Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Mexico’s Díaz Regime Replies to Reporting from the Appeal to Reason


Quote John Murray re Rio Blanco Martyrs, ISR p653, Mar 1909———–

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 2, 1910
“Mexico Replies to the Appeal to Reason” by C. M. Brooks

From the International Socialist Review of October 1910:

Mexico Dictator Diaz, ISR p211, Oct 1, 1910

Letter T, ISR p894, Apr 1910

HE exposures of the horrible conditions in Mexico by John Kenneth Turner, in the Appeal to Reason, are arousing a spirit of inquiry all over the United States that is going to prove increasingly embarrassing to the government on this side of the border line. Famous captains of industry who have invested heavily in Mexican industries are becoming alarmed. It is interesting to note the sudden bursts of enthusiasm experienced by some of the radical magazines and newspapers on matters Mexican these days. Evidently somebody’s palm has been crossed, or somebody’s pocket-book has been touched or somebody’s skin has been threatened. One grows curious to see just how far the epidemic will spread.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Mexico’s Díaz Regime Replies to Reporting from the Appeal to Reason”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1910, Part I: Found Speaking to Miners of Hazleton District, Pennsylvania


Quote Mother Jones, Brutal Ruling Class, Cnc Pst p7, May 31, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday September 17, 1910
Mother Jones News Round-Up for August 1910, Part I:
-Found in
Hazleton Coal District Addressing Miners’ Meetings

From the Pittston Gazette of August 3, 1910:

“Mother Jones.”

Mother Jones crpd, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

“Mother Jones,” the miners’ friend, is spending some time in the Hazleton district, recuperating from a severe illness, and nearly every evening addresses a meeting of mine workers.


[Photograph added.]

From the Pottsville Republican of August 4, 1910:

Socialists to Observe Labor Day.

At a meeting of the Socialists of Pottsville held last evening in the barber shop of C. F. Foley arrangements were made to hold a big celebration here on Labor Day. Fred Warren, editor of the Appeal to Reason, will be the speaker of the occasion. Mother Jones will also be in attendance. The meeting will be held at Schuettler’s grove at the western end of Pottsville. Dancing will be one of the attractions of the day. Mr. Foley announced that his declination to run for lieutenant governor had been favorably acted. upon.


From the Shenandoah Evening Herald of August 12, 1910:

Will Go to Dubois Next.

“Mother” Jones the United Mine Workers organizer, who is stopping at Hazleton with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gildea, will go from Hazleton to Dubois. She expects to stay at Hazleton for several weeks yet, part of which time she will spend in the Panther Creek sub-district.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for August 1910, Part I: Found Speaking to Miners of Hazleton District, Pennsylvania”

Hellraisers Journal: Mexican Political Refugees Released from Prison; Villarreal, Magón & Rivera Arrive in Los Angeles


Quote Ricardo Flores Magon, Nothing But Death, AtR p2, May 29, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday August 15, 1910
Los Angeles, California – Mexican Political Refugees Arrive after Release

From the Appeal to Reason of August 13, 1910:

Refugees Released–Their Persecution.

[-by John Kenneth Turner.]

Story of the Release.

By Telegraph to Appeal to Reason.

Mex Rev, Villareal Magon Rivera, Barbarous MX p307, 3rd ed 1910

Los Angles, August 5.-Magon, Villarreal and Rivera, the refugee leaders of the Mexican Liberal party, are free at last, free and resting with friends in this city preparatory to reassembling their forces and launching again upon their campaign against the “Perpetual President” Diaz.

In order to meet them as they came out of prison, to be present if they were rearrested, so that through the Appeal to Reason the story of the latest crime against these men might be given to the world, I undertook the journey into that human bake oven, Arizona. I found the sweltering town of Florence, and that walled institution wherein some five hundred unfortunates pant and fight flies throughout the burning summer days and nights, bunked like sardines four or more in a cell. The trip nearly finished me. What long drawn agony it must have been to these persecuted men!

When Wednesday morning the three refugees stepped out through the iron gates into the open air, they looked about them for a man with a star and handcuffs, and could hardly believe their eyes when they saw none.

Arriving down town, they looked again for such a man, and at the station they looked for him again. As the train pulled into Phoenix Magon leaned back, resigning himself as it were, to the inevitable. Villarreal bent toward me and said: “He can’t believe that we are to be free, he cannot believe it. I could not believe it myself.”

But the man with the star and the handcuffs did not appear, nor has he yet appeared. As we disembarked at Los Angeles we heard a cheer, then the three Liberals were surrounded by scores of men and women. Americans and Mexicans, who shook their hands, patted them on-the back, and hugged them…..

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mexican Political Refugees Released from Prison; Villarreal, Magón & Rivera Arrive in Los Angeles”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1910, Part II: Found Honored for Her Work on Behalf of the Mexican Political Refugees


Quote Mother Jones Save Our Mexican Comrades, AtR p3, Feb 20, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday August 14, 1910
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1910, Part II:
-Found Praised for Her Work on Behalf of Mexican Comrades

From the Appeal to Reason of July 2, 1910:

Mother Jones in Washington.

Mother Jones, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910

Mother Jones has for two weeks been in Washington where she went to testify in behalf of the Mexican politician refugees. She has been courteously received even by members of congress who have no special leaning to labor’s cause, and was admitted to an audience with Taft. She said this was a courtesy which was denied her by Roosevelt. After she had laid the case of the Mexican prisoners before the president, Taft remarked:

“Mother, I am afraid if I were to put the pardoning power in your hands, there wouldn’t be any men left in the penitentiaries.”

To this Mother Jones replied:

And, indeed, Mr. President, if this nation spent half as much money keeping men out as she does keeping them in, we wouldn’t need so many penitentiaries.

Mother described her residence to Washington reporters as “wherever there is a labor war,” which is literally true.


[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1910, Part II: Found Honored for Her Work on Behalf of the Mexican Political Refugees”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: “A Personal Letter to the Appeal Army” by Eugene V. Debs


Quote EVD, Starve Quietly, Phl GS Speech IA, Mar 19, 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday July 28, 1910
Eugene V. Debs to the Appeal Army, “It All Depends on You”

From the Appeal to Reason of July 23, 1910:

A Personal Letter to the Appeal Army


EVD Life Size Photo by Jas Soler ed small, ISR p1044, May 1910

Comrades-During the past year or more my work in the field has brought me into personal touch with most of you and I want to express to you this word of appreciation of your personal kindness and your service to the cause. You have made the Appeal the most widely circulated labor and Socialist paper in the world and given it a power which is making capitalist culprits in high places tremble with fear and misgiving. But for this power Warren would long since be in jail and along with him Wayland, myself and the rest of the Appeal staff. The order to this effect was duly issued and the papers prepared but when the time came to move the puppets were paralyzed with fear. They were palsied by the silent power of the Appeal and did not dare to defy its lightning.

This power of the Appeal created by you is the power of the rising people and the degree it registers on the indicator is the degree of their progress toward emancipation.

This power is subject to the laws of growth and decay. Daily hourly, it must advance or it must decline. It cannot remain at a standstill. The very law of its being forbids.


You not only created that power, YOU ARE THAT POWER!

The moral power of the Appeal, in the revolutionary movement of the people is the concrete expression of the moral power of the Appeal Army.

To the extent that you add to the moral stature and strength of the Appeal to Reason you hasten the day of deliverance from the tyranny of plutocracy.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: “A Personal Letter to the Appeal Army” by Eugene V. Debs”

Hellraisers Journal: Newly Freed, Kate Richards O’Hare Visits with Eugene V. Debs, Imprisoned at Atlanta Penitentiary


Quote EVD, To Speak for Labor, Canton OH, June 16, 1918———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday July 14, 1920
Atlanta Penitentiary – Kate Richards O’Hare Visits Eugene Debs

From The Butte Daily Bulletin of July 12, 1920:

Two Comrades Meet in Atlanta Prison
After Long Separation;
Think of Others’ Suffering.

(By the Federated Press.)

Kate Richards OHare w Children, Chg New Day, July 10, 1920, MxOrg

Atlanta, Ga., July 12.-In a visit full of dramatic incidents, Kate Richards O’Hare visited Eugene V. Debs in the federal penitentiary July 3.

Mrs. O’Hare, recently freed from the penitentiary, was ushered into the prison. The two comrades embraced.

“How glad I am to see you free, Kate,” Debs said.

“I’m not used to being free yet,” she answered. They sat down, facing each other across the table. It was a fair afternoon and the rays of the sun filtered through the steel bars of the visitors’ cell, and lighted up the features of Debs, who smiled a smile of joy to see his old friend.

“Your coming here is like a ray of sunlight to me,” said Debs. “Tell me of your prison experiences.”

“I am not thinking of myself,” Mrs. O’Hare answered, “but of little Mollie Steimer, who now occupies my cell at Jefferson City, and of her appalling sentence of fifteen years. She is a little 19-year-old girl, smaller than my Kathleen, and her sole crime is her love for the oppressed.” At Debs’ questions, Mrs. O’Hare related the story of the girl. Debs’ lashes damped and his eyes were tear-stained, his face showed the emotion in his heart.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Newly Freed, Kate Richards O’Hare Visits with Eugene V. Debs, Imprisoned at Atlanta Penitentiary”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for June 1900, Part III: Mother Jones Returns to Georges Creek District to Assist Striking Miners


Quote JA Wayland, Mother Jones, AtR p1, Mar 17, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday July 12, 1900
Mother Jones News Round-Up for June 1900, Part III
Found Returning to Georges Creek Coal District to Assist Striking Miners

From the Washington Times of June 28, 1900:

The Lonaconing Editor’s Assailants
to be Arrested.

Mother Jones, Atlanta Constitution p9, June 8, 1900CUMBERLAND, June 27.-Warrants have been issued for the arrest of Lonaconing rioters. Joseph J. Robinson, editor of the Lonaconing Star, Robert A. L. Dick, who addressed tho anti-strike meeting; Mayor Thompson and others have made information. It is expected that another batch will be sworn out in the case of the brutal assault on James Stapleton, the roadsman yesterday. The region is being patrolled by union miners and a fresh outbreak is expected at any time. “Mother” Jones, the famous woman agitator, has returned to the region and is lending to the excitement.

Hugh Muir, a prominent resident of Lonaconing and a member of the United Mine Workers, was here yesterday to obtain advice regarding entering a libel suit against one of the strike leaders. The charge grows out of a publication by a strike organization. The organization seems to be divided and is believed by many to be disintegrating.

[Photograph added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for June 1900, Part III: Mother Jones Returns to Georges Creek District to Assist Striking Miners”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for June 1900, Part II: “Labor’s Joan of Arc” -Leads Strikers, Comforts Wife and Child


Quote JA Wayland, Mother Jones, AtR p1, Mar 17, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday July 11, 1900
Mother Jones News Round-Up for June 1900, Part II
Fondly Remembered in Birmingham as “Labor’s Joan of Arc”

From the Birmingham Labor Advocate of June 16, 1900:

“I Have Devoted Myself to Humanity.”

Comforts the Wife and Child,
Touches as With a Mother’s Hand
the Brow of the Sick,
and Leads the Strikers.

Mother Jones, Atlanta Constitution p9, June 8, 1900Mother Jones, who is distinguishing herself and honoring her dear old gray head by her efforts in labor’s cause in Pennsylvania and Maryland, is well and affectionately known in Birmingham, where she labored a few years ago, largely in the interest of cotton mill serfs. God bless her. No truer, braver or more devoted champion of the right ever graced the earth.

We are making history, and she will live in its pages. Her life will be held up as an example to emulate in that better day when right shall rule.

The following article is clipped from the editorial page of the Philadelphia North American, illustrated by a double column likeness of our well-beloved sister:

“Mother” Mary Jones comes to the front again, as is evidenced from the reports from the George’s Creek coal mining region of Maryland. By talking to the miners and their families there she has persuaded them to remain on strike. The scenes attending the speech-making of Mother Jones are intensely dramatic, as, indeed, they well might have been, judging by the Meyersdale situation and the character of the woman labor leader.

Mrs. Mary Jones is better known among the workmen of the United States and especially among the miners, as “Mother.” She has earned the title by the truly motherly manner in which she cares for the families of those men who happen to be on strike in her neighborhood. As she says, “the women are great factors in a strike.” By controlling the women and children, Mother Jones is able to win many strikes for the men.

“A man can face the devil.” says Mother Jones, “but he can’t stand out against capitalism and its servants when the wife points to the little children and says there is no bread.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for June 1900, Part II: “Labor’s Joan of Arc” -Leads Strikers, Comforts Wife and Child”

Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason: Mother Jones Doing Good Work for Striking Coal Miners of Lonaconing


Quote JA Wayland, Mother Jones, AtR p1, Mar 17, 1900———-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 29, 1900
Lonaconing, Maryland – Mother Jones Stands with Striking Coal Miners

From the Appeal to Reason of June 23, 1900:

Mother Jones, Kenosha Ns WI p7, June 26, 1900

Mother Jones has been doing her usual amount of good work with the coal miners of Lonaconing, Pa [Maryland]. A local paper says in an account of a strike meeting: “Mother Jones was then introduced and proved herself beyond question a remarkable woman. She received liberal applause, and a number of ladies were present to hear her.”

[Drawing and emphasis added.]

From the Washington Times of June 23, 1900:

Woman Labor Leader Explains Her
Interest in the Cause.

BALTIMORE, June 22.-“Mother” Jones, the widely known labor leader, was in Baltimore today in the interest of the striking coal miners of the Georges Creek region. The Federation of Labor is arranging a series of mass meetings for the near future to be addressed by her.

Mrs. Jones does not look like the fiery agitator that she has been described. A motherly, good natured face is lighted by kindly blue eyes and crowned by silver hair. She is evidently over the half-century mark, but is as active as a young girl. “I love my work and it loves me,” she said when her physical vigor was commented upon. She speaks deliberately, with a pleasant voice suggestive of an ancestry to be credited to Ireland, and uses excellent language.

“Why shouldn’t a woman take part in all efforts for the benefit of labor?” she asked in response to a question. ”

Labor is the basis of all society. A woman should surely be interested in her surroundings and her home and do her part to uplift both. When did I begin this work? So many years ago that I have forgotten. I go wherever I think I can be of use. I have taken part in strikes all over the country, and have always urged peaceful methods. All these complex problems will be solved peacefully in time through the molding of public sentiment and the ballot box.

Am I a woman’s suffragist? Well, I have never been identified with the movement or belonged to any organization that was. I think beneficial results have always followed the placing of the ballot in woman’s hands. The excellent labor laws of Australia and New Zealand came only after women began to vote. Colorado, where women vote, is the only State that has taken steps to investigate the labor laws of Australia and New Zealand with a view of adopting them.

A woman becomes no less a woman when she studies social and political conditions and takes part in public affairs. A broadened intellect teaches her to love her home better. Such a woman, as a rule, loves her home and family better than the society woman who hands her children over to hired people to rear.

“Mother” Jones returned to western Maryland today, but will come to Baltimore again next week to make several speeches.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason: Mother Jones Doing Good Work for Striking Coal Miners of Lonaconing”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs, the Socialist Candidate for President, Greets Running Mate, Seymour Stedman


Quote EVD re SP n Working Class, Atlanta Cstn p2, May 30, 1920———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 27, 1920
Atlanta Federal Penitentiary – Debs Greets Stedman with a Kiss

From the Appeal to Reason of June 26, 1920:

EVD Kisses Stedman at Atlanta Pen, AtR p2, June 26, 1920

President Should Pardon Debs

William M. Reedy, in Reedy’s Mirror.

President Wilson should order the release from prison of Eugene V. Debs. He will, if he has any place in that heart which so throbs for humanity in the abstract, for the individual man. He will, if he has any admiration for a man whose convictions defy prison and death. He will, if he has any brotherliness for another who obeys those “voices” which Wilson himself hears and obeys as Socrates did his demon. He will not doom Debs to death for his opinions based on a higher law than that of that man-made, Hobbesian God, the State. I understand that Mr. Debs is in a much weakened condition as the result of his confinement, that his physical plight is such as to make his immurement during hot weather extremely dangerous.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs, the Socialist Candidate for President, Greets Running Mate, Seymour Stedman”