Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday December 6, 1904 Denver, Colorado – Governor Peabody Plots to Hold On to Power
This week’s Duluth Labor World sounds the warning:
Governor-Elect Adams
Colorado is resting over a political volcano. Everyone is on the qui vive and following closely, and in most cases bitterly, the extraordinary antics of the [Colorado] Supreme Court.
Governor Peabody continues his machinations with the assistance of the Court to thwart the will of the people of the State of Colorado. The election of Alva Adams, Democrat, by a plurality of 11,000 votes has not deterred Peabody from his quest to hold onto power.
The latest twist in the plot involves the unseating of three Senators who have been elected from areas of the state where strikes have been conducted during the past year.
From The Labor World of December 3, 1904:
“Czar” Seeks to Unseat Three Senators
Who Were elected From Strike Centers.
Colorado Resting On Political Volcano
Outbreak Is Momentarily Expected.
Governor Peabody
Denver, Col., Dec. 1.-The rounding out of the Peabody plot to retain the Gubernatorial chair was developed more clearly today by the renewed trial of men charged with contempt. Precinct Eight of Ward Five was the scene of operations. The men arraigned are prominent Democrats-Frank Kratke, Edward O’Mally, Joseph Ray and Charles Kofsky.
The defendants, half an hour before, were arraigned before the United States Commissioner charged with violating the federal laws in regard to the election. The commissioners postponed their hearings until the Supreme Court should pass upon the charges of contempt against them.
The trend is more and more toward a situation wherein the spectacle will be presented of two Governors ruling the same state.
At Pueblo the grand jury will begin consideration of the alleged Republican frauds tomorrow.
A banquet will be given here tomorrow night in honor of Adams’ election, and next day the Republicans will ask the Supreme Court to begin throwing out Democratic precincts.
Colorado is resting over a political volcano. Everyone is on the qui vive and following closely, and in most cases bitterly, the extraordinary antics of the Supreme Court.
Each hearing of cases by that body develops in which direction the efforts of the Republicans are tending, indicating what returns are to be attacked and what valuable precincts are to be thrown out.
To Control Senate.
Upon the face of the returns received from every county in the state, the Democrats elected ten members of the State Senate, without counting any of the members from this county. These, with the nine holdover Democratic Senators, would give that party the control of the Senate.
The Peabody managers have daily asserted that they would be able to organize the Senate. The basis of their claims was not apparent until yesterday when they announced that they contemplated unseating Martin of Pueblo, Ward of Boulder and maybe Beshoar of Trinidad, all Democrats.
The state canvassing board is looked to to do the work. The official canvass in Boulder County was completed several days ago and showed the re-election of Senator Ward by a small majority. No charge of fraud was made in that county until yesterday. In Las Animas County the canvass showed that Dr. Beshoar was elected if every contested ballot were counted for Barela. In Pueblo [County] the official canvass is not competed, but both sides concede that it will show Mr. Martin’s election. It is not charged that Mr. Martin’s supporters committed fraud, but the Peabody managers assert that Republicans voted for him and this is to be made the ground of contest.
Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday April 28, 1914 Thousands of Striking Miners Join in Funeral Procession in Honor of Louie Tikas
April 27, 1914, Trinidad, Colorado:
From The Denver Post of April 27, 1914:
The body of Tikas lay before an alter on which were branched candles, holding high, burning tapers. The priest, assisted by [Pietro Catsulis], now the leader of the Greek colony, intoned the mass, the response being made by Catsulis.
Three times the priest kissed the cheeks of the dead leader. Three times he anointed the brow with wine. Three times he sprinkled dust on the face of the dead, while a Greek in overalls and corduroy coat swung the silver censer and wailed dolefully.
“Jesus give a place in Heaven to Louis, chanted the priest in the Greek tongue.
“Jesus give a place in heaven to Louis. Bring life from the grave,” solemnly repeated the dark-faced fighting men who crowded the undertaker’s chapel.
“Jesus, if Louis has any enemies, may they forget their hostility,” chanted Catsulis.
The tapers burned low. The place was dim with incense. But the priest chanted on, his iron-gray hair and flowing beard in somber contrast with his gold and silver woven robes.
This was the funeral of the man beliked by all he led and served. But a handful of women were present, and no arms were carried to remind those who watched that war was on.
Orderly, reverent, deeply religious, was the service. When the body was carried from the chapel, 488 Greeks followed the line before the hearse. The American colors, draped in crepe, were lifted, and in utter silence the cortege moved down Main Street to Commercial, past the headquarters of the United Mine Workers and on over the hill to the Knights of Pythias cemetery.
Before the funeral four Greeks carrying their muskets entered the chapel. They lifted their hats, muttered an oath to “avenge Louis’ death” pounded for times on the floor with their muskets, turned and left the room.
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 15, 1914 Forbes Tent Colony of Las Animas County, Colorado, Destroyed by Militia
From The Indianapolis Star of March 12, 1914:
WASHINGTON., March 10-Chairman Foster, of the House mines committee, which investigated the Colorado coal mine strike, today received the following telegram from officers of the United Mine Workers’ Union in Colorado:
“Twenty-three militiamen, under orders of Adj. Gen. John Chase, this morning demolished strikers’ tent colony at Forbes, Col. Men, Women and children are homeless in a blinding snowstorm. Inhabitants of the upper tent colony ordered by militiamen to leave their home within forty-eight hours or be deported.”
Chairman Foster said the committee stood ready to report drastic recommendations to Congress as soon as it could assemble its data.
Declaring that Federal intervention is sorely needed in Colorado, officers of the United Mine Workers of America sent a telegram to President Wilson yesterday demanding the release of Mother Mary Jones. The telegram follows:
“We again protest against the outrageous treatment accorded Mother Jones and demand her release from Colorado military prison, where she has been confined for more than two months.
“Federal intervention is sorely needed in Colorado. We can ill afford to talk about protecting the rights of American citizens in Mexico, as long as a woman, 80 years old, can be confined in prison by military authorities without any charge being placed against her, denied trial and refused bond, her friends prevented from communicating with her, her request for proper medical attendance denied and every right guaranteed by the constitution of the United States set aside.
“Colorado militia yesterday tore down tents of striking miners at Forbes, leaving miners and families without shelter and causing great suffering. Let us hear from you.”
The telegram is signed by John P. White, president of the miners; Frank J. Hayes, vice president , and William Green, secretary-treasurer.
[Photographs and emphasis added.] [Caption to Photographs: “Views of the tent colony at Forbes, Colo., destroyed by order of General Chase last Tuesday [March 10th] in the Trinidad coal strike district. The lower photograph is a view of a tent and the strikers and their families before the soldiers took charge. The upper is a view of the colony dwellers and their destroyed homes, showing the strikers and their children eating the food found in their wrecked tents.]