Hellraisers Journal – Monday September 13, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for August 1909, Part II:
-Found in San Antonio, Fighting for Mexican Revolutionaries
From the Beaumont Daily Enterprise of August 20, 1909:
She Will Actively Enter Fight For
“Liberty in Old Mexico.”
Special to the Enterprise.

San Antonio, Texas, Aug. 19-Much interest has been aroused in the case of Thomas [Tomás] Sarabia and Jose [José] M. Rangel, who are in the county jail charged with violation of the United States neutrality laws, by the arrival of “Mother Jones,” who will hold a series of mass meetings, protesting against the imprisonment of the men and the coming of Andrea Villareal [Villarreal], sister of Antonio Villareal an alleged revolutionist, now in prison in Los Angeles, Cal. The first of these meetings will be held Saturday night [August 21st] in a large tent on East Houston street and will be addressed by “Mother Jones.” Andrea Villareal is expected to arrive Monday.
It is a noteworthy fact that the Mexican population of the city are taking a great interest in the matter pertaining to the imprisoned men. This is particularly noticeable among the laboring class of the Mexicans and the matter is being discussed in all quarters. The wealthy class and also Americans who have financial interests in Mexico are trying to belittle the matter and say it is the work of sensation mongers. They feel confident that the United States will uphold the Mexican government and extradite the men now being held. It is expected that these meetings will do much to encourage the cause of the revolutionists in the proposed overthrow of the Diaz government and will tend to arouse feelings against Diaz. “Mother Jones” says she will have much of interest to say at the protest meeting. “Mother Jones” figured prominently in the strikes in the anthracite regions and the Western Federation of Miners and is accountable for the release of Manuel Sarabia from prison. When Manuel Sarabia, brother of Thomas Sarabia, now in the Bexar county jail was arrested in Douglas, Ariz, two years ago, he was taken into Mexico. It was charged that he was taken across the line without the due process of law, and “Mother Jones” started the first meeting of protest. It resulted in a movement which ended only with a decision by the United States supreme court and Sarabia was returned to the United Sates from a Mexican prison. He met a wealthy Boston girl while in Arizona and married her several months ago. “Mother Jones” will tell the story of the rescue of Manuel Sarabia.
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