Hellraisers Journal – Friday January 16, 1914
Houghton, Michigan – Cheering Crowd Meets Moyer and Tanner at Station
From the Miners Magazine of January 15, 1914:
From the Miners’ Bulletin of January 9, 1914:
Hellraisers Journal – Friday January 16, 1914
Houghton, Michigan – Cheering Crowd Meets Moyer and Tanner at Station
From the Miners Magazine of January 15, 1914:
From the Miners’ Bulletin of January 9, 1914:
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 14, 1904
Denver, Colorado – Delegates of Convention of State F. of L. Consider Miners’ Strikes
Monday January 11, 1904 Denver, Colorado
-Colorado Federation of Labor Holds Convention To Support Strikes
More than 350 delegates are assembled today at the Waiters’ Hall in the Club Building in Denver. This is a Convention of the Colorado Federation of Labor called in order to consider ways and means of supporting the ongoing strikes of the Western Federation of Miners and the United Mine Workers of America. These courageous striking miners are now facing unprecedented Military Despotism at the hands of Generals Bell and Chase under the orders of Governor Peabody.
J. C. Sullivan, President of the C. F. of L. opened the Convention with these words:
Friends and Fellow Citizens, I Greet You:
An industrial condition that makes necessary the assembling of labor’s hosts in special convention is certainly significant, and, if the facial expressions of firm determination that are stamped on the countenances of this magnificent audience correctly reflects its feelings, there is still hope that “liberty” and “justice,” though banished from this centennial state of ours, “by order of a political accident,” and citizens forced to leave their homes and firesides at the bayonet point in the hands of “our” modern “Hessians,” for the sole and only reason that they refuse to join forces with our “modern Tories,” and say they will not sell their manhood on mammon’s greedy altar nor bow the knee in cringing sycophancy to the aristocratic anarchist, though he be clothed with brief official authority.
This, my friends, is a gathering that, if each and every delegate here assembled does his full duty to his country, to his fellow man, to himself and to the posterity of mankind, this meeting will go down in the annals of history as the most important gathering that has ever been held in Colorado up to this time. But if, for any reason, you fail to do your duty, you will, by that failure, assist the modern Tories and the mine operators’ hired Hessians to banish the lovers of liberty from their homes and firesides, and establish in their stead willing corporate vassals, to whom manhood is an unknown quality, to whom justice is a myth and liberty an illusion. The time is now, my friends, when not only labor’s voice must be heard, but labor’s hosts must act, if necessary, if justice is to be again enthroned in the fair State of Colorado.
[Emphasis added.]
Tuesday January 12, 1904 Denver, Colorado
-C. F. of L. Convention Receives Greetings from Mother Jones
Mother Jones, who is recovering from a serious illness in Trinidad, nevertheless sent her greetings to the Special Convention of the Colorado Federation of Labor now in progress in Denver. At the afternoon session yesterday, H. B. Waters, secretary of the Convention, read the following:
Trinidad, Colo.,
January 11, 1904State Federation of Labor, Convention Hall, Denver, Colo.
To the Delegates of the State Federation of Labor:Greeting-Let your deliberations be tempered with a high sense of justice for all mankind-malice toward none, for you are the bulwark of the nation. The day dawneth when you shall get your own.
Fraternally in the cause of labor,
The chairman and the secretary of the Convention were instructed unanimously to answer Mother Jones:
To Mother Jones, Trinidad:
The greatest labor convention ever held in the state sends you greeting and wishes you health and God-speed.
J. C. SULLIVAN, President
H. B. WATERS, Secretary
Hellraisers Journal – Monday January 11, 1904
A. H. Floaten, of the Western Federation of Miners, on Colorado’s Military Despotism
From the Appeal to Reason of January 9, 1904:
[The Grip of the Monster by G. H. Lockwood]
[Colorado Military Despotism by A. H. Floaten]
Hellraisers Journal – Friday January 9, 1914
Chicago, Illinois – President Moyer after Operation with Walker, Terzich and Riley
From Miners Magazine of January 8, 1914:
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday January 7, 1904
Telluride, Colorado – Martial Law Declared; Union Men Deported
From the American Labor Union Journal of January 7, 1904:
[News from Telluride by A. H. Floaten]
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday December 31, 1913
Calumet, Michigan – Little White Caskets Carried Two Miles to Lakeview Cemetery
From the Michigan Miners’ Bulletin of December 31, 1913:
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 30, 1913
Calumet, Michigan – Mourners Carry Little White Caskets Two Miles to Cemetery
From The Altoona Times (Pennsylvania) of December 29, 1913:
Afflicted Mothers and Fathers Overcome
by Appalling Grief as Cortege Passes
———-CALUMET, Mich., Dec. 28. -The Western Federation of Miners buried its dead today. Fifty-nine bodies, including those of forty-four children, were carried through the streets down a winding country highway and laid in graves in a snow-enshrouded cemetery within sight of Lake Superior.
Thousands of saddened miners formed an escort to the funeral parties and passed between other thousands who as spectators testified to the grief that has oppressed the community since seventy-two men, women and children were killed in the Christmas eve panic in Italian hall.
For hours the Sabbath calm was broken by the tolling of bells and the sound of voices intoning burial chants. In half a dozen churches services were held earlier in the day and the mourners went about the streets, passing from their homes to the churches, back to their homes after brief respites and again to the churches to prepare for the last sad trip to the grave sides.
Delegations of strikers began coming to Calumet early in the day. The special train of nine coaches brought hundreds of Federationists from the iron mines of Negaunee and Ishpeming and every town and mining location in the copper country sent members and friends of the union to swell the ranks of the marchers in the afternoon.
By noon the union host was assembled. Months of experience in demonstrating their numbers by parading had taught the men to form ranks quickly and with little delay they lined up four abreast.
The supply of hearses was inadequate and there were only fourteen of these vehicles in the van. Then came three undertakers’ wagons and an automobile truck, the latter carrying three coffins. These vehicles contained the adult victims and the older children. Beside one marched eight women, who acted as pall bearers, for members of the Women’s auxiliary of the Western Federation.
It was this woman’s organization which was distributing gifts of candy, shoes, caps and mittens to the children of strikers when the panic broke out.
Behind the hearses was a section of the procession which brought tears and sobs from onlookers. Thirty-nine white coffins, their size testifying to the short lite of the little forms within, were carried by relays of strikers. Four men bore each coffin, and as their arms grew weary or feet stumbled on the slippery roadway, companions relieved them of their burden.
Persons drawn to Calumet solely by curiosity became mourners as this contingent passed them. Men turned away to brush tears from their cheeks. Women,especially the mothers in the crowd, sobbed openly, and dozens, unable to endure the sight, rushed from the streets, taking refuge in homes whose Yuletide had been directly saddened by death. Others, too, were in evidence among the toil-hardened men who carried the coffins. They bore the bodies of their companions’ children and many a rough sleeve was brushed hurriedly across downturned faces, the eves of which were concealed by peaked caps drawn far forward.
Fifty singers chanted hymns in the wake of the children carriers. Most of these men were English miners, who had learned in Cornwall to chant Christmas carols in the streets and years ago brought this old custom to the copper country. Today, however, they didn’t sing songs of a new life born. “Jesus Lover of My Soul,” “Rock of Ages” and “Nearer My God to Thee” came from throats thick with emotion. But the harmonies were full and rich.
Hellraisers Journal – Monday December 29, 1913
Chicago, Illinois – W. F. of M. President Charles Moyer Expected to Recover
From The Day Book of December 29, 1913:
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday December 28, 1913
Calumet, Michigan – Men, Women and Children Perish in Midst of Christmas Joy
From the Michigan Miners’ Bulletin of December 28, 1913:
In the midst of Christmas good cheer and happiness twenty eight little girls, twenty four little boys, fifteen women and five men were swirled into the cruel jaws of death in less than five minutes at the Italian hall, Calumet, on Christmas eve. The striking miners of Calumet had prepared Christmas exercises and the distribution of presents for the little ones and at the appointed time the hall was filled with the happy little tots accompanied by their parents. The Christmas tree gaily decorated and loaded with presets stood upon the stage of the hall. The program was started by Mrs. Annie Clemenc who was making a talk to the children telling them that old Santa had not forgotten them just because their fathers had been denied work, and that they were all to be made happy by receiving many nice presents, candies, fruits and nuts.
The little ones had crowded near the stage their little faces beaming with delight when a fiend in the shape of a man sneaked up the stairway leading to the hall, opened the door and waving his arm cried “fire, fire,” then quickly making his way to the street where he disappeared in the gathering darkness. At the cry of fire the great throng arose as one and made a dash for the front exit of the hall. The way was made for the children first and they filled the stairway so full and crowded from the rear so fast that some of the children were swept off their feet. These little bodies acted a stumbling blocks for those who followed and within a few seconds the stairway was a mass of bleeding crushed, dead and dying humanity. The crowd from above kept crowding into the stairway until it was completely filled with bodies.
As soon as the cry of fire had been sounded the city fire alarm was bellowing its harrowing warning and the firemen upon arriving at the scene quickly placed ladders to the front windows of the building and ascended to the hall where they stopped any more from crowding into the stairway upon the dead bodies of their comrades. Within a few minutes the hall had been emptied and the work of removing the dead taken up. The bodies were so tightly wedged into the hallway that they could not be released below and had to be taken from above and carried back into the hall. The bodies were taken to a temporary morgue in the city hall where after identification they were sorrowfully removed to their homes.
The scene was one beggaring description and those who witnessed it will never have it effaced from their minds as long as they live. While the front hallway was being crowded and jammed full of men, women and children others were seeking escape at a fire exit in the rear of the hall, many getting out in this manner. Others jumped from windows and in nearly every instance were severely injured, one little boy who jumped had both legs broken.
One little girl who was jammed in the hallway in a dying condition begged one of the rescuers to save her. She grasped his hand, kissed it, then her little head dropped upon her breast and she was dead. One man whose name was not learned got in the hallway and tried to prevent the frenzied crowd from crowding down the stairs upon those below. He placed his arms across the hall way and checked them momentarily but the force behind became too great and he was swept into the vortex of death, his dead body being taken out a few minutes later. Holding high above her head her little child, a woman and her husband were carried into the mass of humanity trying to get out of the hall. This man and his wife were swept to their death but the child miraculously escaped.
The fiend who caused this terrible disaster made his escape and is still at large. From persons who stood near the door it is learned that he was rather stockily built, a little under medium height, and wore his hat well pulled down over his countenance. Upon the lapel of his coat he wore a Citizens Alliance button, is a statement made by several who got a good view of him. How anyone with reasoning power could have deliberately committed the act is beyond comprehension.
President Moyer of the Federation who was in Hancock at the time of the accident hurried to Calumet and assured those afflicted that their wants would be attended to by the organization at whose head he stands. The funerals of the victims will be held at Calumet this afternoon and will be attended by thousands of sorrowing friends and companions of those who, while in life, stood valiantly by their side in the great fight for justice which still holds within it grasp the entire district. The funerals will be held under the auspices of organized Labor, and no funds other than those donated by such organizations will be accepted. Organized labor has made this request and the wishes will be respected in this matter…..
[Emphasis and paragraph breaks added.]
Hellraisers Journal – Saturday December 27, 1913
Hancock/Houghton, Michigan – Moyer and Tanner Kidnapped and Deported
Last night at about 8:30 p.m. Sheriff Cruse and a “committee” paid a visit to the Scott Hotel in Hancock. They went to the room of Charles Moyer, President of the Western Federation of Miners. The “committee” was determined that the leaders of the W. F. of M. should reconsider their refusal to accept any donations from the Citizens’ Alliance to the families of the victims of the Italian Hall Massacre. Mr. Moyer remained adamant that donations from the Citizens’ Alliance amounted to blood money and that the union would bury it’s own dead.
No sooner had this “committee” left the room than a mob burst into the room. They began to beat Moyer and also Charles Tanner who was there with him. A gun was used to beat Moyer over the head which discharged during the assault. Moyer was shot in the shoulder. Moyer and Tanner were dragged out of the Hotel and down the street to the train station in Houghton. At the Houghton-Hancock bridge they were threatened with hanging, and shown a noose brought for that purpose.
The kidnappers put Moyer and Tanner on the Chicago train. Deputy Sheriff Hensley and Deputy McKeever were assigned to accompany the deportees. The deputies wore their Citizens’ Alliance buttons right next to their deputy badges for all to see.
The train stopped briefly in Milwaukee, and reporters were able to get the story from Moyer and Tanner. The reporters also witnessed Moyer’s “pillow and bed linen were soiled with blood from wounds in his scalp and back.”
From the Chicago Day Book of December 27, 1913, Noon Edition