Hellraisers Journal: John Reed Arrested at Paterson for Refusing “Move On” Order, Gets Twenty Days in Passaic County Jail


Quote John Reed, Rebellious People, Ten Days, 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday April 30, 1913
Paterson, New Jersey – John Reed Sentenced to 20 Days in Passaic County Jail

From The New York Times of April 29, 1913:

John Reed of the American Magazine
Among Strike Victims.

John Reed to Jail at Paterson, Eve Ns p9, Apr 28, 1913
The Paterson Evening News
April 28, 1913

John Reed, a writer and a member of the staff of the American Magazine, was arrested in Paterson yesterday on a charge of disorderly conduct in the silk workers’ strike. He was arraigned before Recorder James F. Carroll, who, after hearing the evidence, sentenced Reed to twenty days’ imprisonment in the Passaic County Jail. Reed gave his address as 42 Washington Square, and according to some of his friends was in Paterson getting “local color” for a magazine story dealing with the silk workers’ strike.

Reed was at the corner of Cross and Ellison Street yesterday in the centre of the strike zone, talking to three men strikers. Policeman McCormick came along and ordered the men to disperse. The strikers said they lived in the house in front of which they were standing. 

“Well, get inside then,” said McCormick.

“But I don’t live in there,” said Reed.

“Well, move on, then,” said McCormick to the magazine writer.

Reed started to obey and then changed his mind and went back to where McCormick was and demanded his number.

An argument between the policeman and Reed followed which ended in the arrest of Reed on a charge of disorderly conduct. He was immediately taken to court and arraigned before Recorder Carroll.

“What’s your business?” asked the Recorder.

“Poet,” answered Reed.

“What’s your business here?” the Recorder asked again.

“None; I am a bystander,” Reed replied.

McCormick then testified that Reed had refused to move on when ordered to do so, and had insisted on questioning his authority.

The Recorder took McCormick’s view of the case and sentenced Reed to jail. 

John S. Phillips, editor of The American Magazine, was asked last night if the management of that publication would interest itself in the affairs of Mr. Reed and attempt to have him released from jail on appeal or by suing out a writ of habeas corpus. Mr. Phillips replied that he did not know of any contemplated action by the magazine management and that he did not care to discuss the matter.

[Newsclip and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Appeal to Reason: “Mexico and Murder” by Mother Jones, Praises Article by John Kenneth Turner


Quote Mother Jones, Wake fr Slumber, AtR p2, Oct 23, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 24, 1909
Mother Jones Praises Article by Turner on Brutality of Mexican Government

From the Appeal to Reason of October 23, 1909:

Mexico and Murder


Mother Jones, Elkhart IN Dly Rv p2, Crpd, July 19, 1909

I RISE to ask the American people, have you read John K. Turner’s article in the American Magazine for October on the frightful brutality of the Mexican government towards its people? If not, read it at once. Then ask your Christian minister why they are silent in the face of this frightful tragedy at our very doors.

Why are they silent? Because they worship at the shrine of Mammon.

If the Revolutionary fathers could come back to earth, the first question they would ask would be what has become of the national pride? Did it die with the immortal Lincoln? Look at the frightful pictures in the American Magazine. Imagine these lashes falling on your flesh. See and feel the blood dripping from your body. Go down to Belem prison see the shocking pictures there. Then, men and women, ask yourselves, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Look at their lacerated bodies, their hopeless lives.

They ask you, does God sleep? No, he does not. He will wipe out injustice with suffering, wrong with blood, and sin with death. The disgraceful phase of it all is that we stand and see the public officials whom we pay, become bloodhounds and man-grabbers in the service of bloody Diaz.

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