Hellraisers Journal: Harry Orchard Sentenced to Be Hanged May 15; Judge Wood Hopes for Commutation


I want to say to this jury that
before Harry Orchard got religion
he was bad enough,
but it remained to religion
to make him totally depraved.
-Clarence Darrow


Hellraisers Journal, Monday March 23, 1908
Caldwell, Idaho – Judge Wood “Positively Believes Orchard”

From the Boise Idaho Daily Statesman of March 19, 1908:


“I am more than satisfied that the defendant now at the bar of this court awaiting final sentence has not only acted in good faith in making the disclosures that he did, but that he also testified fully and fairly to the whole truth, withholding nothing that was material, and declaring nothing which had not actually taken place.”-From Judge Wood’s Address.


Jdg Wood Remarks to Orchard to Hang, IDS p1, Mar 19, 1908

Positively Believes Orchard Told the
Truth Fully, Unreservedly.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Harry Orchard Sentenced to Be Hanged May 15; Judge Wood Hopes for Commutation”

Hellraisers Journal: W. F. of M. Officials Granted Change of Venue to Ada County; Trial Date to Be Announced Monday


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Saturday March 30, 1907
Caldwell, Idaho – Judge Wood Grants Change of Venue

From the Montana News of March 28, 1907:


Judge Grants Change of Venue-
Trial Will Take Place in Boise-
Date Will Be Set on April First

Special to the Montana News.

Caldwell, Idaho, March 25, 1907

HMP, Pettibone Moyer Haywood, AtR, Feb 16, 1907

Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone were all in court this morning to hear Judge Wood’s decision on the change of venue motion. The court room was crowded. The judge said it was not necessary to rehearse the facts connected with the case, that he had come to the decision that the trial should go to Ada county. With the consent of the defendants or to over-rule the motion. There were certain conditions existing at Caldwell that were different from those elsewhere but a large part of the showing would pertain equally to all other counties in this portion of the state, that there was a large portion of the county out side of Caldwell where a jury could be obtained. Attorney Nugent for the defense asked if providing the case changed to Ada, whether they were supposed to stay there no matter what condition might be revealed. On getting a reply in the affirmative he said they would have to have time for deliberation. The judge said they should have all the time they wished, and a half hour was named as sufficient. Prisoners and attorneys then retired.

They returned in twenty-five minutes and Mr. Nugent stated that since they had been given no alternative and since it was dangerous to go to trial in Canyon county they would abide by the judge’s decision, and go to Ada county. He called attention to the advantages of Washington county and to the fact that Mr. Steunenberg had resided for four years in Boise. The judge replied that Washington county was in no wise fitted for the trial. Mr. Hawley then asked the judge if it was understood that the prisoners were forced to remain at Boise no matter what the conditions were. The judge replied that he did not intend to take any rights away from the prisoners that the law allowed them. The motion was allowed and the case changed to Boise.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: W. F. of M. Officials Granted Change of Venue to Ada County; Trial Date to Be Announced Monday”

Hellraisers Journal: “Hold Your Nerve” by Eugene Debs & Update on Haywood-Moyer Case from Appeal to Reason


The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism.
I am for Socialism because I am for humanity.
We have been cursed with
the reign of gold long enough.
-Eugene Victor Debs


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday March 24, 1907
Appeal to Reason: Comrade Debs Exhorts Socialists to Stand Strong

HMP, Hold Yr Nerve by EVD, AtR Mar 23, 1907

Socialist Party of America Button

To join the Socialist movement implies a declaration of war. War on the capitalist system and all its profit-fed institutions!

To issue such a declaration requires some measure of moral courage; to make it good requires a vast deal more.

Many a convert joins with enthusiasm to be extinguished a few months later in ignominy.

He lacks the nerve to stand his ground.

Many another joins the movement and grows stronger from the hour the battle begins; the more he is resisted the stauncher he stands; the more he is persecuted the more resolute he becomes, and in the storm of battle all the heroic fibre within him becomes steel and he rises to the stature of a full-grown man who has the strength to stand alone though all the world turn against him.

He has the nerve!

This is the secret of real heroism.

In writing this brief article on the subject of nerve, we have in mind a large number of Socialists and semi-Socialists who are more or less anxious to serve the movement, but who are so easily deflected from their purpose. They happen to hear of an uncomplimentary remark directed against them, and it strikes at the very heart of their allegiance to the cause. They hear of some temporary defeat of the party, or of some friction within the ranks, and they are at once discouraged.

The trouble is with their nerve. It is this that should have their immediate attention. The comrade lacking nerve, or having but a weak support of himself, will be kept in very hot water in the Socialist movement.

As previously stated, the man who joins the Socialist movement declares war against the capitalist system and capitalist society, and war of this kind is not a May festival. Ferdinand Lassalle, the brilliant social revolutionist, once said that the war against capitalism was not a rosewater affair. He was right. It is rather of the storm and tempest order. All kinds of attacks must be expected, and all kinds of wounds will be inflicted. The new comrade of tender sensibilities will soon get used to having his feelings torn and lacerated if he remains in the movement.

Many honest and well-meaning persons have been completely driven out of the movement because they could not stand the metaphorical shot and shell that were crashing about their heads.

Their hearts were right, but they lacked the nerve.

A fatal defect!

No matter what other good qualities a convert to Socialism may have, he must have the nerve to stick, the nerve to stay, if he is to be of any value to the movement. He must make up his mind that all the trials to which mortal man is subject will fall to his lot one after the other, and that if he lacks the nerve the weak spot in him will sooner or later be put to the test and he will go down and out, never to rise again.

But it is this very trial that serves a most beneficent purpose for both the individual and the movement; it eliminates the weak and unfit, and tempers those qualified for the higher service to which they are sure to be called, because they have the nerve and can stand the test.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Hold Your Nerve” by Eugene Debs & Update on Haywood-Moyer Case from Appeal to Reason”

Hellraisers Journal: Darrow Appears Before U. S. Supreme Court on Behalf of Moyer, Haywood, and Pettibone

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday October 14, 1906
Washington, District of Columbia – State Kidnapping Challenged

The Appeal to Reason of October 13th published a good part of the brief presented by Attorneys Murphy, Darrow, and Richardson on behalf of Fellow Workers Moyer, Haywood, and Pettibone before the U. S. Supreme Court. The attorneys for the defense seek to free the men who were kidnapped from their homes as part of a plot perpetrated by the governors of Colorado and Idaho to deprive the men of their constitutional rights. The brief takes up an entire page of this issue of the Appeal, and we, therefore, offer this summary:

HMP Brief bf US Supreme Court, AtR, Oct 13, 1906

We ask and we believe that the action of the supreme court of the state of Idaho and of the circuit court of the United States, sitting in and for the state of Idaho, will be reversed, and that they will be directed to sustain the writs and direct the release of the prisoners, with an opportunity to them of returning to the state from which they were kidnaped by the conspiracy, confederation and agreement of the governors of the states of Idaho and Colorado, for the overthrow and in avoidance of a provision of the constitution of the United States and an act of congress made pursuant thereto.

Respectfully submitted.
Counsel for Appellants and Plaintiffs in Error.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Darrow Appears Before U. S. Supreme Court on Behalf of Moyer, Haywood, and Pettibone”