Labor, Editors, and WZF, April 1918

The main questions, touching wages, hours and conditions of labor, involved in the Stockyards arbitration hearing before Judge Alschuler, and his decision concerning them, are of overwhelming importance, both in principle and in consequence. Just how far-reaching will be the results of the decision one cannot now forecast. But lips stiffened by poverty will perhaps now learn to smile, and thousands of families will for the first time taste of life.

[Part I of III.]

Chicago Stockyards, WZF, LnL p63, April 1918

EIGHT MONTHS ago the vast army of packing house workers throughout the country were among America’s most helpless and hopeless toilers. Practically destitute of organization, they worked excessively long hours under abominable conditions for miserably low wages. Hope for them indeed seemed dead. But today all this is changed. Like magic splendid organizations have sprung up in all the packing centers. The eight hour day has been established, working conditions have been improved and wages greatly increased. From being one of the worst industries in the country for the workers the packing industry has suddenly become one of the best.

The bringing about of these revolutionary changes constitutes one of the greatest achievements of the Trade Union movement in recent years. A detailed recital of how it occurred is well worth while.

Since the great, ill-fated strike of 1904 the packing trades unions had put forth much effort to re-establish themselves. But, working upon the plan of each union fighting its own battle and paying little or no heed to the struggles of the rest, they achieved no better success than have other unions applying this old-fashioned and unscientific method in the big industries. Complete failure attended their efforts. No sooner would one of them gain a foothold than the mighty packers, almost without trying, would destroy it.

The logic of the situation was plain. Individual action had failed. Possibility of success lay only in the direction of united action. Common sense dictated that all the unions should pool their strength and make a concerted drive for organization. Therefore, when on Friday, July 13, 1917, exactly thirteen years after the calling of the big strike, Local No. 453 of the Railway Carmen proposed to Local No. 87 of the Butcher Workmen that a joint campaign of organization be started in the Chicago packing houses, the latter agreed at once. The two unions drafted a resolution asking the Chicago Federation of Labor to call together the interested trades and to take charge of the proposed campaign.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: William Z Foster on the Alschuler Award: “How Life Has Been Brought into the Stockyards,” Part I”

Hellraisers Journal: Great Chicago Labor Trial Begins; Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Granted Separate Trial


Quote Giovannitti, Prevail


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday April 4, 1918
Chicago, Illinois – Federal Trial of I. W. W. Underway

From The Salt Lake Tribune of April 1, 1918:

Government’s Charged Include Sabotage,
Intrigue and Conspiracy.

WWIR, In Here For You, Ralph Chaplin, Sol Aug 4, Sept 1, 1917

CHICAGO, March 31.-More than 100 Industrial Workers of the World will go on trial tomorrow before Federal Judge Landis, charged with conspiracy to disrupt the government’s war programme.

One hundred and sixty-five men and one woman were named in the true bill returned by the September grand jury, but forty escaped capture. Cases against ten have been dismissed, and three, including the woman, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn of New York, have been granted separate trials.

The government’s charges against the defendants include allegations of sabotage, including the slowing down of production and the wanton spoilage of material, propaganda for strikes to delay the output of war munitions and covert intrigue against military service.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Great Chicago Labor Trial Begins; Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Granted Separate Trial”

Hellraisers Journal: The Harp, “A Literary Journal of the Irish Working Class in America”


The cause of labour
is the cause of Ireland,
the cause of Ireland
is the cause of labour.
-James Connolly


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday March 18, 1908
The Harp, Organ of the Irish Socialist Federation

From The Industrial Union Bulletin of March 14, 1908:

The Harp, Irish Socialist Federation, IUB p4, Mar 14, 1908


The Harp, Irish Socialist Federation, IUB p2, Mar 14, 1908


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Harp, “A Literary Journal of the Irish Working Class in America””

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for February 1918: Found in Chicago Supporting Packers at Alschuler Arbitration Hearings


Quote Mother Jones, Drive Out Bloodsuckers, OR Dly Jr, Feb 27, 1918


Hellraisers Journal, Friday March 15, 1918
Mother Jones News for February 1918: Found at Hearings in Chicago

Towards the end of February, we found Mother in attendance at the Alschuler Hearings in Chicago. Federal Judge Samuel B. Alschuler was appointed by President Wilson to arbitrate differences between Packinghouse Workers, now in the midst of a massive organizing campaign, and the Stockyard Employers. The Alschuler Hearings were held in Chicago from February 11th until March 7th and a ruling is expect soon.

From the Oregon Daily Journal of February 27, 1918:

Mother Jones Fire Eater, Lg Crpd, St L Str, Aug 23, 1917

Chicago, Feb 27.-(I. N. S.)…..

Like a clap of thunder from a clear sky. “Mother” Jones of labor strike fame, came into the midst of representatives of the packers Tuesday during a five-minute recess in the hearing.

“Why am I here-why?” she exclaimed in a high pitched voice that penetrated the courtroom.

I’m here to tell you bloodsuckers where you get off at. I’m here to help drive out you crooks. I’ll not let up-I’ll not let up.

She directed her attack against John E. O’Hern, general superintendent of Armour & Co. plants, and others. Louis F. Swift, standing back some distance, heard her fiery statements.

A fist fight was threatened when Frank P. Walsh, counsel for the workers, read a series of letters indicating the packers sought to spike corrective legislation in various states.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for February 1918: Found in Chicago Supporting Packers at Alschuler Arbitration Hearings”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Ohio Socialist: “Prison Song” and a “Picture with a Story…The Man Behind the Bars”


For Freedom laughs at prison bars;
Her voice re-echoes from the stars,
Proclaiming with the tempest’s breath
A cause beyond the reach of death!
-Ralph Chaplin


Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday March 12, 1918
From the Cook County Jail: “Prison Song” by Ralph Chaplin

From The Ohio Socialist of March 10, 1918:

Prison Song by Ralph Chaplin, OH Sc, Mar 10, 1918


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Ohio Socialist: “Prison Song” and a “Picture with a Story…The Man Behind the Bars””

Hellraisers Journal: From The Liberator: Helen Keller Defends the Industrial Workers of the World, Demands Are Just


Quote, Helen Keller re IWW, Liberator, March 1918


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday March 3, 1918
Helen Keller Raisers Her Voice to Defend the I. W. W.

From The Liberator of March 1918:

In Behalf of the I. W. W.

By Helen Keller

Helen Keller, NY Ithaca Jr p7, Nov 5, 1917

Down through the long weary years the will of the ruling class has been to suppress either the man or his message when they antagonized its interests. From the execution of the propagandist and the burning of books, down through the various degrees of censorship and expurgation to the highly civilized legal indictment and winking at mob crime by constituted authorities, the cry has ever been “crucify him!” The ideas and activities of minorities are misunderstood and misrepresented. It is easier to condemn than to investigate. It takes courage to steer one’s course through a storm of abuse and ignominy. But I believe that discussion of even the most bitterly controverted matters is demanded by our love of justice, by our sense of fairness and an honest desire to understand the problems that are rending society. Let us review the facts relating to the situation of the “I. W. W.’s” since the United States entered the war with the declared purpose to conserve the liberties of the free peoples of the world.

During the last few months, in Washington State, at Pasco and throughout the Yakima Valley, many “I. W. W.” members have been arrested without warrants, thrown into “bullpens” without access to attorney, denied bail and trial by jury, and some of them shot. Did any of the leading newspapers denounce these acts as unlawful, cruel, undemocratic? No. On the contrary, most of them indirectly praised the perpetrators of these crimes for their patriotic service!

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Liberator: Helen Keller Defends the Industrial Workers of the World, Demands Are Just”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Industrial Union Bulletin: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks for I. W. W. in Philadelphia


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Friday February 28, 1908
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks

From The Industrial Union Bulletin of February 22, 1908:

Propaganda in Philadelphia

EGF, Girl Socialist, DEN, Sept 21, 1907

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was the speaker at the regular Sunday night meeting of the I. W. W., February 9th, in Philadelphia. Every seat in the large hall was taken and extra seats had to be arranged to accommodate those who were anxious to hear the eloquent advocate of industrial unionism.

Miss Flynn’s subject was “Socialism from a Woman’s Standpoint.” She began by stating that there is no difference between the man’s standpoint and the woman’s, as industrial development had forced the woman into the same position as the man-wage slavery. In the course of her address she rapped the craft unions and the pure and simple political Socialists impartially, and pointed to industrial unionism as the salvation of the workers, the highest and most enlightened expression of Socialism as embodied in the I. W. W. Her points were generously applauded throughout the address.

The progress made in Philadelphia is most encouraging. There are now eight locals in that city, the latest acquisition being the Independent Union of French Textile Workers, who by unanimous vote, have joined the I. W. W.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Industrial Union Bulletin: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks for I. W. W. in Philadelphia”

Hellraisers Journal: IWW Leader Big Bill Haywood Released from Cook County Jail on Bail of $15,000


Haywood Quote, re Cook Co Jail and Martyrs, Ab p 37, re Sept 1917


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday February 21, 1918
Big Bill Haywood Now Out on Bail from Cook County Jail

From North Carolina’s Cleveland Star of February 19, 1918:

William D. Haywood, international secretary and treasurer of the I. W. W., who with 165 other members of that organization, was indicted by a Federal grand jury in Chicago on a charge of conspiracy and sedition, has been released in bond of $15,000.


[Photograph added.]

From The Chicago Daily Tribune of February 13, 1918:

Government Fears He Will Become Active
as an I. W. W. Agent.

BBH, NYTb p22, Dec 30, 1917

William D. Haywood, international secretary of the I. W. W., and recognized as its guiding spirit, was released yesterday under $15,000 bond. He had been in jail since Sept. 28. Judge Landis permitted the reduction of the bond from $25,000.

The bond was signed by George W. Kohler, 9236 Commercial avenue; Jacob Brunning and his wife, Catherine, 4243 Lowell avenue, and William Bross Lloyd, capitalist and Socialist.

“I’ll take a chance,” was Judge Landis’ comment in granting Haywood’s release, after District Attorney Clyne and Frank K. Nebeker, special assistant attorney general, had opposed the action, declaring that Haywood, once out of jail, would at once renew his anti-government activities.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: IWW Leader Big Bill Haywood Released from Cook County Jail on Bail of $15,000”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1908, Found Supporting the Unemployed in Chicago


You, you miserable policemen!
What business have you here?
Your presence is and insult to
the honest workingmen
who are attending this meeting.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday February 15, 1908
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1908:
-Found Speaking with Lucy Parsons in Chicago

On the evening of January 17th, at a meeting for the Unemployed at Brand’s Hall in Chicago, Mother Jones and Lucy Parsons were both found making passionate speeches which were most unfavorably reported by the kept press.

From Indiana’s Fort Wayne News of January 18, 1908:



Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR

CHICAGO, Jan. 18.-The presence of a score of policemen and an equal number of plain clothes men prevented anarchy from ruling the meeting of the “unemployed” and others at Brand’s hall last night, but there was enough of it to make the occasion lively and cause J. H. Drake, who acted as chairman, to give up in disgust and leave the hall.

Not over 800 persons in all answered the call for the turnout, but it was decided to mass the unemployed next Thursday and march on the city hall to demand work. It was suggested, if no other means presented themselves, to tear down the city hall to furnish the desired work.

Mrs. Lucy Parsons, widow of the noted anarchist, Ben L. Reitman, who makes a comfortable living out of the Brotherhood Welfare association, and “Mother” Jones all took the opportunity to air their opinion of President Roosevelt and capitalists.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1908, Found Supporting the Unemployed in Chicago”