Hellraisers Journal: Birds Care for Their Young While Capitalists Feed Off Nation’s Young -Cartoon by Ryan Walker


Quote Mother Jones Children Suffer PA Silk Mills, Cdale Ldr p6, Nov 30, 1900—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 14, 1912
American Children Born to Feed the Monster Capitalistism

From The Coming Nation of July 13, 1912
-Cartoon by Ryan Walker: Birds Care for Young; Capitalists Feed off the Young

Child Labor, Ryan Walker, Children Feed Capitalist in Nest, Cmg Ntn Cv, July 13, 1912

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Birds Care for Their Young While Capitalists Feed Off Nation’s Young -Cartoon by Ryan Walker”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: New Song Books Ready to Order with New Songs from FW Joe Hill


Quote Joe Hill, General Strike, Workers Awaken, LRSB p6, Oct 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday July 13, 1912
New I. W. W. Song Books Will Be Off the Press Soon

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of July 11, 1912

Ad New LRSB, IW p3, July 11, 1912

New songs by Fellow Worker Joe Hill will include:

“Casey Jones, The Union Scab”
“Where the Frazer River Flows”
“Coffee ‘An”
“John Golden and the Lawrence Strike”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Spokane Industrial Worker: New Song Books Ready to Order with New Songs from FW Joe Hill”

Hellraisers Journal: Horrible Disaster at Rolling Mill Mine at Johnstown, Penn., Fatalities May Approach Two Hundred


Quote Mother Jones, Pray for dead, ed, Ab Chp 6, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday July 12, 1902
Johnstown, Pennsylvania – Explosion of Gas Claims Many Lives at Rolling Mill Mine

From The Indianapolis Journal of July 11, 1902:

MnDs Johnstown PA Rolling Mill Mine July 10, Ipl Jr p1, July 11, 1902

JOHNSTOWN, Pa., July 10.-Two hundred miners entombed by an explosion in a mine whose main shaft opens within the limits of this city was news to check with terror the pedestrians on the streets here to-day.

At first the rumor said that all in the rolling mill mine of the Cambria Steel Company were dead or in danger, but later reports showed that the lower figure was correct and that 400 were safe.

The mine is one of the largest in the country and to-day 600 men were at work there. When the news of the disaster reached here it spread like wildfire and in less than a quarter of an hour the Point, an open space at the junction of Conemaugh and Stony creek, was crowded with women and children. Across from them, in the center of the green hillside, could be seen the dark opening of the mine. It looked as usual, but the women who looked across the waters saw a meaning there that they had not seen before. Some cried, some moaned and little children clasped skirts and cried in sympathy.….


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Horrible Disaster at Rolling Mill Mine at Johnstown, Penn., Fatalities May Approach Two Hundred”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June 1902, Part III: On Trial Before Old Injunction Judge John J. Jackson at Parkersburg, W. V.


Quote re Mother Jones, Most Dangerous Woman, Machinists Mly, Sept 1915—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday July 11, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up for June 1902, Part III
On Trial before Judge John J. Jackson at Parkersburg, West Virginia

From the Baltimore Sun of June 24, 1902:

Mother Jones , Phl Inq p24, June 22, 1902

PARKERSBURG, W. Va., June 23.-A special car containing 25 witnesses arrived tonight from Clarksburg. They are here to appear against “Mother” Jones and the other persons charged with violating a Federal injunction by holding a meeting for the purpose of influencing miners to quit work. Their defense will be that the meeting was on private property rented by them for that purpose.

[Photograph added.]

From the Baltimore Sun of June 25, 1902:


Thirty Witnesses, And The Case May Last A Week.

PARKERSBURG, W. Va., June 24.-The trial of “Mother” Jones and 11 other agitators who are accused of violating an injunction of the Federal Court in regard to interfering with working miners was begun today.

A witness testified that the woman used “insolent language” in a public speech. He said she advised miners to pay no attention to injunctions or to courts.

There are about 30 witnesses and the trial will probably last all the week.

From The Dayton Evening Herald of June 26, 1902:


Favorable Testimony Given For Mother Jones
and Strike Leaders, Arrested For Contempt.

Parkersburg, W. Va., June 26.-The defense had witnesses on the stand in the “Mother” Jones and other strike leaders contempt cases this morning. They testified to the quiet and orderly behavior of the leaders in all the meetings, and said they counselled obedience to laws and proper conduct. “Mother” Jones especially counselled the “boys,” as she calls them, not to drink during the strike troubles. It was shown that the meeting which caused their arrest was on private property rented for the purpose, and that there had been no assemblage in violation of the injunction on public or company property. It is probable that the case will be concluded today.

From The Dayton Evening Herald of June 27, 1902:



Parkersburg, W. Va., June 27.-In the contempt case against “Mother” Jones and others, the defense announced this morning that they had no more testimony to offer. The court set the arguments for July 11, and the case was continued until that date. “Mother” Jones and the other defendants are out on bail.

From the Baltimore Sun of June 28, 1902:


Judge Jackson Gives Her A Lecture
About Inciting Strikes.

(Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.)

PARKERSBURG, W. Va., June 27.-“Mother” Jones and the other strike leaders who were on trial for alleged violation of an injunction by the United States Court were released today until July 11, when their case will come up again.

Upon being released they were given a lecture by Judge Jackson, who warned them against interfering in any way with the miners at work. He told them they had no constitutional right to come here from another State and interfere with workers. The Judge promised severe punishment if they attempt to incite a strike again.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June 1902, Part III: On Trial Before Old Injunction Judge John J. Jackson at Parkersburg, W. V.”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June 1902, Part II: Mother Jones Arrested with Organizers of UMWA at Clarksburg, West Virginia


Quote Mother Jones, Injunction Shroud, Bff Exp p7, Apr 24, 1909—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday July 10, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up of June 1902, Part II
Arrested at Clarksburg, West Virginia; Taken to Parkersburg

From West Virginia’s Clarksburg Telegram of June 13, 1902:

Organizers & Agitators Enjoined

Judge Mason Issues State Court Injunctions
and Judge Jackson Federal Injunctions.
Some Organizers Arrested.

Mother Jones , Phl Inq p24, June 22, 1902

Last Saturday [June 7] was the time fixed for a general strike among the miners in this state. In the Clarksburg and Fairmont regions but little attention has been paid to it. The day found nearly all the men at work as usual and the mines were in operation, as if there had been no order issued for a strike.

A small crowd of people composed of miners who have been idle for months, other miners, farmers, women and children, about 150 all told was addressed at Mines’ ford, by Mary Jones, known as “Mother Jones,” Saturday morning. The meeting did not result in any definite action or change the situation.

The first of the week the miners from Flemington, who obeyed the strike order, went over to Monongah and formed a marching party. For two or three days they continued to march to and fro between Monongah and Enterprise and some disorder resulted. The Fairmont Coal Company secured an injunction Tuesday [June 10] from Judge Mason at Fairmont against several of the organizers and agitators, restraining them from entering upon the company’s property or interfering with the company’s employes. Some of the organizers were arrested upon this injunction and taken to Fairmont, among whom was Thomas Hagerty and Bernard Rice, “Mother Jones” succeeded in evading arrest.

This was followed by a federal injunction Wednesday afternoon [June 11] issued by Judge John J. Jackson, at Parkersburg, restraining them from marching around or about the company’s grounds and on the roads leading to the mines. U. S. Marshall C. D. Elliott, of Parkersburg, went down the river Wednesday night with a number of deputies to serve the injunctions.

[Marshall Elliott] had summons for Thomas Hagerty, Edward McKay, Thomas Burk, Mary Jones, alias “Mother” Jones, William Morgan, Bernard Rice, J. D. Springer, John Noon, L. D. Murphy, Clyde Hawkins, Sam’l Rogers, James Lake, Charles Ashcraft, John W. Nester, Charles Henderson, Martin Henderson, Webb Poling, Jno. Marci, Edward House, Joe Bell, Orem Brown, John Edwards, Joe Paggoni, David Grace, and Gordon Rush

[Photograph added.]

From the Danville Kentucky Advocate of June 16, 1902:

Effort Made to Enlist the Co-Operation
of the Railroad Men.

Clarksburg, W. Va., June 16.-An effort is being made to induce the railroad men to refuse to handle coal mined in this district. Success in this would mean a complete suspension of mining. There is some little uneasiness among the operators. Organizers left this field Monday on the West Virginia Central to induce a strike among the miners of the Davis Elkins syndicate. Mother Jones and others addressed 300 hundred men Sunday at Willow Tree school house, near Monongahela [Monongah]. The crowd was largely composed of women, children and farmers. 

From the Parkersburg Daily Morning News of June 21, 1902:

[Mother Jones Arrested While Speaking
to Strikers at Clarksburg]

[Clarksburg, June 20]-Mother Jones’ address this afternoon was more than ordinarily bitter. She has good command of language and a powerful voice, which combined with her grey hair and commanding bearing and pleasant face give her undoubtedly much influence. She understands her power and how to use it, and while in private conversation shows a surprisingly cultivated manner and correct speech. Her language, when addressing a crowd of miners, is much after their common style and is thickly interspersed with slang and homely wit. In her speech today she denounced the mine operators as robbers, and defied Judge Jackson, placing him in the same class, and asserting that he, as well as the newspapers, and even the preachers, are in league with the interests of the mine owners against the mine workers. She was vigorously cheered at different times during her address, and especially at the close while the marshal and his deputies were making their arrests. She closed her address by urging the miners not to work, not to drink, to avoid all lawlessness and to stick together and continue to “agitate.”


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June 1902, Part II: Mother Jones Arrested with Organizers of UMWA at Clarksburg, West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June 1902, Part I: Strike Is On in West Virginia Coalfields; U. S. Judge Jackson Issues Injunction


Quote Mother Jones, Injunction Shroud, Bff Exp p7, Apr 24, 1909—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday July 9, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up of June 1902, Part I

Found Speaking to Striking Miners in West Virginia

From Virginia’s Richmond Dispatch of June 1, 1902:


Mother Jones , Phl Inq p24, June 22, 1902

From all that can be learned, nearly all of the miners in this field will strike on June 7th, in obedience to the order recently issued. The mine workers’ organization is making a big fight to get the men in this field to obey the order. Agitators are here in large numbers and strike talk is the principal topic of conversation.

“Mother” Jones, a strike agitator, has been in this region since Thursday and is making an appeal to the miners to quit good jobs and join the strike. Yesterday she addressed a large crowd of miners on the mountain side near Coaldale [West Virginia]. To-morrow night she will make another address to the miners at Keystone. Although there is only a small percentage of the miners in this field that belong to the union it is believed that nearly every one will come out. The miners in this field number nearly 200,000. including the Thacker field, and much trouble is feared, in case the strike order is obeyed.

[Photograph added.]

From The Dayton Evening Herald of June 4, 1902

Mother Jones Makes Sensational Address
Before West Virginia Striking Miners.

Huntington, W. Va., June 4.-“Mother” Mary Jones addressed 1,000 miners near Keystone in the Norfolk and Western coal fields last night. Her utterances were extremely sensational. She said her life had been threatened, and that she expected to be killed before she got away from the coal fields. She added:

But for every strike sympathizer that is killed, it will take the life of two operators to appease the crime.

Mother Jones is having tremendous meetings at every point in that region. It is believed the strike order will be generally obeyed on Saturday.

From Virginia’s Tazewell Republican of June 5, 1902:

“Mother” Mary Jones, the noted labor agitator, spoke to a crowd of about one thousand persons at Pocahontas last Saturday. She spoke from the porch of the residence of Col. J. S. Browning. She spoke Sunday night at Keystone, and her address was of a very incendiary character. She is urging the miners to go out on a strike.

From The Dayton Evening Herald of June 6, 1902

United Mine Workers in the Virginias
Go Out Tomorrow.

Bluefield, W. Va., June 6-Tomorrow is the day that the United Mine Workers of Virginia and West Virginia are to strike. The indications are that a large percentage will come out. Swarms of organizers are in the field, and there is nothing but strike talk. “Mother” Jones has canvassed this field and left for Fairmount. All the companies have notices posted warning all trespassers to keep off their land, and persons trespassing upon the property or attempting by any means to induce the employes to quit work, will be prosecuted. The strike fever is high here.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for June 1902, Part I: Strike Is On in West Virginia Coalfields; U. S. Judge Jackson Issues Injunction”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones and William B. Wilson Will Brave Injunction at Clarksburg and Fairmont, West Virginia


Quote John Mitchell to Mother Jones re WV Fairmont Field, May 10, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday July 8, 1902
U. M. W. Secretary Wilson and Mother Jones to Brave Injunction in West Virginia

From the Indianapolis Sunday Journal of July 6, 1902:

Secretary Wilson, of the Mine Workers,
Will Go to West Virginia.

Mother Jones of UMW, NY Tb p6, Image 20, July 6, 1902

W. B. Wilson, secretary of the United Mine Workers, will leave, this evening at 6 o’clock, for Clarksburg, W. Va., where, with “Mother” Jones, he will speak to-morrow night to a public meeting of miners. In taking part in the meeting Secretary Wilson puts his head in the lion’s mouth; that is to say, he will violate the injunction granted by the federal judge of the Southern district of West Virginia, which declared that he must not hold meetings with the miners within that jurisdiction.

[Mr. Wilson said yesterday:]

I realize that I am liable to be arrested, but I am not permitting that to worry me. I have made arrangements so that the financial affairs of the organization will run along smoothly in other hands should I be placed in jail. You can depend upon it that the affairs of the order will not suffer.

“Mother” Jones and I are billed to speak to the miners to-morrow evening at Clarksburg. Tuesday evening we will address another big meeting at Fairmount. As both of these towns are in the jurisdiction of Judge Keller, they may try to enforce the injunction, but, as I say, I am not troubling myself about that. We will address a public meeting of orderly men, and it would be a high-handed proceeding to attempt to interfere with it.

Secretary Wilson believes that the injunction order cannot be sustained by a fair construction of constitutional law and that Judge Keller went beyond his powers in issuing the injunction in Philadelphia, which is not within his jurisdiction.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones and William B. Wilson Will Brave Injunction at Clarksburg and Fairmont, West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Wheeling Majority: “Hot Times in West Virginia”-Mother Jones Working Night and Day


Quote Mother Jones, Life Work Mission, WV Cton Gz, June 11, 1912, per ISR p648, Mar 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 7, 1912
Charleston, West Virginia – Cossacks Rule Paint Creek, Mother Jones at Work

From The Wheeling Majority of July 4, 1912:

Hot Times In West Virginia

[Mother Jones Working Night and Day]

(By G. H. Edmunds.)

Mother Jones WV , Cnc Pst p1, June 11, 1912

Charleston, W. Va., July 3.—(Special.)—You talk about the cossacks of Russia and the state police of Pennsylvania, but the guard system of West Virginia has all these backed off the boards. The guards along Paint Creek have taken the law in their hands, and are openly defying the law in all its phases. They are evicting the miners in open violation of the law up to date, we have been unable to check them. The law firm of Littlepage, Matheney and Littlepage sought to enjoin the coal companies, and here is what happened.

District Judge Burdette did the “fade-away” act’ to perfection. When our attorney went to his court (after having a time set to hear the injunction), and there and then found that the judge had left the community and no one could say where he had gone or when he would return. So the coal companies are still evicting our people. If Kellar, the great magician, wants to learn a few new tricks along the “fade-away” line, he might do well to consult his honor, Judge Burdette.

Assaulting Children.

Assault after assault has been committed upon defenseless men, women and children. But the sheriff of Kanawha county has done absolutely nothing about it at all. We hope that the miners will not forget Judge Burdette when election day comes. If he is afraid to perform the duties of his office, then he is not competent to fill that high office. I know it is pretty hard to go up against such a proposition as issuing or refusing an injunction as the one prayed for, yet it was the plain duty of Judge Burdette to have stood his ground and decided this case on its merits. Judge Burdette stands indicted for rank cowardice before all the people of this county. Will they forget or condone this act? Lots could be said about Kanawha county justice, but we will save it for campaign dope. Board Member Watkins Reports a good meeting at McClannahan, just across the mountain from Raymond City. We are glad to see these men coming out of the kinks at last. There are scores of good men over there and now that they have started again we bid them God speed.

Boys, don’t stop until every man in your locality is a union man and a Socialist. The “man catchers” from Burnwell “caught” two colored brothers in their net of deception, but upon their arrival at Burnwell, they found out about the strike and they left, walking 17 miles, and they informed the guards they would spend a year in the penitentiary before they would work as strike breakers. Pretty good union men, these.

Mother Jones There.

Mother Jones is still here and well and working night and day. She bears her 80 years as if they were 50. We expect big things next week. At this time we have 21 guards on trial for entering the homes of the miners without leave or warrant.

The miners are still firm and there will be no break away from our ranks. Organizers Batley and Davis left for their homes to spend the 4th of July. Organizer G. H. Edmunds and Vice President Frank J. Hayes will speak at Buxton, Ia., on the Fourth. Great credit is due the Majority for the gallant advocacy of the miners’ cause during this strike. All miners should subscribe to this paper, because he is our friend, and we should stand by our friends. Editor Hilton, has been fearless in his defense of our cause.

All mine workers are requested to stay away from West Virginia until notified officially that the strike is ended. 

[Photograph, emphasis and paragraph breaks added.]

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