Have courage and energy;
they may put us in jail,
but imprisonment is not defeat.
Yours for economic freedom,
Ada County Jail, Boise, Idaho.
Hellraisers Journal, Sunday November 4, 1906
From Ada County Jail, Idaho – Big Bill Campaigns for Governor

In the latest issue of the Appeal to Reason we find messages from William D. Haywood to the people of Colorado. These messages were sent out to the Appeal by Big Bill from behind the bars of the Ada County Jail where the Socialist candidate for Governor resides awaiting trial in an attempted frame-up on a charge of having murdered the ex-Governor of Idaho. Also found was a notice announcing a meeting with Eugene Debs in Denver on Monday, November 5th, the day before the election.
Haywood Denounces Democrats
Haywood Denounces Plot of Democrats
“No Compromise in Colorado!” is Still the Slogan Which the Socialist Candidate for Governor of Colorado Sends from His Prison Cell in Idaho to the Loyal Comrades of the Centennial State.
Appeal to Reason, Girard, Kansas.
I have just received information to the effect that Alva Adams, democratic candidate for governor of Colorado, in his canvass is reading telegrams purporting to be from my representatives. I desire to say to the working class of Colorado that no telegram or message of any description to Alva Adams or any one of his class has been authorized by me. Moreover, no one but the state committee of the Socialist party is empowered to speak for me politically. In every conversation I have had on the subject, in everything I have written, I made it distinctly understood that there shall be NO COMPROMISE IN COLORADO. I accepted the nomination in good faith. There has been a magnificent campaign made. I stand or fall by the decision of my class-the wage-earners. Union men and women, fellow-workers, Socialists, I have never betrayed you-and, by the Almighty, I never shall. I am with you in this fight to abolish special privileges, to establish equal opportunities, to insure justice, life and liberty.
Ada County Jail, Boise, Idaho, Oct. 20.
Yours to a finish,
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