Hellraisers Journal: Pawtucket, Rhode Island: Police Fire Riot Guns at Textile Strikers, One Killed, Many Wounded


Quote Mother Jones, Pray for dead, ed, Ab Chp 6, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday February 24, 1922
Pawtucket, Rhode Island – Police Fire on Strikers, One Killed, Several Wounded

From the New York Evening World of February 21, 1922:

PAWTUCKET, R. I.. Feb. 21.-One man was killed, two were seriously wounded, and six persons were hurt when the police used riot guns today on a crowd of 1,000 person who gathered at the plant of the Jenckes Spinning Company, where a strike is in progress. The guns were brought into play when several patrolmen had been knocked down after the arrest of three strike sympathizers.

The dead man is Juan D’Assumpcau [Joseph Assuncao, Jose D’Assunpcao]  of Valley Falls. Tony Regoss and Joseph Diaz of this city were taken to hospitals in a critical condition.

Mayor Robert A. Kenyon witnessed the shooting. He had arrived at the gates of the plant early in the morning to observe the crowd that has customarily gathered to watch working operatives enter the mill. The Mayor, believing that there was danger in the crowd, read the riot act. He then told the patrolmen to be careful and calm but to do their duty and to “shoot if necessary. ” 


[Machine Guns at Natick]

NATICK, R. I., Feb. 21,-While striking textile workers and sympathizers jammed the streets of this village to-day mounted cavalry troops and police kept strict patrol, forcing the throngs to keep moving, Hundreds of children, each bearing a tiny American flag, swelled the ranks of the strike sympathizers. There was no cheering, and in spite of the size of the crowd and the tenseness of the situation there was little noise.

A machine gun detachment of the 103d Field Artillery mounted guns at the mills involved in the strike, and a company of field artillery formed the patrol.

[Machine Guns at Providence]

PROVIDENCE. Feb. 21.-The conflict at Pawtucket was followed by an increase in the militia forces called to aid the civil authorities. Two troops of cavalry, a machine gun detachment and a Coast Artillery Company, all acting as infantry, patrolled the Pawtucket valley villages of Pontiac and Natick, maintaining order where riotous outbreaks occurred last night.

While the military were trying to maintain order in the mill districts, mediators of both State and Federal jurisdictions were sitting here with representatives of the union organizations of strikes and mill managements to learn their views on a suggestion for arbitration of the differences.

Two of the mill corporations have formally announced that the issues-a wage reduction of 20 per cent, and, in some instances, an increase of working hours from forty-eight to fifty-four were not such as could be ironed out by arbitration.


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Pawtucket, Rhode Island: Police Fire Riot Guns at Textile Strikers, One Killed, Many Wounded”

Hellraisers Journal: San Diego Fights IWW Rebels; Ninety Men and Women Locked Behind the Bars of City’s Filthy Jail


Quote EGF, re Spk FSF, ISR p618, Jan 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday February 23, 1912
San Diego – I. W. W. Rebels Locked Behind Bars for Speaking in Public

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of February 22, 1912:

IWW San Diego FSF, HdLn Jailed, IW p, Feb 22, 1912


Appeal from IWW San Diego FSF, IW p4, Feb 22, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: San Diego Fights IWW Rebels; Ninety Men and Women Locked Behind the Bars of City’s Filthy Jail”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1912, Part II: Found in Fresno at California State Convention of Building Trades Council


Quote Mother Jones, Revolutionary Class Conscious Vote, Fno Tb p1, Jan 18, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday February 22, 1912
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1912, Part II
Found in Fresno at State Convention of Building Trades Council

From The Fresno Morning Republican of January 17, 1912:

CA Building Trades Council Convention Delegates, Fresno Mrn Rpb p3, Jan 17, 1912

[Delegates to the California State Convention of the Building Trades Council.]

The picture contains most of the prominent labor leaders attending the sessions of the B. T. C. Olaf A Tveitmoe, seated in front can be picked out by his cane. On his right is President McCarthy, ex-mayor of San Francisco, and on McCarthy’s right, J. B. Bowen, first vice president and acting president during McCarthy’s mayoralty. Anton Johannsen, state organizer, and under indictment with Tveitmoe, is seated on the extreme right of the picture. The picture was taken yesterday noon by a representative of the Western  Panoramic company of San Jose.


Resolutions Propose Minimum Wage Scale
of $2 and 8-Hour Day

According to the official report given out yesterday from the session of the California Sate Building Trades Council, the reports from the different local councils give promises of support, both financial and moral, for the fight growing out of the recent indictments returned by the federal grand jury of Los Angeles against Olaf A. Tveitmoe and Anton Johannsen. This information was given out by Tveitmoe, who as secretary is the press bureau of the convention…

The second day of the eleventh annual convention of the California State Building Trades Council which is being held at the Union hall, was marked by speeches by Job Harriman, defeated candidate for mayor of Los Angeles, and Alexander Irvine his campaign manager, urging the banding together of all union men for political purposes. These two speakers are themselves socialists, and would probably prefer to have organized labor fall into the ranks of the Socialist party, but nothing definitely suggesting this was made in their speeches. They urged co-operation between unions and Socialists, probably leading to a Labor-Socialist party.



In order to allow the general public an opportunity to hear the prominent labor leaders who are now here, a mass meeting of all delegates and visitors will be held at the Barton opera house tonight at 8 o’clock, to which the general public is invited and urged to be present. Olaf A. Tveitmoe, the indicted secretary-treasurer; P. H. McCarthy, ex-mayor of San Francisco; Job Harriman, candidate for mayor of Los Angeles and Alexander Irvine, one of the henchmen of Harriman in his fight for the mayoralty, will all speak…

“Mother” Jones eighty years old and for many years connected with the labor movement of all branches, arrived in Fresno last evening and will probably be one of the speakers of the public mass meeting…..


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1912, Part II: Found in Fresno at California State Convention of Building Trades Council”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1912, Part I: Found in California Speaking on Behalf of Striking Railroad Shopmen



Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday February 21, 1912
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1912, Part I
Found in California Speaking on Behalf of Striking Shopmen

From The Sacramento Bee of January 8, 1912:


Mother” Jones, the famous labor leaderMother Jones crpd ed, WDC Tx p5, June 18, 1910, spoke in this city for the second time Saturday night, when she addressed meeting in Socialist Hall at 1024½ J Street. Her theme was the principles of labor unionism, and her remarks were made principally in behalf of the striking shopmen. “Mother” Jones declared the strikers were right, and urged them to hold out firm against the efforts of the Harriman lines to prevent them from establishing a shop federation.


[Photograph added.]

From the Ogden Evening Standard of January 9, 1912:


Evidently holding with Kipling that “the female of the species is more deadly than the male,” Mother Jones, internationally known because of her fiery oratory in defense of labor, arraigned and chided the women of her audience in the Methodist church last night, claiming that women are always the dangerous element to the cause of labor during strikes. Mother Jones spoke under the auspices of the Harriman federation, although the expenses of her present tour over the Harriman railroad system are being bourne by the Western Federation of Miners.

The aged “guardian of the minors,” now nearing her eightieth birthday, did not lack in oratorical vigor and spoke with all the vehemence that has marked her forty years experience in the labor movement. While Mother Jones spoke with almost brutal force at times, there was withal a kindly thread of sentiment throughout her talk which softened the harshness with which she emphasized her contempt for “scabs,” “corporation lap dogs,” “capital’s spies and detectives,” “capital’s rats,” and kindred vindictive frequently used.

Mother Jones turned many of her remarks to the women of her audience, stating that because the women in many instances do not understand the economic problems of the day they often persuade their husbands or brothers to return to work when their union is on strike. She contended that a large per cent of strike breakers became strike breakers because of the urging of women. “Women,” she asserted, “are the dangerous element in every strike, because they cannot see the need of labor’s organizations and do not know the struggle between capital and labor”

[She told the women:]

If I had a husband and he had never gone on a strike I would lick him and make him go on a strike. I would not live with such a servile slave, as the worker that never strikes. This nation was founded on a strike against George III and the bravest and best men of the nation have been striking against various forms of injustice ever since. And there have always been ‘scabs,’ men who were traitors to their fellows. There were traitors in the army of Washington and there were traitors to the Immortal Lincoln; always there have been traitors but the traitors have never in the end defeated a just cause. Labor never loses. It becomes better educated with each battle and its struggles becomes more intelligent and more heroic, and in the end it cannot lose.

The gray haired speaker recounted many of her experiences in different strikes, in which she has taking place, told of facing militia bullets in Pennsylvania during the coal strike of a year ago and during the greater strike of 1904. She said that the present strike on the Harriman lines was but a symptom of the industrial disease which infected the nation and the entire world and which would never be cured until the workers themselves owned the tools with which they worked. She ridiculed those whom she termed the timid strikers who were always asking how long the strike was going to last and told them that some strikes had been on after the workers had remained away from their jobs for five years. “This strike is going to last,” she said, “until the railroad company recognizes the federation of shop workers.”

Mother Jones will leave this city today for Salt Lake City where, she will deliver an address to the striking shopmen of that city tonight.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1912, Part I: Found in California Speaking on Behalf of Striking Railroad Shopmen”

Hellraisers Journal: Haywood’s Statement Regarding Militia’s Order That No More Strikers’ Children May Leave Lawrence


Quote BBH Dream of One Big Union, Bst Glb p4, Jan 24, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday February 20, 1912
Lawrence, Massachusetts – Big Bill Haywood Replies to Order of Col. Sweetser

From The Boston Daily Glob of February 19, 1912:

Hurls His Shafts at Col Sweetser.
Defends Lawrence Strikers
Who Sent Children Away.

Criticizes Militia for Its Severity.

Lawrence BBH Hailed, Bst Glb p4, Jan 25, 1912LAWRENCE, Feb. 19.-William D. Haywood issued a statement today in reply to the criticism relative to sending strikers’ children to distant cities and to the notice given by Col E. Leroy Sweetser, in charge of the troops here, that he would prevent more leaving the city unless it was’shown the parents had given their consent. The statement follows:

The fact that some of the striking textile workers of Lawrence, Mass., have seen fit to send their children away to be taken care of in New York and elsewhere has raised a mighty howl among the “plutes” of cultured Back Bay.

No language has been too strong to condemn the action of the strikers who have accepted the invitation of the working people to care for their dependent children until the conclusion of the industrial war in Lawrence.

It was not until the first consignment of children had been sent away that the aristocrats of Boston, many of whom roll in wealth at the expense of the luckless parents of these little ones, found their voice. Back Bay’s polite society and the daily papers that cater to their ilk have been deaf, dumb and blind as to the conditions under which children are brought into the world, and drag out their miserable existence in the textile towns of Massachusetts.

Afraid of losing their little slaves, in whom they have only a material interest, our smug Boston exploiters and their ladies now sound the alarm.

The yellow journals are busy. Representative Hayes of the Massachusetts Assembly has introduced a bill intending to prevent children being transported from their homes, making certain such actions as felony, punishable by fine and imprisonment. Then, in boots and spurs, comes Brig Col E. Leroy Sweetser, a vest pocket edition of the now forgotten Gen Sherman Bell of Colorado fame. Sweetser is the commanding officer in the war zone of the Bay State.

With mighty proclamation, a most formidable document, the said Brig Col E. Leroy Sweetser announces to the wide world that he will permit no further shipments of children from Lawrence.

And he lets himself down with the significant words, “without the consent of their parents.” The colonel, in maudlin mockery, says that it is inhuman to take the children from their happy homes, but well not discuss the question of inhumanity with the colonel, as he really doesn’t know the definition of the word, or he would apply it to the militiamen under him, who, with wheel spokes and loaded rifles, with fixed saber bayonets, are prepared to carry out all orders.

This omnipotent officer has already issued orders to shoot to kill, and the militia have killed innocent workers and committed many grievous wrongs against the strikers in their firm desire to serve the mighty textile trust. The armed forces of the State, furnished by a Democratic administration to break the spirit and subdue the strikers, are not the only support of the kings of wool and cotton. They also enjoy the comfort of the sheltering wing of the Republican party at Washington, where they bask in the benign influence of schedule K.

With the Democratic administration ready to shoot down the slaves of the mill at Lawrence and a Republican administration holding up the tariff at Washington. The trusts have reason to feel secure, and would if it were not for the fact that their “hand” had found their heads and organized in “one big union,” and nothing but empty stomachs can drive them back into the mills.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Haywood’s Statement Regarding Militia’s Order That No More Strikers’ Children May Leave Lawrence”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Duluth Labor World: Miss Flynn Helping Lawrence Strikers, Flaming Red Cloak Remembered


Quote EGF, Heaven n Hell, ISR p617, Jan 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday February 19, 1912
Duluth, Minnesota – Trade Unionists of the North Remember Visit of Miss Flynn

From the Duluth Labor World of February 17, 1912


EGF, Bst Glb AM p1, Feb 13, 1912
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
The Boston Globe
February 13, 1912

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, well known in Duluth, is at present hard at work lecturing in New York for the benefit of the strikers at Lawrence, Mass.

Miss Flynn, clad in her flaming red cloak and hood, visited Duluth several years ago and appeared before the public many times, giving her Socialistic talks. She made many friends here and Duluth people who met or heard her are watching her progress in New York with interest.

Recently people were turned away from the theater at which she was giving a course of lectures. All the money thus earned she turns over to the striker for help in their cause.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Duluth Labor World: Miss Flynn Helping Lawrence Strikers, Flaming Red Cloak Remembered”

Hellraisers Journal: From New York Call’s Lawrence Strike Edition: Articles, Poetry, Letter from Eugene Debs to Joseph Ettor


Quote EVD, Starve Quietly, Phl GS Speech IA, Mar 19, 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday February 18, 1912
The Lawrence Strike Edition of The New York Call

From The New York Call of February 14, 1912:

re Lawrence Strike Edition of Feb 15, NY Call p1, Feb 14, 1912

From The New York Call of February 15, 1912:


New York Call Masthead, Lawrence Edition, Feb 15, 1912—–
HdLn Lawrence OBU, NY Call p1, Feb 15, 1912HdLn Lawrence Strikers Unyielding, NY Call p1, Feb 15, 1912

[From page 2-Letter from Debs to Ettor:]

Debs Letter to Ettor, NY Call p2, Feb 15, 1912

[From page 5-“The Children” by Adelbert Truando:]

Poem Lawrence Children Poem by A Truando, NY Call p5, Feb 15, 1912

[From page 6-“The Coming of the Children” by Jane A. Roulston:]

Lawrence Coming of Children Poem by Jane A Roulston, NY Call p6, Feb 15, 1912

Note: also included in The New York Call‘s Lawrence Strike Edition are articles by Joshua Wanhope, Charles Edward Russell, Margaret H. Sanger, a story by Theresa Malkiel, “My Experience as a Lawrence Mill Worker” by A. I. Wolftraub, poems by Sydney Greenbie and M. J. Connolly, and more!

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From New York Call’s Lawrence Strike Edition: Articles, Poetry, Letter from Eugene Debs to Joseph Ettor”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1902, Part II: Found Speaking at Convention of the United Mine Workers of America



Hellraisers Journal – Monday February 17, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1902, Part II
Found Speaking at Indianapolis United Mine Workers Convention

From The Indianapolis News of January 21, 1902:

A Speech to the Convention While
Waiting for Miss Meredith.

Mother Jones, Ipl Ns p11, Jan 21, 1902

While the convention awaited the coming of Miss Meredith to make charges against the national officers, this forenoon, the committee called for “Mother Jones” and she responded in a stirring speech.

She said it was a critical time for the miners’ organization, and she urged cautious and intelligent action on the part of the organisation in order to accomplish its purposes. She related, in an interesting way, her experiences in strikes and in the mining districts in the East.

One characteristic incident was of a time when a strike was on and the mining company’s policeman called on her to keep her from taking the miners’ part.

“Who are you?” she asked the policeman.

“The company’s watchman,” the officer replied.

“Well,” replied “Mother” Jones, “the company doesn’t own me. I’m responsible to God Almighty and He and I stand in on this question.”

This met with vigorous applause from the miners.

She urged greater respect for the Mine Workers’ organization, and censured the man who refused to pay dues to the national organization.

[She exclaimed:]

You poor, benighted, brainless creature that you are. You poor, ignorant, slaving serf. If the company offered you a barrel of beer, you would take it and fill your stomach; but won’t pay 25 cents to help the national organization.

She said the miners must be intelligent enough to emancipate themselves.

You have emancipated the mules that work with you and demanded that they shall be turned out to grass, but you nave not emancipated yourselves. The mule enjoys the air and grass, while you still toil down in the bad air of the mine working more than eight hours a day.

In a pathetic way she told of miners’ children, and in conclusion she said:

I plead with you men to go home and do your duty as men. Young men miners who work in the mines all day long and come out at night and never read a book. You don’t seem to study your coal trade only over men whom you have to deal with. Study your work and be prepared to take your post. You must be ready to go to jail, and must be willing to face bullets or even be hanged for your principles.

[Note: Miss Meredith charged that President John Mitchell and Secretary-Treasure William B. Wilson had minimized embezzlement committed by ex-Secretary W. C. Pearce, which charges were unanimously rejected by the Convention]


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1902, Part II: Found Speaking at Convention of the United Mine Workers of America”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1902, Part I: Found Describing United Mine Workers Organizing Drive in Old Virginia



Hellraisers Journal – Sunday February 16, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1902, Part I
Found Describing Organizing Efforts in Old Virginia

From the New York Worker of January 5, 1902:


Mother Jones, Ipl Ns p11, Jan 21, 1902

Mother Jones is at present in old Virginia, organizing for the United Mine Workers. As usual she finds labor conditions in that state as deplorable as else where, more so perhaps, because modern industrial methods are comparatively new there and the capitalist exploiter has unrestricted sway. That Mother Jones has anything but a “soft snap” is shown in a private letter, recently received. She says:

This is an American Siberia if one exists anywhere on the continent. Let me tell you what happened to me yesterday. I had a meeting scheduled several miles from here. The federal judge located here got on the train and went down ahead of me. I had the meeting billed for the colored church, but before I arrived the company served notice on the trustees that if they allowed me to speak they would annul their deed. The poor negroes got scared and begged me not to talk. When I arrived the federal judge was waiting to arrest me if I spoke.

I fooled both him and the company, however, for I called the meeting in a secret place, and had a fine crowd of the boys. The company officials are trying to find out where the meeting was held, but none of the boys will give it away, and so they cannot arrest me.

Nevertheless, they tied to bluff me and sent a company policeman up to serve notice on me not to speak or they would put me in jail. I sent back word, “Jail be hanged. I am going to hold that meeting.”

The company policemen have no bondsmen, are responsible to no one but the company, and they can put you in jail without a cause, and there is no redress. This fellow who spoke to me was a dandy.

He said the company hired him for $35 a month, twelve hours a day, and night work besides. He boasted of working seven years for one man for $3.50 a week, took care of a wife, paid house rent, bought fuel and clothes and fed themselves, and when he quit he had $37.67 saved up. He thought I should not come in there and “bother the company.” In our conversation it developed that he did not know who Thomas Jefferson was. He asked me if Jefferson was a minter. When I spoke of George Washington he asked me if I meant the company doctor. And this fellow is an officer of the law in the state of Virginia!

[Photograph added.]


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1902, Part I: Found Describing United Mine Workers Organizing Drive in Old Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Found in Lawrence Making Arrangements to Send 1,000 More Children from City


Quote EGF, Heaven n Hell, ISR p617, Jan 1910—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday February 15, 1912
Lawrence, Massachusetts – Plans in Place to Send More Children out of Strike Zone

From The New York Call of February 13, 1912:

EGF, Bst Glb AM p1, Feb 13, 1912
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

LAWRENCE, Mass., Feb. 12…..

Children for Philadelphia.

William H. Yates, one of the strike leaders, announced today that 200 children would be sent to Philadelphia on Wednesday morning, arrangements for their care in that city having been made by Miss E. Gurley Flynn, one of the national organizers of the Industrial Workers. Considerable criticism has been heard about sending the children to New York, and to this General Organizer Thomas replies, that it is better for the little ones to be where they can get food and clothing than here were they can have none of these things……

[Photograph and emphasis added.]


From The New York Call of February 14, 1912:

LAWRENCE, Mass., Feb. 13…..Miss Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, of New York, is here today rounding up 1,000 more children from the homes of mill strikers to be taken to Washington, New York and Philadelphia.

Miss Flynn assisted in the reception of the little strike exiles who went from here to New York Saturday, and she gave an enthusiastic report of their arrival and the heartiness with which they were welcomed.

[Emphasis added.]


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Found in Lawrence Making Arrangements to Send 1,000 More Children from City”