Hellraisers Journal – Monday September 10, 1900 Mother Jones News Round-Up for August 1900, Part II Found Visiting Massacre Site at Lattimer, Pennsylvania
From the Freeland Tribune of August 17, 1900:
Miners marching near Hazelton, Pennsylvania, September 10, 1897.
As announced in Wednesday’s issue of the Tribune, the representatives of the United Mine Workers of America, in convention at Hazleton, adopted a resolution which calls upon the coal operators to meet delegates from the three districts in joint conference in Hazleton on Monday, August 27. [A] committee was appointed to correspond with the operators…..
The convention then adjourned. The delegates afterwards visited Lattimer, where the miners were killed three years ago by Sheriff Martin’s posse. On the exact spot where the men were shot down addresses were delivered, and the men rededicated themselves to the cause of labor. Speeches were made by President Mitchell, District President Duffy, “Mother” Jones and National Board Member James.
John Bernoski, of Shamokin, addressed the crowd in Polish. Frank Riecco, who carried the American Flag and was with the miners on that fatal day, was present and spoke a few words. On the way back many of the delegates visited St. Joseph’s cemetery, where the dead miners were buried.
The [strike] situation now hinges on the operators’ attitude next Monday.
[Photograph added.]
From the Freeland Tribune of August 20, 1900:
Labor Meetings.
“Mother” Jones and Organizer Benjamin James will address a miners’ meeting at Drifton tonight. On Tuesday evening they will speak at McAdoo and on Wednesday evening at Beaver Meadow.
Tonight Organizer Edward Soppitt, of Pittsburg, will address a meeting at Upper Lehigh and another at Hazle Brook on Wednesday evening.
From the Hazleton Plain Speaker of August 22, 1900:
A monster labor meeting was held at McAdoo last evening. The assemblage gathered in Spadafora Hall and some prominent speakers were in attendance, among them being “Mother Jones.” All advanced good points in the cause which they advocated and they were listened to attentively by the vast audience which was present. Meetings will be held in various parts of the South Side the remainder of the week.
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From the Hazleton Plain Speaker of August 23, 1900:
Organization of Miners.
The Mine Workers are gradually extending their organization in this vicinity since the advent of “Mother” Jones into the region. Woman is all powerful on every plane of human effort, and in this case she has evidently succeeded where men have failed. The era of organization is evidently here and every friend of labor will hope that the actions of the men will be governed by reason, honesty and common sense.
From the Scranton Tribune of August 24, 1900:
A meeting of local union, No. 1073, United Mine Workers of America, was held in Evans’ hall last evening. An address was delivered by “Mother” Jones, a labor leader from Chicago…..
From the Hazleton Plain Speaker of August 25, 1900:
With the Mine Workers.
“Mother” Jones spoke in Mathes Hall at West Hazleton last night to a gathering of miners and other citizens.
This morning she will go to Shamokin, where she will conduct a series of meetings.
From The Philadelphia Inquirer of August 30, 1900:
MINERS’ STRIKE IS PROBLEMATIC ——- Leaders Say There Will Be One; Men Said to Be Favorable to Compromise ——-
BUSINESSMEN OPPOSE IT ——- Have Offered Their Services to Intercede With the Operators. Latter Seem Not Alarmed ——-
Special to The Inquirer.
HAZLETON, Pa., Aug. 29.-If a general strike is declared by the National Executive Board of the United Mine Workers, providing the operators ignore the demands made by yesterday’s convention, it is not believed that many of the miners hereabouts will quit work.
While they have grievances against the operators in common with the miners of the entire anthracite field, they are not disposed to strike, but are inclined to secure concessions from their employers through the good influences of the merchants of Hazleton, who are opposed to a strike, but who are willing to do all in their power to remedy some or all of the existing unfavorable conditions by interceding, with the operators on behalf of the men.
All the labor leaders have left town and but two organizers, “Mother” Jones and Edward Soppit, are here. Of course, they are sanguine that there will be a great strike, but the coal operators do not seem to be the least bit alarmed, and are confident that when the critical time arrives their men will remain at work.
“Mother” Jones and Organizer Soppit, who have been establishing mine workers’ locals in the surrounding towns for the last two weeks, will stay here until the demands of the miners have been granted or until a strike is ordered.
Father Phillips is practically the leader at the present time. His address to his congregation on Sunday and the speech delivered by him in the convention were such as to make him the logical champion, and if any compromise measures are to be introduced he is in the position necessary to carry them out, as neither side can regard his remarks as antagonistic.