Hellraisers Journal, Friday May 31, 1907
From the Montana News: Manifesto of Irish Socialist Federation
An Irish Manifesto
—–Irish Socialist Federation Reply to
Insult of Dr. Brann
—Old Fenian Spirit to the Front
At a recent meeting of the Irish Socialist Federation of New York (a body composed exclusively of Socialists of Irish birth and parentage) the late uncalled for attack by Dr. Brann upon the demonstration in favor of a fair trial for the imprisoned leaders of the Western Federation of Miners was taken up for discussion. As this statement of this reverend gentleman that there were but few Irishmen in the parade was regarded by the members present as a reflection upon the public spirit of our countrymen, placing them before the American public as being indifferent or hostile to a demand for injustice, the following statement was prepared for publication, in criticism of his position and in vindication of the character of those Irish who marched in the “horde”, as Dr. Brann elegantly terms the flower of the organized workers of New York.
We, members of the Irish Socialist Federation, speaking on behalf of those working class Irish who in every movement for freedom have ever taken a foremost place, who have ever been as pioneers ready to point the way in every movement for progress, or as fighters to lay down their lives for its realization, desire to remind the Rev. Dr. Brann that we as Irish have a history behind us— a history that speaks eloquently against the interposition of clergymen in temporal affairs, a history that warns us of the folly of expecting from clergymen, either wisdom, political prudence, or controversial decency, once they step into the political arena. How often in Ireland have we seen these same individuals when criticised by some opponent, denounce such criticism as an attack upon the church?