Hellraisers Journal: Striking Coal Miners of Southern Colorado Forced from Company Towns, Take Shelter at Camp Mother Jones


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday November 17, 1903
Trinidad, Colorado – Camp Mother Jones Shelters 300-400 Striking Coal Miners

From The Denver Post of November 14, 1903
-Mother Jones Camp (Tent Colony) at Trinidad:

Mother Jones Camp in Trinidad CO, Dnv Pst p1, Nov 14, 1903

From The Rocky Mountain News of November 12, 1903
-Camp Mother Jones Accommodates 300-400 Striking Miners:

CO Camp Mother Jones Accommodations, RMN p8, Nov 12, 1903

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Striking Coal Miners of Southern Colorado Forced from Company Towns, Take Shelter at Camp Mother Jones”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks to Reporter in Denver, Describes Conditions in the Coal Camps of Southern Colorado


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 16, 1903
Denver, Colorado – Mother Jones Describes Conditions in Southern Coalfields

From The Denver Post of November 13, 1903:

Mother Jones, Dnv Pst p1, Nov 13, 1903Mother Jones Interview re CO Coal Strike, Dnv Pst p1n3, Nov 13, 1903 Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks to Reporter in Denver, Describes Conditions in the Coal Camps of Southern Colorado”

Hellraisers Journal: Poetry from the Michigan Miners’ Bulletin: “The Little Children of the Poor” by Ellis B. Harris


Quote Ellis B Harris Children of the Poor, MI MB p2, Nov 11, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday November 15, 1913
“Little Children of the Poor” by Ellis B. Harris

From the Michigan Miners’ Bulletin of November 11, 1913:

Miners' Bulletin, MI, Nov 11, 1913

Little Children of the Poor
by Ellis B. Harris

Little children of the poor,
My heart goes out to you.
Little lives that must endure
Where miseries accrue;
In the factories and mills
There robbed of play and hearth
Suffering a world of ills
For parasites of wealth.

Little children of the poor,
You, tender, precious flowers,
Blooms for gardens sweet and pure,
Yet robbed of playtime hours.
Is it strange that blood runs wild
And hands are clenched in wrath
When we contemplate a child
Upon the thorn strewn path?

Little children of the poor,
Brave hearts shall place the blame
For the lives that you endure,
And point the nations’s shame.
Boasting here of Freedom’s reign
And scorning royal commands,
Forging them a master’s chain
To shackle baby hands.

Little children of the poor,
Pearls for trampling swine,
Cast and mired that they secure
The wealth from mill and mine.
There are those who hear the call
From far off Galilee,
Heeding, until Mammon fall
And you, His Jewels, are free.

Little children of the poor,
A future day shall break,
When no one can e’er secure
Your lives for profit sake;
When the people’s rule shall fill
The world with melody,
And childhood’s joys and laughter thrill
The world with ecstasy.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Poetry from the Michigan Miners’ Bulletin: “The Little Children of the Poor” by Ellis B. Harris”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Miners’ Bulletin (W. F. M.) of Michigan Copper Country: “Government by Gunmen”


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 14, 1913
Michigan Copper Country – Striking Copper Miners Governed by Gunmen

From the Miners’ Bulletin of November 11, 1913:

The Miners’ Bulletin is the official newspaper of the Western Federation of Miners in the strike zone of Michigan’s Copper Country. The latest issue contains a scathing indictment of the community’s indifference to the terror being spread through-out the strike zone by the Waddell-Mahon Company gunthugs, known as “Waddies.” The strikers maintain that these imported gunthugs have been deputized by Sheriff James Cruse of Houghton County, in defiance of state law, although the Sheriff continues to deny that the imported gunmen have actually been formally deputized. The article stated in part:

WFM Miners Bulletin MI 1913

When the citizens of a community show such indifference as to permit any corporation of greed to import gunmen for the purpose of intimidating the working-class of said community in their peaceful demands for simple justice, it certainly is a sad commentary on the stability and integrity of the community. It seems the people of the copper region of this state would have profited by the experience of Idaho, Colorado, and South Dakota camps in the fight for justice by the working-class. There are thousands of good, loyal citizens who could have been deputized to keep the peace, and who would have done their duty without fear or favor, but the mine companies did not want this kind of policing: they wanted the thug, the crook, and the gunman in order to create as much trouble as possible: then comes the National Guard, and the trick is done. The mining officials can then sit home in their easy chairs while the troops guard their property and scabs imported by their agents from all the largest cities in the country. Regarding Government by Gunmen, the Omaha Daily News has the following to say: “The police power is supposed to be the arm of the government to uphold law and order and justice. In theory, policemen are public servants. YOUR employees, hired to execute YOUR will.”

What are the facts?

Throughout the 1,019 square miles of Houghton county, Michigan in the copper country the policing has been subjet to  imported gunmen, recruited from the slums of the great cities by a corporation of strikebreakers under the pay of the mining companies: and this Michigan instance is not unique, but typical….

Be that as it may [the abdication of popular government in the Michigan copper country], this hiring out of the police power to disreputables in the interest of greed and oppression WILL HAVE TO BE STOPPED. The alternative is slavery.

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Miners’ Bulletin (W. F. M.) of Michigan Copper Country: “Government by Gunmen””

Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Coal Miners Obey Strike Order; Evictions Underway; Mother Jones Visits Strikers and Families


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————-

Hellraisers Journal – Friday November 13, 1903
Colorado Coal Miners Obey U. W. A. Strike Order; Mother Jones on Hand

From The Indianapolis News of November 9, 1903:


John Mitchell, The Columbian, Bloomsburg PA p2, Oct 23, 1902Denver, November 9.-Information received from the coal fields of Colorado to-day indicates that the strike of coal miners will be more extended than anticipated. It is reported that the order of the executive committee of the United Mine Workers of America declaring a strike in District 15 for to-day has been obeyed in Colorado almost to the man. At certain mines where it was confidently believed a sufficient number of men could be retained to operate them, it appears that not enough men reported to make a showing.In the northern fields, where the men decided to strike upon their own referendum vote because an eight-hour day has not been granted, the walkout is complete. It is said that several of the independent mine will make efforts to continue in operation, but, it is understood, with little hope of success.
Troops in Readiness

Unusual precautions have been taken by the sheriff of Las Animas county in southern Colorado, where trouble is feared. It is reported that strikers have threatened violence if they are ousted from the cottages of the Victor Fuel Company and the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. The State troops are being held in readiness.Already the effects of the strike are being felt in this city. Practically all the dealers announced to-day that they had no coal to sell. The prospect is favorable for a serious coal famine in Denver and other points in the state.

[Emphasis and photograph added.]

Mass evictions from the  coal company “cottages” (shacks) are underway at this time. And, in fact, the miners, rather than threatening violence, have prepared for this eventuality by establishing tent colonies on land rented by the union. The company guards, however, do not refrain from violence as they evict the striking miners and their families, kicking in doors, ransacking family belongings, and generally spreading terror as they roam about the strike district heavily armed. Most of these company gunthugs have been deputized by the Las Animas County Sheriff.


From The Arizona Republican of November 10, 1903:


Formal Beginning of Strike in District 15
The Struggle Will Be a Long One
But Both Sides Are Prepared for It
-“Mother Jones” Is Now in the Field
CO Miners Idle, Strike Order Obeyed, Ipl Ns p11, Nov 10, 1903Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 9.-The strike of the coal miners of district No. 15 of the United Mine Workers of America is now on in full force, and indications point to a long struggle. This morning only a very small per cent of the men reported for work and the tie-up is complete in Las Animas county, the largest producer of District 15, Starkville, Gray Creek, Engleville and Sopris, the largest producing camps went out to a man.At union headquarters tonight all the officials were jubilant over the outlook and more than pleased at the number of non-union men who went out with the union. Since Saturday night nearly 2,000 men sent their names to the union. Out of nearly 3,000 employed in this county, it is claimed that less than one hundred reported for work. These are at Hastings, Delagua and Primero, Victor fuel camps, and it is openly stated that if any trouble occurs in this district it will be at the above camps.“Mother” Jones is doing more than all the balance of the organizers to bring the men into line. Union headquarters was very busy today. William Howells, president of District 15, said tonight, “You can say that the men in this section went out to a man and the tie-up is more complete than we thought it would be. We have a right to feel good over the large number of non-union men who joined us. Eighty per cent of the men have gone out in Huerfano county and also in Colfax county, N. M. We nor the Colorado Fuel and Iron company officials dreamed that the strike would be of such magnitude.

[Emphasis added. Newsclip added from Indianapolis News of Nov. 10th.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Colorado Coal Miners Obey Strike Order; Evictions Underway; Mother Jones Visits Strikers and Families”

Hellraisers Journal: Citizens Alliance Formed in Michigan Copper Country with Goal of Eradicating the Western Federation of Miners from the Keweenaw District


Quote Mother Jones, Powers of Privilege ed, Ab Chp III—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday November 12, 1913
Michigan Copper Country – Citizens Alliance Formed to Combat W. F. M.

From The Calumet News of November 10, 1913:

MI Copper Country Citizens Alliance Formed, CNS p1, Nov 10, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Citizens Alliance Formed in Michigan Copper Country with Goal of Eradicating the Western Federation of Miners from the Keweenaw District”

Hellraisers Journal: Annie Clemenc Arrested Along with 98 Other Strikers and Sympathizers Marching in Fierce Blizzard


Quote Annie Clemenc, Die Behind Flag, Mnrs Bltn, Sept 16, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal -Tuesday November 11, 1913
Calumet, Michigan – Ninety-Nine Arrested Marching in Fierce Blizzard

From The Calumet News of November 8, 1913:

MI Annie Clemenc Arrested with 98 Others Marching in Blizzard, CNs p8, Nov 8, 1913

Cavalrymen stationed in Calumet this morning [November 8] arrested ninety-nine strikers and sympathizers on a blanket charge of violating the injunction [against picketing]. The arrests were made on Calumet avenue near the M. E. church, between 6 and 7 o’clock. A parade, headed by “Big Annie” Clemenc, proceeded north from Red Jacket road and when a number of workmen passed the marchers yelled and cursed them, it is alleged…..

From El Paso Herald of November 9, 1913:

Parade in Blizzard, Annie Clemenc Leads Pickets, El P Hld p1, Nov 9, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Annie Clemenc Arrested Along with 98 Other Strikers and Sympathizers Marching in Fierce Blizzard”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks on Colorado Coalfield Strike at Washington [D. C.] Central Labor Union Meeting


Quote Mother Jones, Coming of the Lord, Cnc Pst p6, July 23, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 10, 1913
Mother Jones Speaks at Meeting of Washington, D. C., Central Labor Union

From The Washington Herald of November 6, 1913:

Mother Jones Speaks at WDC CLU re CO Strike, WDC Hld p2, Nov 6, 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks on Colorado Coalfield Strike at Washington [D. C.] Central Labor Union Meeting”

Hellraisers Journal: “Miners Go Out…Mother Jones Lecturing Miners for More Complete Organization”-Speaks at Sopris


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925—————

Hellraisers Journal – Monday November 9, 1903
Mother Jones Speaks to Miners at Sopris and Starkville, Colorado

From The Rocky Mountain News of November 8, 1903:

Colorado Coal Strike, MJ Speaks at Sopris, RMN p1n2, Nov 8, 1903

[Mother Jones at Sopris and Starkville]

…..The meeting held at Sopris last night [November 6th], where the speaker was Mother Jones, was crowded. To-night she speaks at Starkville. Both these towns are incorporated, and the coal companies do not own the town sites, so no interference with the meeting can be brought about, even if it was the desire of the operators…..

     It is stated that all the miners are out at Berwind, and that all at Sopris and Starkville will refuse to go to work Monday. In the two latter towns, Mother Jones has made hurricane appeals to the miners to strike. She is a speaker of the strongest type, and the fact that she is a white haired woman carried weight with her talks, all of which recited the condition in the Eastern fields, and none of which referred to the conditions prevailing in Colorado or how to improve them…..

[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Miners Go Out…Mother Jones Lecturing Miners for More Complete Organization”-Speaks at Sopris”

Hellraisers Journal: From The Survey: “Clash in the Copper Country”-Photos from the Front Lines of Michigan Miners’ Strike


Quote Annie Clemenc, Die Behind Flag, Mnrs Bltn, Sept 16, 1913—————

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday November 8, 1913
“Clash in the Copper Country” by Graham Romeyn Taylor

From The Survey of November 1, 1913:

Clash in MI Copper Country by G Taylor, Survey p127, Nov 1, 1913MI Strikers Parade, Annie w Flag, Survey p127, Nov 1, 1913

[Scene of Seeberville Murders]

MI Seeberville Murder Scene, Survey 128, Nov 1913

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Survey: “Clash in the Copper Country”-Photos from the Front Lines of Michigan Miners’ Strike”