Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday January 31, 1912
Lawrence, Massachusetts – Woman Shot and Killed During Strikers’ Demonstration
From The Boston Daily Globe of January 30, 1912:

From The New York Call of January 30, 1912:
LAWRENCE, Mass., Jan. 29.-After a two hours’ demonstration, during which the woolen and cotton mill strikers had full control of the streets of this city, there was a clash between the police and militia on one side and about 1,000 strikers near the Everett mills just before 6 o’clock to night.
The affray resulted in the killing of an Italian woman, who was standing on the sidewalk, the stabbing of Patrolman Oscar Benoit and sore heads for many of the strikers, who were finally put to flight.
The woman killed was the victim of senseless shooting by an unknown individual, who seemed to be taking great joy in firing revolver bullets into the ground on the opposite side of Union street from the woman. It is claimed that neither the police nor militiamen fired a shot during the battle and it is believed that the woman was killed by a bullet which glanced off a stone in the street.
[Emphasis added.]
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