Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Meeting of Akron Central Labor Union, Describes Labor War in Colorado


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday September 10, 1904
Akron, Ohio – Mother Jones Speaks to Members of Central Labor Union

From The Akron Beacon Journal of September 9, 1904:

Woman Leader Speaks Her Mind
on Colorado Trouble.

Will Make a Public Address
in the City on Sunday.

Mother Jones, Tacoma Times, Sept 19, 1904

The principal feature of the regular meeting of the Central Labor union Thursday night was an address by “Mother” Jones.

Mrs. Jones spoke mainly upon the labor war in Colorado. She maintained that the money powers and employers of the state of Colorado were united in an effort to crush out all organized labor. She stated that the governor of Colorado said the fight was against the Western Federation of Miners and not the American Federation of Labor he was a liar. Mrs. Jones described many of the scenes of this bloody labor war which she saw while in Colorado before she was deported.

About the Philippines.

She paid her compliments to the Dick bill by which the guns were supplied to the state of Colorado as well as the others. These guns were used by the militia in service at the mines.

Mrs. Jones brought up a bugaboo when she said she actually believed that the next congress would pass a law to make the Philippines a penal institution and ship all union labor over there.

She referred to the wealthy manufacturers of the east as the “commercial cannibals.” Commercialism was declared to be the curse of the whole country and responsible for the Colorado trouble.

Mrs. Jones then distributed some of her literature bearing on the labor questions of the day.

[Will Speak to Public on Sunday]

She will remain in Akron for several days and on Sunday afternoon will again speak in public under the auspices of the Central Labor union. A committee was appointed by the Central union to secure a hall for the purpose. One of the opera houses will be secured…

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Meeting of Akron Central Labor Union, Describes Labor War in Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: General Bell Blames Socialist and WFM for Troubles in Colorado as Terror Continues Against Strikers and the Victor Daily Record Is Destroyed


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 18, 1904
Cripple Creek District, Colorado – Terror Continues Against Union Miners

From The Indianapolis News of June 13, 1904:



General Sherman Bell, Huntington IN Dly Ns Dem p2, June 11, 1904

CRIPPLE CREEK, June 13.-Gen. Sherman Bell has given out a statement concerning his action in deporting strikers and the causes leading up to the same. He attributes the recent troubles growing out of the miners’ strike, and the strike itself to the Socialist element in the Western Federation of Miners, which, he says, captured the organization two years ago. He declares that the federation has made unionism a secondary consideration, and the organization, root and branch, is being made a vehicle for the promotion of socialism. The leaders, he asserts, have not hesitated to cause “weak and willing members to commit any crime to strike terror to property owners or working men who refuse to abide their dictates.” The murder of non-union men by blowing up the Independence station, he charges, was “perpetrated with the aid and advice of federation leaders and by men in their employ.” The only hope for peace and security of life and property was “to exterminate the federation from the camp.”

General Bell and staff attended church yesterday and transacted no business, except what was absolutely necessary. Another party of 100 deported miners left Victor to-day, their destination being either New Mexico or Utah. The saloons of the district were opened to-day for the first time in a week.

Practically all the large mines in this district which closed down last Monday, after the explosion at Independence, were working to-day. The Portland mine has not yet been reopened and the company has not announced its plans.


An Appeal to Gompers.

KANSAS CITY. June 13.-The Industrial Council of this city, which claims to represent 25,000 union members, adopted resolutions [yesterday] asking President Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor, to call a meeting of the executive board of that  organization for the purpose of devising means to settle the Colorado labor troubles. Telegrams were sent to President Roosevelt asking him to investigate and to Governor Peabody, condemning his actions by the orders of the Industrial Council. Mother Jones addressed the meeting.


Miners Remain at Holly.

HOLLY, Colo., June 13.-Ten of the deported miners from Cripple Creek left here at midnight Saturday for La Junta, Pueblo and Denver. The remainder are staying in town. They have paid cash for their meals and lodging and made purchases at stores. It is probable that a considerable number of the exiles will go into the country to seek work on the ranches


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: General Bell Blames Socialist and WFM for Troubles in Colorado as Terror Continues Against Strikers and the Victor Daily Record Is Destroyed”

Hellraisers Journal: It is well for the people of this country to know the violence of corporations that is silent, not noisy like the violence they promote.-Testimony of Judge Benjamin B. Lindsey of Colorado


Quote KE Linderfelt re Damn Red Neck Bitches of Ludlow Massacre, Apr 20, 1914, CIR p7378—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday June 8, 1914
New York City – Judge Lindsey Continues Before Commission on Industrial Relations

From the Washington Evening Star of May 21, 1914:

Rep Keating Judge Lindsey, Rep Kent, Mrs Lindsey, Pearl Jolly, Mary Petrucci, Mary Thomas, Mrs Lee Champion, Rachel Thomas, Olga Thomas
Rep. Keating, Judge Ben Lindsey, Rep. Kent, Mrs. Lindsey,
Pearl Jolly, Mary Petrucci, Mary Thomas,
Mrs. Lee Champion, Rachel and Olga Thomas

New York, New York, May 28, 1914

Judge Lindsey testified before the Commission on Industrial Relations during the afternoon session of May 28th. Present were Chairman Walsh, and Commissioners Ballard, O’Connell, Lennon, Garretson, and Harriman.

[Judge Lindsey continues:] It is well for the people of this country to know the violence of capital, the violence of corporations, that is silent, if you please, and not noisy like the violence they promote. I think, therefore, that they owe it to our people to consent to the appointment by the President of a board of arbitration, who will go out there and investigate those conditions and listen to both sides, and both sides being willing, assuming, of course, the board is fair and just and acceptable to both sides, to abide by the decision they may come to. And I think a great mistake is being made by the powers that control the industrial government of this country, the seat of which is here in New York, and is as superior to the President of the United States, unless he is willing to exert himself in spite of it, as the boss over the employee in a factory. That is my view of it.

And being in that position, knowing that they have said, or claimed, to have the Constitution back of them, certain laws back of them that were primarily designed for property, they owe it to our people to concede, to give, if you please, some of this terrific power by consenting to this board, and letting them, so far as it is possible, at least, for temporary purposes, to adjust the difficulties up there and to relieve our people of the passion into which they have been plunged, but the fact that when these Federal troops were withdrawn, if they are, because of this condition that has grown up for years and years, beginning with the corporations themselves, their own lawlessness, will be too much, and there is a possibility of the repetition of Ludlow unless the President will keep the Federal troops there, and to bring about any sort of settlement, go a step further and appoint this industrial commission, and if both sides do not consent to this arbitration, then it is our contention, in the interests of peace, because of the military necessities of the case, because a republican form of government, with the confession of the governor of the State, has broken down in Colorado and the Constitution says the Federal Government shall guarantee us a republican form of government, that he would be justified in taking some means, even though they be forcible, to compel those who refuse to arbitrate to consent to arbitration.

Now, that is the feeling of many of our people and I speak that feeling. I am not here to speak on behalf of the militia, I am not here to speak on behalf of the mine owners. I am not here to-day to speak on behalf of the mine workers. I am simply here to voice my feelings, after years of experience, being down in the midst, knowing both sides, understanding their viewpoint, to make clear to you, as an industrial commission, in a general way, some of the conditions that have existed in our State and that exist in other States, that have brought about these results, in order that, in time if not now, there may be one result—an investigation like this, and that will begin to tackle conditions and tackle causes that make for these effects, and I would feel false in my duty to the children of my State and the children of this country if I did not take a bigger opportunity for this problem than merely sitting behind a desk and trying the immediate troubles of children. I have done that for 14 years, and I have looked into the faces of these children, and I have tried to think and find out why do boys do bad things? Why do girls do bad things? And I think I have found out. And I look at it and then I ask myself, why do men do bad things? And the reason in the one case is largely the reason in the other; it is the condition, in a large measure, not altogether, say, the environment, their viewpoint.

My plea is for a better understanding of these questions. Therefore I thought if I came over to New York after the President of the United States had given us a most courteous hearing, that Mr. Rockefeller himself would be willing to see me and permit me to present this phase of the situation. But after a courteous request for that privilege he has refused, not only to see me, but while I am of no particular consequence perhaps, I think it is of great consequence that he should have heard the miners’ wives whom you courteously and kindly and considerately heard here yesterday, whom the President of United States heard, because, I contend that when men receive profits or have possessions that promise profits, they haven’t any right to take the impersonal view that he takes, and deny any responsibility. Kings have gone down among their people, even in the days of the old feudalists, or even in modern conditions, we have known of kings going among their people and lending them succor and help and not being so impersonal and above them that they would not listen to their woes and troubles and miseries, and be willing to lend something of themselves to really find the cause of these things, and help to solve them, and surely Mr. Rockefeller is no bigger than the President of the United States. He isn’t any bigger than kings, who have done it.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: It is well for the people of this country to know the violence of corporations that is silent, not noisy like the violence they promote.-Testimony of Judge Benjamin B. Lindsey of Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Arrives in Seattle, Guest of Honor at Labor’s Memorial Day Parade, Speaks of Ludlow Massacre


Quote re Ludlow Monument ed, UMWJ June 21, 1917, page 4—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday May 31, 1914
Seattle, Washington – Labor’s Memorial Day Honors Martyrs; Mother Jones Speaks

Mother Jones Coming to Seattle crpd, Stt Str p2, May 29, 1914

A grand parade, sponsored by the Central Labor Council and the local Socialist Party,  was held yesterday in Seattle to honor those who have died as martyrs in the cause of Labor. Mother Jones was the honored guest and the featured speaker at the mass meeting held at the corner of Third and Blanchard Street where the parade ended. She rode at the head of the parade in an automobile which was followed by a thousand coal miners who had been invited to Seattle for that purpose. Following the miners, came marching members of all the various trade unions of Seattle. Some estimates are that six to eight thousand unionists marched in the parade.


From The Seattle Post-Intelligencer of May 31, 1914:

Their banners and emblems draped in mourning, and each wearing a tag bearing a picture of Mother Jones, noted labor leader, who was the guest of honor and speaker of the day, in their coat lapels, thousands of members of organized and unorganized labor turned out yesterday in a monster parade and mass meeting to memorialize their fellow workers who have died in fighting industrial battles. It was the first observance of its kind ever held in the United States, and the huge success which it met prompted those in charge of the project to stamp it an annual affair…

The appearance of Mother Jones, familiarly called “the most devout friend of labor,” was the feature of the program. The aged labor leader addressed two large open air meetings at Third Avenue and Blanchard…

[Emphasis added.]

From The Seattle Daily Times of May 31, 1914:

The central figure of the parade was “Mother” Mary Jones, the noted coal strike leader who was the orator of the day. She rode in an auto with six children and A. Hutcheson, secretary of the joint [trade union and Socialist] committee.. and was cheered early and often along the line.

[Emphasis added.]

Three floats, covered in flowers, lead the three sections of the parade. One was dedicated to the memory of the “The Children of Calumet,” another honored “The Women and Children of Ludlow,” and a third remembered “The Heroes of Labor Who Have Lost Their Lives in Industrial Battles.”


Mother delivered the main address of the day; her speech, in part:

During the Civil War the emancipation of the slaves in the South was brought in as one of the leading measures. Today there is another war-a great war with a bunch of high-class burglars and looters, and the measure of this conflict is the emancipation of the mine workers and the nationalization of the mines. Why should we permit a bunch of burglars to own the mines? Nature did not put that mineral in the bottom of the earth for them. It was put there for the use of the people.

She spoke of that terrible day at Ludlow, of the machine-gun fire which tore through the tents, of the women and children whose bodies were taken from the death pit:

This happened right here in America, not in Russia or in Mexico, but right here under the American flag.

The peculiar thing about it all is that the public in general has not been aroused to a very noticeable extent. It seems that the public has to be struck by a cyclone before it will come to the realization of the actual state of affairs.

While I was down in Washington not very long ago, a Congressman asked me if I told the mine workers to buy guns. I replied that I certainly had told my boys to arm themselves and to do it in a hurry. And I am still appealing to mine workers and other workers all over the United States to arm themselves and be prepared to protect their families and their property. I would not be a fit woman to live in America if I did not tell my boys to be men and not cowards.

Get together, is my message to labor. The worker who has a label on him is not true to the working class. I was a member of the old Knights of Labor, and went into the American Federation of Labor when the Knights disbanded, and I will live and die in the Federation for it represents 2,500,000 workers.

I have been a Socialist for more than twenty-nine years, but I am not one of those who believe that individual freedom is going to drop down from the clouds-while we sleep. The fight can be won, and will be won, but the struggle will be long and education, agitation and class solidarity all must play a part in it. I have no patience with those idealists and visionaries who preach fine spun theories and cry down everybody but themselves. Let us keep our feet on the ground.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Arrives in Seattle, Guest of Honor at Labor’s Memorial Day Parade, Speaks of Ludlow Massacre”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones: “Every man should shoulder his gun and start to Colorado”-Speech to Kansas Miners


Quote Mother Jones re Miners Org Real Power of Labor Mv, Speech UMW D14 Conv, Apr 30, 1914, Ptt KS, Steel Speeches p134—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday May 3, 1914
After Speech by Mother Jones, Kansas Miners Donate Treasury

April 30, 1914, Pittsburg, Kansas
-Mother Jones Addresses Convention of District 14, U. M. W. A.

Mother Jones gave a long speech Thursday, April 30th, in Pittsburg, Kansas, at the Convention of District 14, United Mine workers of America. She came seeking donations for the striking miners of Colorado, and, in the end, the miners of Kansas gave her all that she asked for.


Chairman [John P.] White: Now, this morning I know that I voice the sentiments of this convention when I say that we appreciate the presence here of our great old organizer, Mother Jones. (Applause.)

Yesterday I gave you a pretty strong bump about Colorado, and what you were going to do about the money that you had loaned the national organization, that I plead guilty to being responsible for, so God help you for I put you in the hands of Mother Jones now. (Loud applause.)

A Delegate: I think the brothers ought to put up their pipes, put them in their pockets.

Mother Jones: You should join John D. Rockefeller, you are getting so nice…

The Colorado Coal War

[Mother Jones continued]: You see, my brothers, the trouble with us all is we don’t feel the pains of our fellow beings in the great struggle. I wonder if the nation felt horror of that affair at Ludlow? Why, if that happened in Mexico we would go down to clean up Mexico, and it happened here at home and there is very little said about it, when every man should shoulder his gun and start to Colorado to stop the war there. (Applause.)

Detail Tikas w Ludlow Flag, Mother Jones Leads CO FoL Dlg to State House at Dnv, Toronto Star Wkly p8, Jan 3, 1913
Louie Tikas with
the Flag of Ludlow

…No time in modern history has there been anything so horrible as this trouble in Colorado. I know those men in Colorado pretty well. No state in the Union has truer, better fellows; they have made a great fight against the men in power. There is no question about it. The poor fellow that got killed, this Greek [Louie Tikas], when I went to Ludlow, when the battle first started, the tears came streaming down his face, and he said, “Mother, they jumped at me to go war, and I got away and let the capitalists fight their own battle. I am here now, and this is my battle, the battle of right for the class that I belong to.” That summed up the whole philosophy of the labor movement. In other words, it was a battle for freedom for the class that he belonged to. And he said, “Mother, I need a gun.” I said, “You will have one, Louie, if Mother has to take her hat off and sell it, you will get the gun.” (Applause.)

Now, those brave men were the ones brought over, most of them, after the last strike that we had in Colorado; Rockefeller sent his agents to Europe and brought those fellows over. He has been able to crush them, rob them, persecute them until he has made his millions out of their precious blood, and then he goes into church on Sunday and is hallowed by the people of this great nation.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones: “Every man should shoulder his gun and start to Colorado”-Speech to Kansas Miners”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Rescued from “Quarantine” in Utah; Charles Moyer and Big Bill Haywood Persecuted Under Military Despotism in Colorado


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday April 30, 1904
Mother Jones Held in Utah; Moyer and Haywood Up Against Militia in Colorado

From The Rocky Mountain New of April 27, 1904:

Mother Jones has been in Utah since her deportation from Trinidad, Colorado. There she has been working among the miners of that state, and, for her efforts, was confined under “quarantine” near Helper, Utah. This was too much for the miners of that area and a raid was made upon the pest house which freed from Mother from that place. She has since been recaptured, and, according to the following report, is now held in the Carbon County jail at Price, Utah.

Mother Jones Escapes Quarantine to County Jail, Price UT, RMN p4, Apr 27, 1904

From the American Labor Union Journal of Apr 28, 1904
-Moyer brought to Denver, but returned to bullpen at Telluride;
Haywood brutally assaulted by soldiers:

BBH Moyer v Colorado Military Despotism, ALUJ p1, Apr 28, 1904

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Rescued from “Quarantine” in Utah; Charles Moyer and Big Bill Haywood Persecuted Under Military Despotism in Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Michigan Miners’ Bulletin: “Copper Strike Declared Off”-Men Must Surrender Their Union Cards in Order to Return to Work


Quote Mother Jones, Stick Together, MI Mnrs Bltn p1, Aug 14, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday April 15, 1914
Keweenaw Copper Country of Michigan – W. F. of M. Declares Strike Off

From the Michigan Miners Bulletin of April 14, 1914:

MI Copper Strike Off, Mnrs Bltn p1, Apr 14, 1914

Copper Strike Declared Off

By Referendum Vote Taken Sunday Demands of Men Granted
With But One Exception.–Strikers Return to Work

At a meeting of the District Union held Wednesday April 8th in which every local of the Federation in this district was represented, it was decided that, if the strike was to be continued, the relief benefits would have to be reduced, and that accommodations would have to be furnished for several hundred families now living in company houses. After thoroughly debating the subject, it was decided to put the matter before the men on strike. Meetings were arranged for the Ahmeek and Calumet locals on Friday and the Hancock and South Range on Saturday when the strikers were informed of the proposed reduction in benefits, and of other obstacles confronting them.

Two propositions were put to the men viz: To either make further sacrifices regarding benefits, or return to work which was put to a referendum vote on Sunday with the result that the men decided on the latter. At the meetings held prior to taking a referendum of the proposition, the question was thoroughly discussed, and the men realizing that all concessions asked at the time of the calling of the strike had been granted by the Mining Companies with the exception of recognition of the union, they felt as though this demand might be waived, and that they could return to work with the feeling that the strike had been practically won.

If the refusal of the Mining Companies to recognize the Western Federation of Miners does in any measure prove balm to their wounded feelings, and give them a sense of having retained their dignity to the end, well may it be cherished in their bosoms. Their only demand is that all union men returning to work must surrender of his union membership card, but whether the fires of unionism which finds a home in his breast can be quenched by forcing a man to renounce his organisation remains to be seen. The turning of the pages of time will only tell. The need of organization among the working classes is forcing itself upon us more day by day, and it it does not devolve on the Calumet & Hecla, the Homestake, nor any corporation to stay the wheels of progress….

The strike with its attendant privations, suffering and sacrifice, the determination and valor displayed by the men and women in the ranks has been a stimulus to organized labor throughout the nation, and instead of a defeat, it is one of the most glorious victories ever achieved by the workers. You have gained ground that will never be retaken. The Western Federation of Miners and organized labor everywhere yet consider you striking copper miners as a part of the great army fighting for the liberty of the working class.

Your sacrifices and indomitable courage in this fight, your privations during the past nine months is proof positive of your agreement and pledge to the principles of united action which you are now called upon to repudiate. God knows it was barely possible for a man with a family to subsist on the meager benefits furnished by your brother worker, but he who so freely gave his small wage made almost as much sacrifice as you have made. He furnished subsistence while you fought at the front. You are comrades, brothers, and an injury to one is the concern of all….

All the beatings, insults,and bloodshed, all the lives crushed out in the Italian hall disaster where some half hungered innocent little children were trampled and smothered to death cannot be laid at the door of the striking miners. The victory you have wrested from the hands of organized greed is bathed in the blood of those of your class whose lives were needlessly sacrificed upon the gory altar of capitalism. This fight for industrial freedom is no child’s play, and requires men of nerve and courage as well as brawn, intelligence, and a determination born of desperation. Can you fill these requirements? Can you measure up to the full stature of the independent manhood? Cast bigotry, hatred, prejudice, nationality and religious bondage to the Four winds and stand out a clean cut workingman, class conscious, and with every drop of your blood, fight the battle of your class. Herein lies your only hope, and the hope of the world.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Michigan Miners’ Bulletin: “Copper Strike Declared Off”-Men Must Surrender Their Union Cards in Order to Return to Work”

Hellraisers Journal: From Denver’s United Labor Bulletin: “Industrial Commission Hearings Begin Monday at Washington”


Quote Albert Parsons, Chicago, Nov 11, Alarm p1, Nov 19, 1887—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday April 7, 1914
Washington, D. C. – U. S. Commission on Industrial Relations to Begin Hearings

From the Denver United Labor Bulletin of April 4, 1914:

CIR Testimony to Begin Monday in WDC, ULB p1, Apr 4, 1914CIR Testimony to Begin Monday in WDC, ULB p6, Apr 4, 1914

From the Washington Evening Star of October 23, 1913:

CIR Members, WDC Eve Str p2, Oct 23, 1913
Commons, Garrettson, Ballard, Delano, Harriman,
Weinstock, Lennon, Walsh, O’Connell

From The Altoona Times of October 30, 1913:

CIR Members, Altoona PA Tx p1, Oct 30, 1913
O’Connell, Delano, Commons, Garretson, Harriman,
Ballard, Walsh, Weinstock, Lennon

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Denver’s United Labor Bulletin: “Industrial Commission Hearings Begin Monday at Washington””

Hellraisers Journal: From the American Labor Union Journal: “Climax Reached at Telluride”-Citizen Thugs Deport Miners


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday March 26, 1904
Telluride, Colorado – Union Men Dragged from Homes and Deported

From the American Labor Union Journal of March 24, 1904:

HdLn Telluride CO Deportations, ALUJ p1, Mar 24, 1904Telluride CO Deportations, ALUJ p1, Mar 24, 1904Telluride CO Deportations, ALUJ p4, Mar 24, 1904

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the American Labor Union Journal: “Climax Reached at Telluride”-Citizen Thugs Deport Miners”

Hellraisers Journal: From American Labor Union Journal: “The Colorado Bull Pen” by Allan W. Ricker, of the Appeal to Reason


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday February 4, 1904
“The Story of the Colorado Bull Pen” by Allan W. Ricker

From the Appeal to Reason of January 30, 1904
-The Colorado Bullpen by Cartoonist G. H. Lockwood:

Colorado Bull Pen by GH Lockwood, AtR p1, Jan 30, 1904
Striking Miner’s Wife and Child

From the American Labor Union Journal of February 4, 1904
-“The Colorado Bull Pen” by Allan W. Ricker:

American Labor Union Journal p1, Feb 4, 1904Colorado Bull Pen by AW Ricker, ALUJ p1, Feb 4, 1904Colorado Bull Pen by AW Ricker, ALUJ p1, part 2, Feb 4, 1904

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From American Labor Union Journal: “The Colorado Bull Pen” by Allan W. Ricker, of the Appeal to Reason”