There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal, Friday November 2, 1906
Boise, Idaho – Secretary Taft to Speak for Governor Gooding
From this week’s Montana News:

William Howard Taft, Secretary of War
Boise, Ida., Oct 24.-A special to the Statesman, from Washington. D. C., says:
That President Roosevelt thoroughly approves the course taken by Governor Gooding in prosecuting the men charged with the murder of ex-Governor Steunenberg can no longer be questioned. It was officially announced today that Secretary Taft, the strong arm of the administration, at the special request of the president will make two speeches in Idaho in order that the people of that state may know that the sympathies of the national administration are with Governor Gooding and those who stand by him for law and order. Secretary Taft will speak at Pocatello Friday, November 2, and at Boise the next day.
President Roosevelt has been deeply interested in the Idaho campaign since its inception, because he has been anxious that the people shall give their hearty support to the ticket that stands for law and order. He deeply regretted the attempt made in some quarters to becloud the issue when it was so apparent to him this is the only issue involved.
The president is so intensely in earnest that his instructions to Secretary Taft would leave no option, if he had any inclination to choose other topics, but Secretary Taft is as much concerned as the president. One of his friends said when his trip was announced: “You can bet your last dollar that Taft will give those dynamiters hell.”
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