Hellraisers Journal, Monday July 18, 1898
Eugene V. Debs: “The Social Democratic Party of America lives.”
From the Chicago Social Democratic Herald of July 16, 1898:
The Future
To the Social Democratic Party.
That I have not earlier sent greeting to my comrades is due to prolonged indisposition. The incessant work and travel of more than 20 years have temporarily placed me hors de combat [out of the fight]. But only temporarily. With returning health and strength my work will be continued. It is not a little disquieting to have to “let go,” even for a little while, when there is such urgent need for action.
The separation at the late convention was inevitable. It had to come. The contemplation of division was painful, as only those can fully realize who were party to it. But painful as it was, the operation had to be performed. And it was a success, for the Social Democratic Party of America lives. All the members are full fledged socialists. They are in accord with the program of international socialism. There is not only in the number opposed to independent political action, not one that asks or expects anything from any old capitalist party, by whatever name it may be called.
There is harmony. There is oneness of purpose, there is true-hearted fidelity to principle, there is unrelaxing energy, and these qualities in alliance presage success.
So I contemplate the course of events with serenity.