Hellraisers Journal – Sunday May 29, 1921 Alabama Coal Miners Continue to Live in Tents, Are Without Food
From the Duluth Labor World of May 28, 1921:
RUN ‘AGITATORS’ OUT OF ALABAMA! ————— Governor of State Joins With Mine Owners in Attempt to Crush Miners’ Union. ———-
-from the United Mine Workers Journal of March 15, 1921
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., May 26.—It is estimated that 40,000 men, women and children in the coal district of Alabama are without food. They are housed in tents furnished by the United Mine Workers of America.To relieve this situation, trade unionists are contributing funds and the [Minnesota] state federation of labor has forwarded $500. The coal owners deny that starvation exists, while they force miners to make oath that they are not, and never will be, members of the United Mine Workers.
A statewide blacklist is being conducted against the union miners with the approval of Governor Kilby. The state executive acted as arbitrator in the recent mine strike, and supported the coal owners in every point.
Governor Kilby also ruled that the coal owners are under no obligation to re-employ these miners. The governor has been called upon to relieve the distress that his decision created, but refuses to act, and has publicly declared that he “sympathized with the miners.” This statement has brought a withering reply from Van R. Bittner, representative of the United Mine Workers, who tells the official that “such hypocrisy makes men wonder.” The trade unionist refers to a public statement by the governor when the strike was on, wherein the people of Alabama were called upon to “run the agitators out of our state.”
You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Thursday September 28, 1916
Denver, Colorado – Jane Street on Housemaids’ Union
The Denver’s Domestic Workers’ Industrial Union, Local No. 113 of the Industrial Workers of the World was founded last spring by Miss Jane Street. Today we offer part two (of two parts) of an article about that union and its tactics from The Washington Post of September 24, 1916:
How A Cold Storage Egg Started
The Servant Girls Union (Part II)
Miss Jane Street, organizer of the Housemaids’ Union, speaking of its purposes, said for publication in this newspaper:
Of all the abused people on earth none is worse treated than the general housemaid. The majority of housewives follow an aged tradition of looking down on those who serve them and their families and refuse to practice patience or give counsel or regard the women they hire as human beings with like impulses, like passions, like aims and hopes as their own. Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: How A Cold Storage Egg Inspired Organization of Domestic Workers’ IU, Part II”→
You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday September 27, 1916
Denver, Colorado – Domestic Workers and the Blacklist
The Denver’s Domestic Workers’ Industrial Union, Local No. 113 of the Industrial Workers of the World was founded last spring by Miss Jane Street. Today we offer part one (of two parts) of an article about that union and its tactics from The Washington Post of September 24, 1916:
How A Cold Storage Egg Started
The Servant Girls Union
You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Wednesday July 19, 1916
Denver, Colorado – I. W. W. Organizing Housemaids
From the Chicago Daily Tribune of July 14, 1916:
Denver Domestic Workers’ Union
Black Lists
Rich Housewives Who Do Not Behave.
Denver, Colo., July 13-Sabotage is the new weapon the Denver Domestic Workers’ union will use to reform rich mistresses, Miss Jane Street, organizer, said today. About 1,000 housewives here are listed, their virtues and faults catalogued and classified.
Interesting things happen when an I. W. W. maid or cook arrives in a blacklisted household to train the mistress in the way she should honor and obey her servants.