Hellraisers Journal: United Mine Workers Journal: Photograph of Miners’ Baseball Team at Charles Town, West Virginia


Quote West Virginia Miner re Gunthugs, LW p1, Sept 24, 1921—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 4, 1922
Charles Town, West Virginia – U. M. W. A. Baseball Team, Bill Blizzard with Bat

From the United Mine Workers Journal of June 1, 1922:

WV Treason Trial Baseball Team w Blizzard, UMWJ p17, June 1, 1922

From the Duluth Labor World of June 3, 1922:


West Virginia state police, known as the Cossacks, have made a mess of things since their arrival at Charles Town to attend the miners’ trial. They do not realize that they are not in Logan county where the coal barons rule by force and might.

The Cossacks have clashed with Charles Town police officials and have assumed the attitude of a Prussian army officer toward private citizens.

The miners insist that there would be no trouble in Logan and other counties but for the Cossacks, who are now sustaining the miners’ claim.


[Emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: Local Boise, of Socialist Party, Defends Comrade Bill Haywood Against Charges Made by Local Yuma


Quote BBH, IU Socialism w Working Clothes On, NYC Cooper Union Debate w Hillquit, Jan 11, 1912—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday June 3, 1912
Local Boise (S. P. A.) Defends Big Bill Haywood

From the International Socialist Review of June 1912

BBH w Tom Mann, ISR p882, June 1912

Approve Haywood.-Just because our Com. Wm. D. Haywood happens to lay some stress on the industrial field, we are told by Local Yuma, Arizona, that he is unfit for the executive committee. We, Local Boise, take exception to this and declare that if Haywood is unfit for the executive committee we had better disband the Socialist party and tell Carl Marx to turn over in his grave, since by such an act we would proclaim to the world that the bona fide workers were not able to be a directing head. Local Yuma, in the desert of Arizona, seems to have a spirit in its ranks. This spirit seems to be able to go thousands of miles to report the words of a man who, maybe, is little to its liking. If Com. Haywood transgressed the holy word, why doesn’t Local New York, in whose territory Com. Haywood is said to have desecrated the Socialist party [Cooper Union Speech of Dec. 21, 1911], we say, why doesn’t New York move to recall Com. Haywood? Perhaps Com. Hillquit and others, who are always in New York, have too much influence there, and as they love Com. Haywood the New York local overlooks whatever Com. Haywood says. We rather think that the gods of our party make the faith in New York, but only the rank and file of Yuma, Arizona, believe it. Comrades, we, Local Boise, have had the good fortune to know Com. Haywood at close quarters. We saw him suffer day by day in the damp jail in this city. We saw him heroically withstand the slaughter of bloodthirsty lawyers and all for our cause. Comrades, we know that Com. Haywood is a true Socialist. His dues are paid in the Socialist party, and above all he never flinches from his duty to the working class, our class. If the referendum proposed by Local Yuma should carry, a smile of pleasure would spread itself over the face of every enemy of Socialism. We, Local Boise, call on all true comrades to snow under the proposed recall and thereby keep Com. Haywood where he was duly elected by a big majority.

Local Boise Press Committee.

[Note: re Tom Mann, the Review states:]

Tom Mann Sentenced.-Tom Mann, the industrial union labor leader who inspired over a million English miners to strike a few months ago, has been sentenced to serve six months in jail for calling upon the troups during the recent coal strike to refuse to shoot down strikers or their sympathizers. Comrade Mann defended himself and asked no mercy of the court. The charge against him was “inciting to mutiny.”…..

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Local Boise, of Socialist Party, Defends Comrade Bill Haywood Against Charges Made by Local Yuma”

Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: The Prosecution of Ettor and Giovannitti, Leaders of the Lawrence Strike


Quote Giovannitti, The Walker, Rest My Brother—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 2, 1912
The Plot Against Ettor and Giovannitti, Leaders of the Lawrence Strike

From the International Socialist Review of June 1912:

BBH Walking w Ettor n Giovannitti, ISR p872, June 1912


A Plot to Murder Wage-Workers. Our readers already know that Ettor and Giovannitti, the I. W. W. organizers who directed the Lawrence strike in its earlier stages, were thrown into jail on charge of conspiracy to murder. At the time this seemed merely a move to cripple the strike, and it was expected that when work was resumed at the mills they would be released. Now, however, it seems that a desperate effort will be made to pack a jury with tools of the mill owners and send our comrades to the electric chair. No one claims that they had any part in the actual killing of any one. The victim was a woman striker [Anna LoPizzo], and the shot was fired by a policeman, as is fully explained in the New York Call of May 10. The real question is whether the prisoners were inciting the strikers to violence, and on this point there is an overwhelming array of testimony in the negative. The REVIEW had a representative on the scene all through the closing days of the strike, and from his personal knowledge we can say that the capitalists and police were eager to have the strikers resort to force, and in many ways did all they could to provoke violence. The strike committee on the other hand realized that any resort to force would give the police and the soldiers the pretext they were looking for to slaughter hundreds of strikers. Consequently they maintained such discipline and restraint among the strikers that the pretext never came, and finally the strike was won. Now in revenge, the jackals of the mill owners are seeking to murder Ettor and Giovannitti. Their trial has been postponed to the August term of court. Money for their defense is urgently needed. Send it direct to William Yates, Treas., 430 Bay State Building, Lawrence, Mass.

NYC May Day Parade w Banner for Ettor n Giovannitti, ISR p871, June 1912

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: The Prosecution of Ettor and Giovannitti, Leaders of the Lawrence Strike”

Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Eugene Debs and Emil Seidel Nominated to Head Socialist Party Ticket


Quote EVD, Law ag Working Class, AtR p1, Apr 29, 1911—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 1, 1912
Socialist Party of America Nominates Eugene Debs and Emil Seidel

From the International Socialist Review of June 1912:

EVD and Emil Seidel, ISR Cv, June 1912

Note: This issue of the Review covers the National Convention of the Socialist Party of America extensively, devoting 25 pages to that coverage and including many drawings and photographs of delegates and visitors. The convention was held at Indianapolis, Indiana, beginning Sunday, May 12th and ending Saturday, May 18th. Debs and Seidel were nominated late in the day on May 17th.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: International Socialist Review: Eugene Debs and Emil Seidel Nominated to Head Socialist Party Ticket”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: “The Prisoners’ Bench”-Poem by Arturo Giovannitti for Joseph J. Ettor


Quote Giovannitti, The Walker, Rest My Brother—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday May 31, 1912
“The Prisoners’ Bench In the Courtroom at Lawrence, Mass.” by Arturo Giovannitti

From the Spokane Industrial of May 30, 1912:

Prisoners Bench Poem by Arturo Giovannitti, IW p4, May 30, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: “The Prisoners’ Bench”-Poem by Arturo Giovannitti for Joseph J. Ettor”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Kansas City Labor Record: Western Labor Union Expects to Organize in Eastern States


WLU for Progress, Pueblo Courier, June 3, 1898—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday May 30, 1902
Denver, Colorado – W. F. of M. and W. L. U.  Hold Conventions

From the Kansas City (Kansas) Labor Record of May 29, 1902:

Western Labor Union in Session in Denver
Expects to Take In Eastern States.

re WLU WFM Convention, Parsons KS Dly Eclp p1, May 29, 1902

Denver.-The annual convention of the Western Federation of Miners and the Western Labor union assembled here on Monday. There are 300 delegates, representing more than 100,000 workers in the Western states and in British Columbia. The two organizations work in harmony, but the conventions meet apart, both in secret session.

Secretary Clarence Smith, in his report, said that the membership of the Western Labor union had doubled in the last year. The report recites that a large number of applications for charters have been received from independent labor organizations in the East. The annual address of President Edward Boyce of the Western Federation of Miners, which he read at the session of the annual convention of that body Wednesday afternoon, was devoted largely to the subject of trusts, which he declared dominate the mining industry. Mr. Boyce recommends the formation of state miners’ unions. He advocates socialism and ownership by workmen of mines and smelters.

President Boyce expressed the hope that the members of the Western Federation of Miners and the members of all other labor organizations would meet in convention for the purpose of taking political action.

Thomas I. Kidd, third vice-president, and Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation of Labor, are in the city for the purpose of securing a hearing before the two conventions and endeavoring to adjust the conflicts that have occurred between the Western organizations and the American Federation.

From the officers’ reports presented at the annual convention of the Western Labor union, it appeared that this new general labor organization has begun to invade Eastern territory and will extend its jurisdiction across the continent if the convention approves the plans that have been formed. President Daniel McDonald declared that the present industrial system ”allows the toiler to be robbed,” and urged each union to impress upon the laboring men that “labor owns itself.”


[Emphasis added. Newsclip added from Parsons, Kansas, Daily Eclipse of May 29th.)

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Kansas City Labor Record: Western Labor Union Expects to Organize in Eastern States”

Hellraisers Journal: Blizzard Acquitted of Treason against the State of West Virginia, Given Wild Ovation by Supporters


Quote Fred Mooney, Mingo Co Gunthugs, UMWJ p15, Dec 1, 1920—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday May 29, 1922
Charles Town, West Virginia – Billy Blizzard Acquitted of Treason

From The Washington Times of May 28, 1922:

HdLn Blizzard Acquitted of Treason, WDC Tx p1, May 28, 1922

HdLn Juroros Free Blizzard, WDC Tx p1, May 28, 1922

International News Service Staff Correspondent.

CHARLES TOWN, W.Va., May 27.-William Blizzard, alleged generalissimo of the miners’ army which marched upon Logan county last summer and fought with deputy sheriffs until Federal troops were called out, was acquitted by a jury in circuit court here tonight of treason against the State of West Virginia.

Verdict is Popular.

The jury was given the case at 3:27 o’clock this afternoon. Six hours and ten minutes was consumed in attempting to arrive at a verdict, two hours of which was taken out for dinner.

Peaceful Charles Town broke into a riot of noise. The pandemonium which answered the verdict: “We find for the defendant,” extended outside the court room.

Blizzard was given a wonderful reception as he emerged from the little red court house, scene of a similar trial sixty-three years ago.

The jurors as they left the scene of their labors which extended over a month, were likewise cheered.

The little red courthouse is the identical spot where John Brown, famous abolitionist, was convicted of treason sixty-three years ago. Residents of peaceful Charles Town, which has been conspicuous in history since colonial days, flooded the courthouse tonight to await the second treason trial verdict ever returned in calm, quiet Jefferson county.

After the jury had once reported its inability to reach a verdict and court was recessed for dinner, a report emanating from official sources had the jury ten to two for acquittal.

When the jurymen filed out, an over-crowded courtroom in which women predominated, immediately broke into a buzz of conversation. Blizzard seemed least concerned of the big assemblage. He had in his lap his five-year old son, asleep most of the first hour of the jury’s deliberations.

Blizzard Is Calm.

His wife, her little girl clasped close to her, frequently lifted a dampened handkerchief to her reddened eyes in which the tears constantly welled.

Next to Mrs. Blizzard, sat Blizzard’s sixty-year-old mother, a thin, spectacled little woman, a wisp of gray creeping through her once blond hair which stood out conspicuously against the background of black clothing. Mrs. Blizzard’s mother completed the family circle.

As time wore on with no report from the jury, Blizzard went to an ante-room and conversed with friends. His little boy and girl playfully edged their way about the crowd which filled every available nook.

After an hour had elapsed a ripple of excitement spread through the courtroom. A verdict was expected, but the jury asked for a copy of Judge Woods’ instructions, which would shape the verdict and which they neglected to get before retiring.

Kisses His Wife.

Blizzard was among the calmest of the excited throng in the court room when the foreman of the jury announced the verdict. For a moment he seemed dazed and then as the full import of the finding was grasped he leaned over and kissed his wife, who was standing near. Then he shook the hands of his counsel and waved a greeting to the congratulations expressed by scores who have attended every session of the long trial.

Blizzard was given a wild ovation as soon as the jury was discharged by Judge Woods.

Billy Blizzard w Family, WDC Tx p3, May 28, 1922, w quote

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Blizzard Acquitted of Treason against the State of West Virginia, Given Wild Ovation by Supporters”

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene V. Debs Opines on Pennsylvania’s Great Anthracite Coal Strike for the Social Democratic Herald


quote EVD re PA Great Anthracite Strike Cossacks, SDH p1, May 4, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday May 27, 1902
Eugene Debs Opines on Pennsylvania’s Great Anthracite Coal Strike

From the Social Democratic Herald of May 24, 1902:


EVD, Houston Daily Post p6, May 22, 1899

The miners’ strike is on in the anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania. The operators were defiant and eager for the fray. The miners pulled every wire to prevent the collision and finally voted to go out in the very last extremity. A large minority voted against the strike and President Mitchell, all accounts agree, did his best to prevent it.

Most earnestly do I hope the poor devils will win, but there is no use trying to conceal the fact that they are up against it and that the coal and railroad companies have been preparing for the fight, openly courted it, and are determined to wipe out the union and run their mines to suit themselves.

At this writing everything is quiet as a graveyard in the anthracite region, but nevertheless the Republican governor [William A. Stone], elected largely by the votes of coal miners who don’t believe in going into politics, has already sworn in an army of special coal police, armed with Winchesters, to protect “property” and incidentally to perforate the hides of the striking miners if this becomes necessary to break up their strike, and force them back into their holes through starvation tunnel, to dig for their masters.

That is all they are fit for; at least that is what they themselves seem to think, for that is what they voted for under the direction of some of their district officers, who are simply the political pluggers of the gang of robbers that fleece the poor coal diggers when they work and have them murdered when they strike.

Pennsylvania, where hell is active as Mt. Pelee, and slavery in full blast, has a Republican majority of 300,000, made up quite largely of the poor devils now on strike.

The governor is already making active preparation to return bullet for ballot in accordance with the invariable program of the capitalist class, whom the miners and other workingmen have made the ruling class of the country.

President Mitchell will do the best he can in a trying position. He has issued a request that miners abstain from the use of liquor during the strike, and, acting upon his advice, they thronged the churches on Sunday last and took the oath of total abstinence and the pledge to entirely keep out of saloons till the strike is settled.

As for the Civic Federation, it has already done its worst. It has delayed and dallied six weeks, taken the heart out of many of the strikers and set them by the ears among themselves. Had the miners struck April 1, as they intended, they would have been far stronger than they are today.

My advice to you, striking miners, is to keep away from the capitalistic partnership of priest and politician, to cut loose from the Civic Federation, and to stand together to a man and fight it out yourselves. If you can’t win, no one else can win for you; and if in the end you find that the corporations can beat you at the game of famine, you may, and it is hoped that you will, have your eyes opened to the fact that your vote is your best weapon and that if the 140,000 miners of Pennsylvania will cast a solid vote for socialism, they will soon drive the robbers from the state and take possession of the mines and make themselves the masters of their industry, and the workingmen the rulers of the state.

As for the army of coal police already marshaled and armed by the governor to shoot the strikers upon the assumption that they are criminals, I advise that the miners in convention assembled unanimously resolve that, while they propose to keep within the law, they also propose to exercise all the rights and privileges the law grants them; and, furthermore, that the monstrous crime of Latimer shall not be repeated, and if any striker is shot down without good cause the first shot shall be the signal for war and the miners will shoot back; and if killing must be the program of the coal barons, let it be an operator for a miner instead of miners only, as in the past. 

Terre Haute, Ind., May 19. 

Eugene V. Debs [Signature]

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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