Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks in Chicago at Mass Meeting of Striking Garment Workers, Will Fight to the End


Quote Mother Jones Raising Hell, NYT p1, Oct 6, 1916—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 12, 1904
Chicago, Illinois – Mother Jones Addresses Striking Garment Workers

Mother Jones gave an address to the striking garment workers of Chicago in which she praised Chicago workers for making that city a “mighty uncomfortable” place for the employers. The garment workers have been on strike since November 19th, and they vow to continue their strike to the end.

From The Chicago Daily Tribune, December 10, 1904:

Garment Workers at Mass Meeting,
Addressed by “Mother” Jones,
Make Decision to Stay Out.

Mother Jones, Socialist Spirit p19, Aug 1902

The striking garment workers, at a large meeting last night in Brand’s Hall, voted to stay out until their demands are granted in full. Addresses were made by president T. A. Rickert of the national organization, President Barney Cohen of the State Federation of Labor, “Mother” Jones, and others.”

Mother” Jones declared there was one place in the country where the workers had made it “mighty uncomfortable” for the employers, and that was Chicago. Ben Miller, said to be a picket for the Capmakers’ union, was arrested in the evening charged with assaulting Samuel Jordan, a nonunion garment worker.

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks in Chicago at Mass Meeting of Striking Garment Workers, Will Fight to the End”

Hellraisers Journal: Part II: “Mother Jones & Her Methods -Personality & Power of This Aged Woman”-Boston Sunday Herald


Quote Mother Jones, Husband Children, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday September 14, 1904
Part II of III: “Mother Jones & Her Methods”-Then and Now

From the Boston Sunday Herald of September 11, 1904:

HdLn w Photos Mother Jones Methods, Speech WV 1897, Bstn Hld Sun Mag p1, Sept 11, 1904


NEW YORK, Sept. 9, 1904

Her Appearance and Her History

Mother Jones Methods, Making a Point, Bstn Hld Sun Mag p1, Sept 11, 1904“Mother” Jones is an old woman, perhaps about 62 years of age. Her hair is white as snow, her eyes bright blue. She has a sweet, womanly mouth, and a pink flush in her cheeks. She is robust and healthy in appearance, with a good matronly figure. In dress she is quite plain, often almost shabby; though there is a neatness, almost a daintiness, about her which always gives her an agreeable appearance.

Her maiden name was Mary Harris. When she was a child of 10 she came to this country with her father and brother from Ireland. They lived for time in Provincetown, and afterward went to Canada. She was educated in the common and normal schools of Toronto, where her brother became a priest, and is now the dean of the archdiocese. She went to teach in a convent in Monroe, Mich., and later, going to Memphis, Tenn., to teach, she met an iron moulder, whom she married. They had two [four] children. She lost husband and children after a brief six years of married life in the yellow fever epidemic in the south.

After the war she went to Chicago, where she lived from 1867 until 1874, taking part in the relief work of the great fire as one of her first experiences in public work. She was a dressmaker in Chicago, as she was in San Francisco, where she lived for five years. In San Francisco she became interested in socialism, and took part in the anti-Chinese movement. When she returned East it was Mrs. George Pullman who secured her transportation. She had sewed for many women of wealth in Chicago, and had a large circle of friends among them.

Her life thus far had been comparatively simple. As a daughter she was obedient and studious, as a young woman a modest, retired teacher, as a wife, faithful and loving. She says of her married life that it was like that of most devoted wives. She wept if her husband drank a glass of beer after the day’s work or went to a union meeting at night. Yet she had enough intelligence to interest herself in his labor views, and imbibed her first notions of unionism from the protestations of her husband against her too devoted solicitude, and a great part of her effort in later years was to make women understand what she failed to understand in those early days, that the wife must care for what the husband cares for, and that every man loves freedom, even freedom from domestic tyranny.

Her remedy for lonely wives is a broader interest in the affairs of life. As a young widow she took pride in the trade she learned, and today she still loves to walk for an hour through the shops and look at beautiful silks and fine laces.

But though a good teacher and skillful dressmaker, it was not sufficient for this woman to provide for herself a good living and take no further thought of the world. She was aware that there were questions troubling the minds of men, and she wanted to help solve them. And somewhat later it came to her that she had the gift of eloquence. She discovered this in the old trades and labor assemblies in the West, where, when rising to take part in a discussion, a torrent of words would rise to her lips and her hearers would sit spellbound.

She belonged to the old Knights of Labor, and later took part in the organizing work of the American Railway Union, and became the friend of Eugene Debs. She was active in Chicago at the time of the Pullman strike, unmindful of the old-time friendliness of Mrs. George Pullman. Some years later she was able to secure a pardon for some of the men involved in the labor troubles of that great railroad strike by a personal interview with President McKinley at the White House.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Part II: “Mother Jones & Her Methods -Personality & Power of This Aged Woman”-Boston Sunday Herald”

Hellraisers Journal: Chicago Meat Cutters and Butchers Renew Strike and Stand Ready to Fight to the “Bitter End”


Quote Mother Jones, Coming of the Lord, Cnc Pst p6, July 23, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday September 7, 1904
Striking Chicago Meat Cutters and Butchers Will Fight to Bitter End

From The Labor World of September 3, 1904:
The Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of Chicago have renewed their strike and stand ready to fight to the “bitter end.”


Executive Officers Decide to Wage War
Against Packers With Vigor.
Meeting Which Promised to Call Off Strike
Renews Activities.

Michael Donnelly w Butchers, Chicago Ill Commons p397, Sept 1904

Chicago, Ill., Sept. 1-Hostilities have been vigorously renewed in the stock yards strike, both sides threaten a determined fight to the finish and the police have taken extreme measures in anticipation of trouble.

Following the action of the strike leaders in unanimously voting to continue the strike and fight to the bitter end, now that the packers have rejected final overtures for peace, an army of more that 2,000 strike pickets again have taken up watch about the yards. At a late hour the Board of business agents of the twenty-seven branches of the Butcher Workmen’s Union, were convened and given instructions. It was asserted that the question of calling a general strike of the 220,000 union workmen in Chicago in all trades was discussed.

“There will be startling developments within a few hours,” said President Michael Donnelly of the Butcher Workmen’s Union. “We are preparing our fences and laying our lines and we are going to win this strike. Chicago will be amazed when the developments become public. We will say nothing until the proper time.”

The fact that T. P. Quinn of the Chicago Federation of Labor, who advocated a general walk-out of every trade in Chicago held a long conference with the strike leaders led to a wide report that a general tie-up of all Chicago’s industries for three days or a week by a monster strike of all organized labor was under discussion.

On their side the packers took steps which threatened trouble. They demanded a heavily increased police guard and last night began preparations to attempt to move to their Fulton and South Water street branch markets, which have been practically closed since the big strike began.

Pickets are Ordered Back.
With the packers thus throwing down the gage, the strike leaders ordered the army of pickets back to vigorous duty. More that 1,500 pickets took up watch about the yards and at the various points where supplies may be hauled to the various branch markets.

Vice President Raff of the Teamsters Union, which declared last night to stay in the strike to the end, asserted that his men would aid in the work of picketing.

“Contrary to reports in some quarters,” said he, “we have never withdrawn our pickets. We are increasing their number and they will do duty as before, stopping ice deliveries to those dealers who persist in handling ‘unfair’ meat.”

International Secretary Call of the Butcher Workmen’s Union, said:

“Everything is most satisfactory. We stand as a unit. We are convinced that this strike can be won.”

“It will be a strike now that will strike some surprise to this city.” said President Donnelly of the Butcher Workmen’s union. “We have made every possible effort for peace. Now the blame for the results must rest on the packers. Our men stand firm to a a man. They will fight to win if we have to stay out until Christmas.”

The Conference Board indorsed the action of the Butcher Workmen’s executive board by unanimous vote.

President Donnelly and Secretary Homer D. Call of the Butcher Workmen’s Union, as a special committee, carried to the conference board the report of the action of their body.

They were greeted with a terrific outburst of cheering. Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Chicago Meat Cutters and Butchers Renew Strike and Stand Ready to Fight to the “Bitter End””

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Victor Debs on the Chicago Pullman/ARU Strike of 1894: “The Grandest Industrial Battle in History.”


Quote EVD Workers n Parasites, SDH Jan 30, 1904—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday August 31, 1904
Eugene Debs Replies to Grover Cleveland’s Critique of the Chicago Strike of 1894

 From the Appeal to Reason of August 27, 1904:

The Federal Government and the Chicago Strike

Eugene V. Debs’ Reply to Grover Cleveland’s Magazine Article.

EVD re ARU Pullman Chicago Strike 1894, McClures p227, July 1904

This article was written for McClure’s Magazine in reply to Cleveland, but the editor of that publication refused to publish it, although permitting Cleveland’s calumny of the railway employes of this country to appear in its columns. McClure boasts of circulating a half million copies of Cleveland’s article. This first edition of the Appeal already reaches the half-million mark-ten days before going to press. It will exceed one million before the first of September. The Socialists of America propose to give plutocracy an example of what can be accomplished in the way of circulating the defense of the working class in spite of the wealth of plutocracy. Every true Socialist will take a hand in this distribution.

IN THE July issue of McClure’s Magazine, ex-President Grover Cleveland has an article on “The Government in the Chicago Strike of 1894.” That there may be no mistake about the meaning of “government” in this connection, it should be understood that Mr. Cleveland has reference to the federal government, of which he was the executive head at the time of the strike in question, and not to the state government of Illinois, or the municipal government of Chicago, both of which were overridden and set at defiance of the executive authority, enforced by the military power of the federal government, under the administration of Mr. Cleveland.


THE ex-president’s article not only triumphantly vindicates his administration, but congratulates its author upon the eminent service he rendered the republic in a critical hour when a labor strike jarred its foundations and threatened its overthrow.

It may be sheer coincidence that Mr. Cleveland’s eulogy upon his patriotic administration, and upon himself as its central and commanding figure, appeared on the eve of a national convention composed largely of his disciples who were urging his fourth nomination for the presidency for the very reasons set forth in the article on the Chicago strike.


HOWEVER this may be, it is certain that of his own knowledge ex-President Cleveland knows nothing of the strike he discusses; that the evidence upon which he acted officially and upon which he now bases his conclusions was ex parte, obtained wholly from the railroad interests and those who represented or were controlled by these interests, and it is not strange, therefore, that he falls into a series of errors beginning with the cause of the disturbance and running all through his account of it, as may be proved beyond doubt by reference to the “Report on the Chicago Strike” by the “United States Strike Commission,” of his own appointment.


SIMPLY one of the many battles that have been fought and are yet to be fought in the economic war between capital and labor. Pittsburg, Homestead, Buffalo, Latimer, Pana, Coeur d’Alene, Cripple Creek and Telluride recall a few of the battles fought in this country in the world-wide struggle for industrial emancipation.

When the strike at Chicago occurred, did President Cleveland make a personal investigation? No.

Did he grant both sides a hearing? He did not.

In his fourteen-page magazine article what workingman, or what representative of labor, does he cite in support of his statements or his official acts? Not one.

I aver that he received every particle of his information from the capitalist side, that he was prompted to act by the capitalist side, that his official course was determined wholly, absolutely by and in the interest of the capitalist side, and that no more thought or consideration was given to the other side, the hundreds of thousands of workingmen, whose lives and whose wives and babes were at stake, than if they had been so many swine or sheep that had balked on their way to the shambles.

* * *


The Chicago strike was in many respects the grandest industrial battle in history, and I am prouder of my small share in it than of any other act of my life.

Men, women and children were on the verge of starvation at the “model city” of Pullman. They had produced the fabulous wealth of the Pullman corporation, but they, poor souls, were compelled to suffer the torment of hunger pangs in the very midst of the abundance their labor had created.

A hundred and fifty thousand railroad employes, their fellow members in the American Railway Union, sympathized with them, shared their earnings with them, and after vainly trying in every peaceable way they could conceived to touch the flint heart of the Pullman Company, every overture being resented, every suggestion denied, every proposition spurned with contempt, they determined not to pollute their hands and dishonor their manhood by handling Pullman cars and contributing to the suffering and sorrow of their brethren and their wives and babes. And rather than do this they laid down their tools in a body, sacrificed their situations and submitted to persecution, exile and the blacklist; to idleness and poverty, crusts and rags, and I shall love and honor these moral heroes to my latest breath.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Victor Debs on the Chicago Pullman/ARU Strike of 1894: “The Grandest Industrial Battle in History.””

Hellraisers Journal: Campaign Poster by Guy H. Lockwood for Debs-Hanford Ticket of the Socialist Party of America for 1904


Quote EVD Workers n Parasites, SDH Jan 30, 1904—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 10, 1904
Campaign Poster by Lockwood for Debs-Hanford Campaign, S. P. A., 1904

From the Appeal to Reason of May 21, 1904:

SPA Debs Hanford Campaign Poster by Lockwood, AtR p1, May 21, 1904

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Campaign Poster by Guy H. Lockwood for Debs-Hanford Ticket of the Socialist Party of America for 1904”

Hellraisers Journal: Summary of Miners’ Strikes in Colorado and Utah, May 1904


Quote Mother Jones re North n South Coal Miners Separate Settle, Ab p99, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday June 9, 1904
Summary of Miners’ Strikes in Colorado and Utah for May 1904

From The Salt Lake Herald of May 06, 1904:

Mother Jones at Conv of UT WFM, SL Helrad p3, May 6, 1904
Mother Jones with Delegates at Utah State Convention
of Western Federation of Miners

From the San Francisco Chronicle of May 1, 1904
Southern Coalfields of Colorado – Union Organizer Beaten, Not Expected to Live

The strike zone of the southern coalfields of Colorado continues to be a dangerous place for union organizers working for the United Mine Workers of America. Brother Wardjon was brutally assaulted there and was not expected to live. The San Francisco Chronicle reported on that assault and other news regarding the labor situation in Colorado:

Mine Union Organizer Wardjon Beaten on Head
in Colorado So Severely That He May Die
DENVER, (Col.). April 30.-W. M. Wardjon, national organizer of the United Mine Workers of America was terribly beaten on the head and shoulders with revolvers by three unknown men at Sargent, Col., to-day and lies in a critical condition at the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Hospital at Salida. Wardjon was traveling eastward from Crested Butte, where he had been organizing the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company’s miners, and was attacked in a car while the train was standing at Sargent.
He is suffering from concussion of the brain, and the hospital physicians say his recovery is doubtful.

In a lengthy brief filed before the Supreme Court to-day by Attorney E. F. Richardson in the habeas corpus case of Charles H. Moyer, president  of the Western Federation of Miners, who is held as a military prisoner at Telluride, Governor James H. Peabody is declared to be a usurper. Governor Peabody is compared by Richardson to a soldier drunk with power, and his acts in trying to suppress the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus compared to the acts of tyranny practiced on the people of England by the olden kings.

Richardson, in his brief, attacks the decision of the Supreme Court of Idaho in a similar case, and says it is the only court in the country that has said that the military was above the judiciary. He says that the decision does not follow precedent or commonsense, and that the Judges of the Supreme Court of Colorado should not consider it when deciding the present case.

The Legislature alone, Richardson says , has the authority to determine when the conditions require the suspension of the privilege of habeas corpus and then to suspend it.

PUEBLO (Col.).-April 30.-Because Charles Demolli, a former organizer of the United Mine Workers, failed to appear to-day as complaining witness against Oreste Pagnini, charged with being the ringleader of a gang which assaulted the Italian labor leader several weeks ago, the case was dismissed by Justice McCallip. Pagnini, however, will be held on a complaint sworn to by William Gearhard, charging him with assaulting Demolli with intent to kill. Demolli is in the coal fields of Kansas and is in communication with friends here.

INDIANAPOLIS (Ind.), April 30.-The Colorado situation was again taken up at to-day’s session of the national executive board of the United Mine Workers of America……

President Mitchell has telegraphed to “Mother” Jones, who is being held in quarantine near Price, Utah, directing her to report to him in person in this city as soon as possible. He says that there is no significance attached to this, and that the order was issued because the work in the district 15 at the present time is scarcely suitable for a women.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Summary of Miners’ Strikes in Colorado and Utah, May 1904”

Hellraisers Journal: Women and Babes From Ludlow Visit Chicago, Leave for Washington to Visit with President


Quote Ludlow Mary Petrucci, Children all dead, ed, Trinidad Las Animas Co  CO Affidavit, May 11, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday May 24, 1914
Chicago, Illinois – Judge Lindsey and Survivors of Ludlow Speak at Hull House

From The Fort Wayne Sentinel of May 20, 1914:

Judge Lindsey, Mary Thomas, Pearl Jolly, Mary Petrucci, Thomas Girls, Ft Wayne Sent p6, May 20, 1914
Judge Ben Lindsey; Women left to right: Mary Thomas,
Pearl Jolly, Mary Petrucci; Thomas Daughters.
Five survivors of the Ludlow Massacre stopped off in Chicago, as guests of Miss Jane Addams of Hull House, on their way to Washington D. C. where they met with President Wilson. Mary Petrucci whose children were all killed in the fire, Mary Thomas and her two little daughters who hid from machine gun bullets throughout that terrible day, and Pearl Jolly, the heroine of Ludlow, who spent the day under fire as she assisted the women and children to escape: they are all being escorted to Washington by Judge Lindsey and Mrs. Lee Champion. The Judge’s wife was, unfortunately, hospitalized yesterday soon after their arrival in Chicago, and will not be able to accompanied the party further.
From The Daily Capital Journal (Salem, Oregon) of May 19, 1914:



Details Equaled Only by the Burning and Sacking of Ancient Rome
Father Saluted with Child’s Corpse When He Went to Militia’s Camp

Chicago, May 19,-“The true story of what transpired at Ludlow is too horrible to print.” said Judge Ben Lindsey here today. The famous Denver jurist is en route to Washington, accompanied by Mrs. Pearl Jolly, Mrs. Mary Petrucci and Mrs. M. Thomas, all Ludlow survivors.

“The details of the Ludlow affair are almost unbelievable,” said Judge Lindsey. “They are equaled only in the stories of the sacking of Rome, the pillaging of Carthage and the inhumanities of the Balkan war.

We are going to Washington to beg President Wilson to not withdraw the federal troops. My own interests are neutral. I want law and order and the citizens of Denver have asked me to help get order.

“The Ludlow story is a black mark on the nation’s history. I can only suggest it and fill in the outlines with the direct testimony of these women who have suffered. As one instance of what occurred-and I have affidavits to back it up-a father went to a militia camp for his boy who had been missing. He was saluted with the child’s corpse. The boys’ head had been shot off and the body half burned. A soldier threw it over a tent to the father, saying: ‘Here, take the _ thing.’

Mothers who went to rescue their babies were shot down and mutilated. Children only a few years old were killed. Barbarians in even the most unholy days could not have been more cruel than some of the militiamen at Ludlow.”

The party visited Hull House and related the story to Jane Addams. The latter broke down as the women told of the cruelties practiced on helpless women and children by the militiamen. Mrs. Lindsey, a victim of nervous prostration as a result of Denver’s high altitude, was taken to a Chicago hospital and will await her husband’s return from Washington.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Women and Babes From Ludlow Visit Chicago, Leave for Washington to Visit with President”

Hellraisers Journal: Women Survivors of Ludlow, Visit Chicago, Tell of Massacre Committed by Blood-Mad Militia


Quote Mary Petrucci, Joe's Little Hammer, NY Tb p7, Feb 4, 1915—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday May 20, 1914
Chicago, Illinois – Women of Ludlow Tell of Massacre of Tent Colony Citizens

From the Chicago Day Book, Last Edition, of May 19, 1914:

Women Ludlow Survivors Visit Chicago, Day Book Last p1, May 19, 1914

Note: The Ludlow Massacre was perpetrated by the Colorado state militia against the colonists on April 20th. The correct names of the three miners’ wives are Mary Thomas, Pearl Jolly, and Mary Petrucci.

The article continues:

They left this noon for Washington, where they will tell President Wilson he must intervene to, stop civil war in Colorado.

Lindsey said:

The president of the United States is the only power that can preserve peace now in our state. The governor, the legislature, the federal troops, the proposed mediation bodies have all failed.

The president must force arbitration on the ground of military necessity. This is the positive and unmistakable sentiment of the people of Colorado.

Mrs. [Pearl] Jolly, who was fired upon though wearing a Red Cross uniform while caring for wounded during a truce, said that when she left Ludlow last week, there were rumors that companies of armed guards were being former secretly by the coal companies.

[She said:]

If they come again to shoot women and children, they will find us ready for them. The women will take guns and fight.

I saw the dead body of Louis Tikas, the Greek. I saw where his head was split by some kind of a club. I saw the mark of a heel where somebody tramped on his face after he was dead. And I saw the four bullet holes in his back where they shot him after clubbing him to death.

I would not have believed things could happen as terrible as I saw. The soldiers seemed to go crazy. After they had killed women and children and burned the tent colony, they shot at everything that moved. Chickens, dogs, anything that moved, was a mark for them.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Women Survivors of Ludlow, Visit Chicago, Tell of Massacre Committed by Blood-Mad Militia”

Hellraisers Journal: Annie Clemenc, on Fund Raising Tour with Ella Reeve Bloor, Tells of Her Fights for Labor’s Cause


Quote Carlo Tresca re Annie Clemenc, Daring Woman, Freedoms Banner Iola KS, Feb 7, 1914—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday March 14, 1914
March 4th at Milwaukee Federated Trades Council
-Annie Clemenc Speaks on Michigan Copper Strike, Beaten, Slashed, Shot At

From The Milwaukee Leader of March 5, 1914:

Annie Clemenc Tells of Her Fight MI Copper Strike, Mlk Ldr p1, Mar 5, 1914

From The Dayton Herald of March 13, 1914:

Annie Clemenc w Mother Bloor on Tour, Dayton Hld p15, Mar 13, 1914Annie Clemenc w Mother Bloor on Tour 2, Dayton Hld p15, Mar 13, 1914

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Annie Clemenc, on Fund Raising Tour with Ella Reeve Bloor, Tells of Her Fights for Labor’s Cause”