Hellraisers Journal: The Leavenworth Times: “Prison Welcomes Twenty Wobblies to Its Rock Pile.”


Quote Ralph Chaplin Mourn Not the Dead, Bars and Shadows, 1922———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday April 27, 1921
Leavenworth, Kansas – Fellow Workers Report to Prison Voluntarily 

From The Leavenworth Times of April 26, 1921:




Charles Ashleigh, Oxford Graduate, Ralph H. Chaplin, Artist-Poet,
Ben Fletcher, Walking Delegate and Other “Leading Lights”
Among Those Who Re-Entered Federal Penitentiary
-Several Refuse to Believe “Big Bill” Fled to Escape Sentence.


IWW Chg Class War Prisoners bf Leaving for Leavenworth, Late Apr 1921, with Names fr Messenger p235, Aug 1921

Twenty of the forty-six Industrial Workers of the World, convicted for violation of the espionage law and obliged to return to the Federal penitentiary because the United States supreme court denied an appeal on a trial review, reported voluntarily yesterday.

“Haywood will be here soon,” declared most of the “wobblies,” who reported yesterday. They refuse to believe that “Big Bill,” their international secretary and chieftain, fled to Russia to escape the prison sentence of five to twenty years.

Stanley J. Clark, Chicago attorney, under sentence of ten years, was the first to report. He arrived yesterday morning from Fort Worth, Tex. Charles Bennett, also under sentence of ten years, was the twentieth man to report, being “dressed in” at 5 o’clock yesterday evening.

Twelve “wobblies” marched through the prison gates in one group. Among the twelve were Ben Fletcher, walking delegate for the I. W, W. and the only colored man in the entire consignment Charles Ashleigh, Englishman and graduate of Oxford University, and Ralph H. Chaplin, artist and poet, who was detailed by the “wobblies” to investigate the Centralia, Wash., conspiracy. Nizra Pietro [Pietro Nigra], who drew the shortest sentence, only ten months, also reported.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Leavenworth Times: “Prison Welcomes Twenty Wobblies to Its Rock Pile.””

Hellraisers Journal: The Leavenworth Post: “Haywood Flees to Russia to Escape Prison” -Left from New York April 1st


Quote BBH re Capitalist Class, Lbr Arg p4, Mar 23, 1911———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday April 22, 1921
Chicago, Illinois – Federal Officials Confirm Haywood is in Russia

From The Leavenworth Post of April 21, 1921:

BBH Flees to Russia, Lv Pst p1, Apr 21, 1921

(By The Associated Press.)

BBH in Boise Cell 1907 ed, Lv Pst p1, Apr 21, 1921

Chicago, April 21.-Federal officials today received confidential information that William D. Haywood, secretary of the Industrial Workers of the World who was scheduled to begin a sentence at United States penitentiary, at Leavenworth this week, had fled from the United States and now is in either Moscow or Riga.

Attorney Admits Departure.

Otto Christensen, attorney for Haywood, said he had been informed that Haywood sailed from New York on the Oscar Second about April 1, and landed at Riga about April 16. He said he thought Haywood had gone to Russia on a personal mission and was not fleeing from the penitentiary sentence.

Authorities Start Search.

Charles F. Clyne, United States district attorney announced that search had been started for Haywood.

“He is not at Leavenworth, Chicago, nor New York, and we have private information that he has landed either at Moscow or Riga,” said Clyne.

“That is all we know about it but we expect to have definite information very quickly.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Leavenworth Post: “Haywood Flees to Russia to Escape Prison” -Left from New York April 1st”

Hellraisers Journal: U. S. Supreme Court Rules Against William D. Haywood and 79 Fellow Workers Convicted at Chicago


Quote BBH IWW w Drops of Blood, Sept Oct 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday April 13, 1921
Washington, District of Columbia – U. S. Supreme Court Rules Against Haywood

From The Leavenworth Post of April 11, 1921:

Supreme Court Refuses to Review
Conviction of Industrial Leader.


(By the Associated Press.)

BBH William Haywood 13106, Leavenworth Pen, Sept 1918

Washington Apr. 11.-The supreme court today refused to review the conviction of William D. Haywood and seventy-nine more members of the I. W. W. on charge of having conspired to obstruct war activities of the government.

Then refusal of the supreme court to interfere closed the long fight to save Haywood and his associates from prison only a presidential pardon can now prevent their sentences from being imposed.

Evidence Was Questioned 

The petition for the review was based on the contention that the federal agents conducting the raids on houses and offices of the official of the I. W. W. on September 5, 1917 acted without search warrants and evidence obtained was illegal under the recent ruling of the supreme court.

The cases were tried before federal Judge Landis and the sentence ranging from one to twenty hears were imposed.

Most of the men were given their liberty on bail bonds aggregating $500,000 pending the outcome of the appeals.

BBH at Detroit IWW Book Store, OBU p16, Jan 1921


[Emphasis and photographs added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: U. S. Supreme Court Rules Against William D. Haywood and 79 Fellow Workers Convicted at Chicago”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for February 1911, Part I: Found in Denver, Colorado, at Protest Against Government by Injunction


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday March 17, 1911
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1911, Part I:
–Found in Denver Speaking Out Against Government by Injunction

From The Rocky Mountain News of February 3, 1911:

Twelve Thousand, Including Legislators,
Parade as Rebuke to Judge Whitford
for Recent Injunctions.

Auditorium Packed Until Dark; Thomas Urges
Change in Laws; Asks Recall.


Mother Jones crpd ed, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

The biggest trades union demonstration ever seen in Denver was that which took place yesterday in the form of a parade of the downtown streets and a mass meeting at the Auditorium as a protest against the decisions of Judge Greeley W. Whitford in the injunction cases against the union coal miners of the northern Colorado district and the striking machinists of the Denver Rock Drill and Machinery company.

The actual number in the parade was estimated at 12,000. The Auditorium was packed to its capacity and 2,000 were unable to get in…..

Former Governor Charles S. Thomas was the first speaker and from the time he began his address until “Mother” Jones closed at 6 o’clock the meeting was almost a continual demonstration of enthusiasm, with bursts of stormy applause whenever any especially strong denunciation of the decisions of Judge Whitford or or what the speakers designated “government by injunction” was uttered…..

Big Garment Workers’ Force.

The greatest number of women was in the first division. The Garment Workers’ union, the largest union of working girls in the city, marched in this division. So also did the woman’s auxiliary to the machinists…..

[Former Governor Thomas] urged the enactment of a recall law as one of the most effective means of putting an end to existing conditions, and the unanimity of the sentiment in favor of such a law was evidenced by vigorous applause.

E. E. [E. S.] McCullough, former vice-president of the United Mine Workers of America; John M. O’Neill, editor of the Western Federation of Miners’ magazine, and “Mother” Jones were the other speakers. O’Neill termed Whitford the Pontius Pilate of Colorado.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for February 1911, Part I: Found in Denver, Colorado, at Protest Against Government by Injunction”

Hellraisers Journal: Ten Thousand March in Denver, Colorado, to Protest Whitford’s Injunction, Jailing of 16 Union Miners


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III


Hellraisers Journal – Thursday March 16, 1911
Denver, Colorado – “A Living Protest” by William D. Haywood

From the International Socialist Review of March 1911:

Living Protest by BBH, CO Miners in Jail, ISR p525, Mar 1901
This picture was taken in Denver County Jail where Pettibone,
Moyer, and Haywood were confined previous to being taken
to the penitentiary in Idaho. The men occupy the same
corridor where Haywood’s cell was located.

FEBRUARY the second was a memorable day in Denver, Colorado. Government by injunction received a jolt in the solar plexus that if followed up by a united working class will put the courts out of business.

Ten thousand men and women unionists and Socialists paraded the streets of the Queen City of the Plains, demanding that government by injunction be abolished. They marched in fours and sixes to the capital building. When the Socialist section arrived at the law factory, their band started up the Marseillaise, every red, big and little, singing the battle song of all nations.

From the capital building the parade marched to the city auditorium, where a monster protest meeting was held. Judge Greeley W. Whitford was damned, and denounced for sending sixteen coal miners, members of the U. M. W. A., to jail for a term of one year for the alleged violation of an injunction issued by him. The injunction was one of the blanket style that covers everything and everybody. Prohibited one from breathing in the vicinity of the coal company’s property or looking at one of their strike-breaking pets that they have imported from West Virginia.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Ten Thousand March in Denver, Colorado, to Protest Whitford’s Injunction, Jailing of 16 Union Miners”

Hellraisers Journal: William D. Haywood to Preach Solidarity of Labor for Lecture Bureau of International Socialist Review


Quote BBH One Fist, ISR p458, Feb 1911———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 25, 1911
Big Bill Haywood to Make Tour of Socialist Locals for the Review

From the International Socialist Review of February 1911:



BBH, ISR p68, Aug 1910

Our object in planning the Review Lecture Bureau is to increase the circulation of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW, to supply lecturers who are representative of revolutionary socialism—men and women who will drive home the things the REVIEW is trying to say to the working class, and to put some money into the local’s treasury [locals of the Socialist Party of America].

We have been fortunate in securing William D. Haywood to fill dates for us. Comrade Haywood has returned from his tour of Europe filled with enthusiasm for the growing solidarity of labor he has found in every country. No American has ever spoken to the enormous crowds in Europe that greeted Haywood every where he went. Stokers, dockers, boiler makers, thousands upon thousands of miners and other working men and women heard him and refused to go home when his meetings closed. “More, more”! was the cry that greeted Haywood wherever he spoke.

We have a plan whereby it will be possible for every Local in the country to have a Haywood date, without any expense to the Local. The comrades guarantee to take 500 admission tickets at 25 cents each. Each card is good for a three month subscription to the INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW, wherein Haywood hopes to repeat, drive home and clinch the arguments he makes in his lectures. This is the perfect propaganda. No man or woman ever grew sleepy at a Haywood lecture or forgot what Haywood said. They will get these things in permanent form in copies of the REVIEW.

The 500 tickets sold at 25 cents each, will be $125 of which we will pay $25 on hall rent, furnish posters, dodgers, and pay all of Haywood’s expenses. We will send FREE 200 copies of the current number of the REVIEW to be sold at the meeting for the benefit of the Local. The Local keeps the collection and literature sales. The Local takes half of all tickets sold over 500. Remember each admission ticket is good for a three-months’ subscription to the REVIEW. There is no better way to arouse the workingmen and women in your city than to get them to hear Haywood speak and to send copies of the REVIEW into their homes every month.

We are filling dates for Haywood in the central states at this time. Take up this matter with your local and write for a date NOW if you want to plan a lecture for February, March, or April. We will send on the cards, to be paid for on date of lecture.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: William D. Haywood to Preach Solidarity of Labor for Lecture Bureau of International Socialist Review”

Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: “Pick and Shovel Pointers” -Big Bill Haywood on Unholy Alliances


Quote BBH One Fist, ISR p458, Feb 1911———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday February 2, 1911
Some thoughts on agreements with capitalists from William D. Haywood.

From the International Socialist Review of February 1911:



AGREEMENTS with capitalists are the death warrants of labor.

There can be no closed shop as long as the boss has the keys.

BBH, One Finger or One Fist, ISR p458 459, Feb 1911

There is no chivalry in the work shop. Capitalism compels sex equality.

Every new invention of machinery makes the journeyman of today the apprentice of tomorrow.

Trade unionists keep men out of the union and then wonder why the Manufacturers’ Association can get scabs.

Labor organizations should be free to fight for their class interests at all times.

You recognize this fist as a fighting weapon. It is made up of five members, five organizations. They can all work independently when necessary but when called upon can become a united force.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: “Pick and Shovel Pointers” -Big Bill Haywood on Unholy Alliances”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Liberator: “Twenty Years” by Mary Heaton Vorse -Appeals at an End for Chicago IWW Case


Quote Frank Little re Guts, Wobbly by RC p208, Chg July 1917———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday January 2, 1921
Chicago, Illinois – Mary Heaton Vorse Has Supper with Convicted Fellow Workers

From The Liberator of January  1921:

Twenty Years

By Mary Heaton Vorse

WWIR, In Here For You, Ralph Chaplin, Sol Aug 4, Sept 1, 1917

RECENTLY in Chicago, after a meeting, I went to get a sandwich with a group of labor men. As I looked around the table, it came to me with a shock that I was the only person there, but one, who was not condemned to a long jail sentence. For all the people at the table were members of the Industrial Workers of the World convicted in the famous Chicago case.

Ralph Chaplin sat next to me. I had been talking only a few minutes before with his wife, a girl of extraordinary loveliness. She had not come out with us to supper because she had gone home to put her little boy of seven to bed. I had seen them standing all three together, only a half hour before.

Ralph Chaplin is a gifted idealist, a poet, as well as a man of action. His quality of uncompromising courage made me think of Jack Reed. It is upon such youth that the strength of a people is founded, men ready to suffer and with gifts to make people understand the beliefs which have stirred their hearts. And his wife is like him. It made you feel right with life to see them together. They face a 20-year sentence.

Ralph Chaplin is to be put in jail because he belonged to an industrial union, a legal organization.

Ralph Chaplin was Editor of “Solidarity.” And that is why he was given twenty years. It was a pretty bad crime for anyone to hold a red card. The talented ones were selected for 20-year sentences. Apparently Judge Landis could not bear that a man of attainments and gifts should belong to the organization of the I. W. W.

Charles Ashleigh is another poet. What had he done? He had been an I. W. W. He has a sentence of five years. He was one of those against whose sentence even Captain Lanier of the Military Intelligence protested. One wonders if the Captain had ever read the poem by his distinguished relative, called “Jacquerie.” And so Charles Ashleigh is among those who are slated for Leavenworth, where he has already spent two years.

Opposite me sat George Hardy, the. General Executive Secretary. He was one of those who got off easy. He only got a year and he has already served his sentence. No one knew exactly why some got long sentences or why some got short ones.

Bill Haywood, at the head of the table, as a matter of course was given the maximum sentence; that means a death sentence if it is carried out.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Liberator: “Twenty Years” by Mary Heaton Vorse -Appeals at an End for Chicago IWW Case”