Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for February 1921: Journalist Claims Mother Jones Helping to Make Mexico Safe for American Business


Quote Mother Jones PAFL Congress, p72, Jan 13, 1921———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday April 25, 1921
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1921
-C. H. Newell Claims Mother Jones is Helping to Make Mexico Safe

From the Salt Lake Telegram of February 1, 1921:

Obregon, Villareal, Gompers and
“Mother Jones” Fight Bolshevism


Mother Jones, ed WDC Tx p2, Aug 29, 1920

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 1.-Mexico’s “big four” are Obregon, Gompers, Villareal and Mother Jones.

They’re making Mexico safe for Americans and American business.

The great American drive to capture the immensely rich Mexican trade is on full blast…..


Mother Jones, America’s 90-year-young labor leader, is helping to put the skids under bolshevism in Mexico.

Her visit to Mexico, at first hailed with glee by Communist party organizers, has resolved itself into a characteristic crusade for trade union organization.

This means, employers and government officials say, a better chance for the Obregon administration to get the country back on a productive basis.

[Mother Jones says:]

Education is the fundamental need of Mexico. I’m down here to preach the gospel of education for workers.

When they get education they will know how to act to achieve full industrial as well as political rights. And the agency through which they will make the most rapid, peaceful progress is the Pan-America Labor federation, backed as it is by the American Federation of Labor.

This is what Mother Jones told the communists at the labor convention:


Uncle Sam’s government may not be perfect, but it is the best one on earth today. So you rats may just as well understand that if you open your mouths against my country, I will grab you by the collar, drag you out of your hole, and shake hell out of you.

Mother Jones is the personal guest of General Antonio Villareal, who, as secretary of agriculture, is trying to restore farming and ranching pursuits, with real success.

Several years ago an effort was being made by mining and timber interests of northern Mexico have Villareal deported from the United States. His deportation would have meant his death.

Mother Jones made a trip to Washington in his behalf and he was not deported.

Villareal has been one of the foremost in restoring mail, wire, railway and ship service, so all important lines of communication are now open in the country.


[Photograph added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Letter to Upton Sinclair from John L. Murphy, Sacrament IWW Class War Prisoner at Leavenworth


Quote Frank Little re Guts, Wobbly by RC p208, Chg July 1917———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 13, 1921
Leavenworth Federal Prison – Letter from Fellow Worker John L. Murphy

From the Appeal to Reason of March 12, 1921:

The White Terror at Work

Ad, Story of a Patriot by Upton Sinclair, AtR p3, Nov 13, 1920

Recently I [Upton Sinclair] published a novel [100%-A Story of a Patriot] dealing with the activities of spies and secret agents of big business. Our gracious Postoffice Department does not permit me to mention the name of this novel, otherwise this contribution will be considered as an advertisement. But here is a letter which has just come to me, and which you might take to be a chapter out of the aforesaid unnameable novel. Read it, and see how very proud of your country it makes you. I do not know the writer of this letter, but the accent of truth is in every word of his story, and it what I have learned of hundreds of other cases, makes me quite ready to believe what he tells. If you know any 100 per cent American patriots in your neighborhood, take them this letter and try to get them to read it.

[Letter from John L. Murphy, No. 13586]

IWW Sacramento Class War Prisoner John L Murphy, Leavenworth, Jan 25, 1919

Leavenworth, Kans., Feb. 13, 1921.

Mr. Upton Sinclair, Pasadena, Cal.
Dear Comrade: 

Below I am sending you the facts of my case.

I was born in Boston the boasted, cradle of Liberty. I am a working man, not a leech. In 1918 while working at Olympia, Wash., I wrote a letter to Chris Luber at Sacramento, Cal. He was an I. W. W. He was in jail at the time of my writing. This I did not know at the time. In fact he had been in jail almost two months before I wrote my first letter. My letter was the ordinary kind exchanged among workers—working conditions, etc. This letter was not delivered to Luber. The Department of Justice got it. They answered it and forged Luber’s name to it. This letter was indeed very bitter against the government. I thought my friend Luber had gone “bugs.” How was I to know that the Department of Justice agent was writing to me? They had his name forged to the letter, and I did not know he was in jail at the time. They wound up by asking me to “Pull off” something violent, just anything would do.

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Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts & Doings of Mother Jones for February 1901, Part III: Found Standing Firm with Striking Silk Mill Workers of Pennsylvania


Quote Mother Jones, Stt Dly Tx p3or5, Feb 23, 1901———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 11, 1901
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1901, Part III
Found Standing with Striking Silk Mill Workers of Pennsylvania

From the Wilkes-Barre Record of February 20, 1901:



Mother Jones, at Her Lecture Stand, Detail Crpd, Phl Iq p1, Sept 24, 1900

“Mother” Jones arrived in town yesterday and addressed the striking silk mill girls at B. I. A. Hall. There was a large attendance and her address created much enthusiasm. P. J. Boyle, president of the Central Labor Union, presided and a number of other labor leaders were on the platform, among them president Duke of the Pittston C. L. U.

“Mother” Jones was introduced by Mr. Boyle and she said in part:

This presents on one side a deplorable picture of greed and avarice and on the other side a new chapter in progress and civilization. In labor’s dark and dismal days past she has had her heavy burden. Labor, and labor alone, has made the American nation great, has built State houses and mansions, has raised civilization, but all the while has overlooked her own best interests. The greatness of the nation she showed-that the Mississippi Valley alone is capable of supporting six hundred millions of people. Then why is it necessary to suffer so much and work so hard for a crust of bread.

Babies are taken from the cradle to the mill. The great commercial American nation cannot be built on the bleaching bones of American children. School is the proper place for children, and those who try to place them there are called anarchists. There are millions of helpless slaves held in the hollow of the hands of a few and we propose to set them free. No longer the lash of the black slave is heard, for his wail touched the heart of the nation. The wail of the factory girls will yet touch the heart of the nation. We have wondered why the pulse of the nation has not long since throbbed. It is an appalling picture, but the spirit of greed has been so well implanted in the commercial world that the picture does not appeal to the factory owner.

She illustrated the pains that are taken to care for animals, but the deplorable condition of children is never noticed.

Here in Wilkes-Barre you have a lot of little children who ought to be in the school room. These children are paid low wages and even then do not know how much they will receive until they receive their envelopes. If they are docked and ask the reason they are discharged. If they form a union to protest the leaders are told to seek work elsewhere. The silk manufacturers unite to keep up the price of silk and why then should not the girls who produce the article unite to keep up the price of labor?…..


[Photograph added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for December 1920: Found in Nation’s Capital Pleading for Release of Eugene V. Debs


EVD Quote re Mother Jones, AtR, Nov 23, 1907———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 26, 1921
Mother Jones News Round-Up for December 1920:
–Found in Washington, D. C., Pleading for Release of Debs

From Virginia’s Richmond Times-Dispatch of December 15, 1920:

Socialist Leader Not Included in Christmas
Pardons in List From White House.

Executive’s Refusal Is Blow to Aspirations of Liberals,
Who Have Been Working to That End.
“Mother Jones” Visits Capital.

(By United News.]

Mother Jones, UMWJ p11, July 15, 1920

WASHINGTON, Dec. 24.-Two men convicted of murder and one man convicted of selling drugs unlawfully, received Christmas pardons today from President Wilson. Eugene V. Debs, choice of a million citizens for President in the recent election, did not. His ten-year term, under conviction of violating the espionage act, still stands, subject only to abbreviation through good behavior….

The President’s refusal to extend mercy to Debs is a blow in the face for Socialists and liberals all over the country. The Socialist party, as such, has not interceded in his behalf, but individual members of the party have been campaigning consistently ever since the signing of the peace treaty eighteen months ago to obtain Debs’ release. The Bureau of Civil liberties has been the center of activity of others working for pardon for him.

Mother Jones, aged friend of the miners, spent some time in Washington last week working in Debs’ behalf….

It became known recently that Attorney-General Palmer, who has been considered opposed to clemency for Debs, actually had recommended to the President that the grant the pardon. Partly because this fact was rumored among those working for Debs’ release and because of the frequent revival of the report that the President planned to grant the pardon at Christmas time, the general feeling In this city had been that the Socialist leader would be a free man Christmas Day. The statement that this would not be the case, made Thursday by the United News, was a profound shock, and many still clung to hope until the issuance of the pardon list by the Attorney-General’s office Friday revealed only the three names given above.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: From the Cleveland Toiler: Eugene V. Debs on the Power of the Capitalist Press, Fed Fat by Ruling Class


Quote AtR p1 Nominates EVD for President, May 24, 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 21, 1920
Power of Press Underestimated by American Socialist Movement

From the Cleveland Toiler of February 20, 1920:

The Power of the Press

– by Eugene V. Debs –

EVD f President by OK SP, Mpl Str Tb p2, Feb 2, 1920

The power of the press is sadly underestimated in the socialist movement. The ruling class make no such mistakes. They are keenly alive to the power of the press in molding public sentiment and in shaping affairs in accordance with their interests. The capitalist papers do not suffer for the want of support and never die of starvation. They are fed fat and ungrudgingly by the class in power and in return serve that class with all their power.

Not so with the press of the working class. With scarcely an exception the papers and periodicals published in the interest of labor eke out a precarious existence. Ninety-five percent of them line the highway of the past with their skeletons. They lingered for a brief while and then gave up the ghost, falling victims to the chronic labor-paper malady, starvation.

Of course not all papers claiming to be labor papers are fit to exist. Many of them are fakes and run by political grafters. These often thrive in their blackmail and graft while an honest paper is allowed to die for the want of support.

Working men and women ought to have intelligence enough by this time to discriminate between an honest labor paper and a grafting sheet and they ought to be loyal enough to the working class to give their support to the paper that uses its influence to mold sentiment in favor of their cause and fights their industrial and political battles.

It is when the strike comes that the working class suffer most keenly the lack of a powerful press that reaches the people. They are always at a fearful disadvantage on this account. The capitalists get in a thousand licks to their one, not only because they can get their case before the people in its most favorable light and keep it there, but because they can put the case of the workers in the most unfavorable light and keep it there.

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Hellraisers Journal: Russian Methods Prevail in Spokane Free Speech Fight, Report from The Progressive Woman


Quote EGF, Heaven n Hell, ISR p617, Jan 1910———-

Hellraisers Journal – Monday January 31, 1910
Spokane, Washington – Free Speech Fighters Suffer Sweating, Hunger and Cold

From The Progressive Woman of January 1910:


EGF ed, Prog Wmn p2, Jan 1910—–

Every once in a while things happen in the United States that seem for the world like Russia. The “bull-pen” episode in Colorado a few years ago was one of these. The present fight for free speech out in Spokane is another. The authorities out there took it upon themselves to deny the right of free speech to the Socialists, and the Socialist labor organization, the Industrial Workers of the World, with its official organ, The Industrial Worker, and its headquarters in Spokane, is bearing the brunt of this fight.

As fast as men are thrown into jail for attempting to hold their usual street meetings others come to take their places. In fact, the comrades are pouring in from every section of the country to help in this fight.

And it is a serious business. Young men, without funds, but anxious to help, take advantage of every possible means of reaching Spokane, even to “riding the rods” through the long dreary cold of the north west. One splendid young comrade from Chicago was killed while making his way in this manner; another was hurt in a wreck. Others suffered agonies from hunger and the cold. But none have turned back.

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Hellraisers Journal: From the American Socialists: An American Mother Searches for Her Boy in France by Ryan Walker


I have no country to fight for;
my country is the earth,
and I am a citizen of the world.
-Eugene Victor Debs


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday May 27, 1917
From the American Socialist: An American Boy in France

“Her Boy” by Ryan Walker:

WWI, Her American Boy in France, Am Sc, May 26, 1917

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the American Socialists: An American Mother Searches for Her Boy in France by Ryan Walker”

Hellraisers Journal: Labor Crucified in Pittsburgh; Mass Arrests of Electrical Workers and Machinists


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Monday June 12, 1916
From the American Socialist: Special Report from Pittsburgh, Part I

We Never Forget, Braddock Massacre, May 2, 1916_0

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