Hellraisers Journal – Monday March 8, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1909, Part II:
-Found in Denver, Colorado; Scheduled to Speak at Protest Meeting
At the end of February, Mother Jones arrived in Denver, Colorado, where she was scheduled to speak at a “Gompers Protest Meeting” on March 1st. According to the Rocky Mountain News of February 28th, Mother made the following statements:
There is an industrial panic in the United States today, and it is not confined to any particular locality. The steel trust is now engaged in stamping out the independent steel concerns, and God have pity on the iron and steel workers when this happens and the rest of the people, too. In Illinois the coal miners are having their trouble, some working only one day a week, and some three days a week. The shoemakers all over the country are struggling against similiar conditions, and everywhere you turn you find this industrial stagnation…..
How can you expect labor to make very much headway with 10,000 judges ruled by the capitalists? Where can they get justice? Where can justice be had with Wall Street dictating the policies of the president, congress and the governors of the states?
Even religion is mixed up in the conditions. I saw in an Eastern city a $2,000,000 church built with the subscriptions of men whose daughters work in factories and stores for $3 and $4 per week. Oh, the farce of it all! Dare you tell me that a girl can work for $3 a week and be respectable? The idea of building a great church upon the sold bodies of girls!…..
I tell you that there is a limit to all things-and the limit will come in the present economic conditions of this country, and people will arise and take the industries into their own hands and right the wrongs that are making of this nation the most grasping in the world today.
Mother Jones News Round-up, February 1909, Part II
From the Appeal to Reason of February 20, 1909:
Address from Mother Jones
To the Socialists and Trade Unionists of America:
From out the bastiles of capitalism in California and Arizona comes the appeal of our Mexican comrades and brothers. Magon, Villarreal, Rivera and Sarabia, our Mexican comrades, who have been bravely fighting for liberty in Mexican, are behind dungeon bars, the victims of the persecution of the Mexican dictator, aided and abetted by the hirelings of capitalism in the United States.
These valiant defenders of the people’s rights are charged with having violated the neutrality laws of this country, a flimsy excuse for their incarceration. The real reason is that they espoused the cause of their enslaved people and could not be bribed or intimidated to betray them.
Being driven from their own country by the hounds of the dictator, they went to St. Louis, where they organized the junta of the Mexican liberal party and there began the publication of a paper exposing the whole diabolical conspiracy of the two governments to establish a system of mutual co-operation in the interest of the capitalist class by keeping the Mexican workers in a state of industrial peonage.
The Standard Oil company, the Southern Pacific Railway company, the Philip Dodge Copper company and others heavily interested in the exploitation of Mexico all feared they would lose their grip if the liberal party should be allowed to rise in that country.
Let it be understood that Mexico is today an absolute despotism. Diaz rules with an iron hand, concealed in a glove of velvet. The heartless old hypocrite smiles his approval of James Creelman’s characterization of him as a benevolent and fatherly old ruler. He is fatherly to his subjects in the same sense that Nicholas is the “Little Father” of the wretches whose lifeblood the vampire is sucking.
Diaz is surrounded by an army of spies who do his bidding without question. Criticism of his tyranny is treason, followed by imprisonment or death. Never was there a greater sham than the so-called “Republic” of Mexico. The “Republic” is merely an empty shell, a deception, a fraud, “a whited sepulchre filled with dead men’s bones.”
It is against this blood-stained despotism that our Mexican heroes, who have been lying in our jails these past fifteen months, have made their fight, and they have had to make it under circumstances which would have appalled and disheartened less resolute and unconquerable spirits.
There is not a doubt that Rockefeller, Morgan, Harriman and other Wall Street pirates are backing up the persecution of these Mexican patriots. They are the holders of Mexican bonds and the owners and exploiters of Mexican interests and they, of course, lend a ready hand to Diaz in keeping his hordes of peons in slavish subjection. Any uprising of the slaves would be a menace to the interests of our American capitalists and that is why the capitalist press is either silent while these outrages are being perpetrated or gives its influence to Diaz in crushing out the spirit of liberty among his subjects.
This crew of commercial pirates dictates to presidents, cabinets and congresses. The house of lords, known as the senate, consists of its special representatives. The courts are its private possession. Governors, legislators and other public officials are all under its domination. Alabama is a recent case in point where the governor proved himself the pliant tool of the plutocracy in crushing the famishing coal miners.
Morgan, the moving spirit among the capitalists and Taft the political instrument of that class, soon to be inaugurated president, were both the special guests of the monster who sits on the Russian throne at Petersburg and doubtless exchanged hearty congratulations upon the outlook.
Elihu Root, as secretary of state, was the special guest of Diaz, and it is easy to understand the mission of this foxy lawyer who got his start in the service of Boss Tweed, the notorious New York crook and boodler.
“Colonel” Green has sold out his mines in Mexico to the Standard Oil company. An English and Canadian syndicate owns all the street car lines. The Philip Dodge copper syndicate of New York owns vast mining interests. The Southern Pacific has large railroad concessions and so have other companies of American capitalists, and this is the milk in the cocoanut. These capitalists would crush out the last vestige of Mexican liberty to keep in the graces of Diaz and protect their brigand interests which are rooted in a peonage as cruel and heartless as history records in the middle ages.
When it is understood that the wages of these peons, hundreds of thousands of them, is from 15 to 25 cents a day for making gigantic fortunes for American, English and Mexican capitalists, it can be readily understood why the rising spirit of revolt is to be crushed and why Magon and his compatriots are to be shot to death or buried alive in some hellish dungeon.
This is but a small part of the gruesome and revolting story of our Mexican comrades. They are fighting as brave a battle as men have ever engaged in at any time in history. They are the people’s champions and have risked their lives over and again to serve the masses who look to them trustingly to lead their almost forlorn hope.
Can we be indifferent to the duty we owe these brave comrades of ours who are fighting for the same cause we are under far greater difficulties?
Comrades and fellow workers, let us all unite in a determined effort to rescue these patriots from their impending fate. There is no case against them. They are innocent of crime. They have violated no neutrality laws. All they have done is to rise in revolt against the despotism of Diaz and this it was not only their right but their duty to do and for this they ought to be honored by every liberty-loving citizen of the American republic and especially by the organized workers who themselves know what it is to be persecuted for the sake of serving the masses in servitude.
You have saved Moyer and Haywood, you have saved Rudowitz, and now you have got to save our heroic Mexican comrades!-MOTHER JONES.
From the Appeal’s Southwest Edition of February 20, 1909:
…..Mother Jones has been long delayed in getting to Texas. When she gets the money raised for the Mexican comrades she will be with us, and that will be soon…..
From The Chicago Daily Tribune of February 22, 1909:
“Mother” Jones Appears on the Same Program
with Priest and Bishop.
Real Object of Odd Meeting Found to Be
the Advancement of Socialism.
—–[Rev. Peter J. O’Callaghan:]
Hypocrites and enemies of society are paraded through political chicanery as the representatives of the best and most respectable elements in society. Yea! I know of men in this city, esteemed as dispensers of justice, whom I would not trust with the life of a dog-that is, not if I cared for the dog.
[“Mother” Mary Jones:]
For heaven’s sake leave us our drink until we get rid of the infamous conditions under which we live. It’s a godsend to be able to get a jag on.
These quotations are from the first and the last speakers at an odd meeting in the International theater yesterday afternoon. The first speaker was a Roman Catholic priest, the Rev. Peter J. O’Callaghan. The last was a Socialist agitator, “Mother” Mary Jones.
The meeting, according to handbills advertising it, was for the purpose of “Preserving American Ideals” and considering “The Revision of the Treaty with Russia and the Right of Asylum.”
According to the doormen, the ushers, and the bakers selling pamphlets, it was “an open meeting of the Socialist party.” The confusion could hardly be wondered at when it was discovered that the address of the Political Refugee Defense league, under the auspices of which the meeting was held, corresponded with the address of the national headquarters of the Socialist party.
“Purposes of Meeting.”
In circulars distributed to those present the purpose of the meeting was more concretely stated to be the freeing of Jan Pouren of New York, whose extradition is being sought by the Russian government, and of three Mexican revolutionists, held in prison in Los Angeles for the last nineteen months on charges of the Mexican government.
The circulars were addressed “Dear Comrades and after the first two speeches “comrade” was the only form of salutation used.
The meeting was opened by “Comrade” John C. Chase, president of the Political Refugee Defense league, as chairman. He introduced Father O’ Callaghan with a few noncommittal words. The priest’s speech was vigorous and brought considerable applause, though nowhere in it did he seem to appreciate that the meeting was a Socialist one, an anti-church one, a pro-liquor one, an incident in “the revolution” against the present economic and political system. He spoke of American ideals, of patriotism, of the duties of voters to vote and elect good men to office, and have good laws passed. In particular he paid an eloquent tribute to President Roosevelt, attributing to him, through his, choice of a statesman and patriot for secretary of state, the credit for the saving of Rudowitz.
This statement and others like it were received with little enthusiasm, but when “Comrade” Chase accused the attorney general, the secretary of state, and the president of the United States with “conniving” with the Russian government to hold Jan Pouren in jail illegally until evidence could be manufactured for his extradition, the audience showed wild approval.
Bishop Fallows Talks.
Father O’Callaghan was followed by Bishop Samuel Fallows, who declared that the United States should have no extradition treaty with Russia until that country could distinguish between political and criminal offenses. Most of his address was taken up with a patriotic appeal which was tolerantly listened to.
Both he and Father O”Callaghan left before any other speeches were delivered and after they left the meeting opened up. “Comrade” Chase called on “Comrade” John Murray of Los Angeles, representative of the Mexican revolutionists, to tell the reason for the meeting, which he said had not been touched on by the preceding speakers.
The purpose of the meeting, as developed subsequently by other speakers, principally “Comrade” A. M. Lewis, “Comrade” Miss Malloy, and “Comrade” “Mother” Jones, was to advance the cause of Socialism. The tenor of “Mother” Jones’ remarks was throughout about that of the quotation given. She declared that every church that did not bear a union label should be boycotted, and remarked that it was cheaper and more pleasant to visit a saloon than a church.
From The Denver Post of February 28, 1909:
From the Denver Rocky Mountain News of February 28, 1909:
Panic a Reality Yet, She Says;
Millions of Toilers Facing
Wolf at the Door.
—–“MOTHER” JONES is in town. She arrived in Denver yesterday and is staying with the family of John M. O’Neill, 2229 Kalamath street. In all probability she will address the Gompers protest meeting in “Parson” Uzzell’s tabernacle tomorrow night.
[Declared “Mother” Jones:]
There is an industrial panic in the United States today, and it is not confined to any particular locality. The steel trust is now engaged in stamping out the independent steel concerns, and God have pity on the iron and steel workers when this happens and the rest of the people, too. In Illinois the coal miners are having their trouble, some working only one day a week, and some three days a week. The shoemakers all over the country are struggling against similiar conditions, and everywhere you turn you find this industrial stagnation.
You have improved machinery to fight, too. If the 250,000,000 Chinese awaken to the enterprise of the Japanese, what will they do with improved machinery? American capital is going to cheap labor and is pouring money into China and Mexico while America is at a standstill.
Is there any relief from politics? No, indeed. Colorado has sent another corporation man to the United States senate, and Colorado is in about the same position as West Virginia. In West Virginia Steve Elkins, a republican, and his father-in-law, Henry Gassaway Davis, a democrat, have everything, coming and going. Why, sir, I know of a man who was discharged from an Elkins mine because he laid off work with the stomach-ache. They declared he should have given notice.
How can you expect labor to make very much headway with 10,000 judges ruled by the capitalists? Where can they get justice? Where can justice be had with Wall Street dictating the policies of the president, congress and the governors of the states?
Even religion is mixed up in the conditions. I saw in an Eastern city a $2,000,000 church built with the subscriptions of men whose daughters work in factories and stores for $3 and $4 per week. Oh, the farce of it all! Dare you tell me that a girl can work for $3 a week and be respectable? The idea of building a great church upon the sold bodies of girls!
In El Paso once I saw a crowd rioting on the street. A policeman told me they were fighting for Jesus! They were. The Salvation Army and the Volunteers were fighting, and the drum with contributions upon it was overturned, and a crowd of Holy Jumpers came along and began picking up the money. Two miners and myself got into the pickup, too, and got $3.65 of Jesus’ money!
I tell you that there is a limit to all things-and the limit will come in the present economic conditions of this country, and people will arise and take the industries into their own hands and right the wrongs that are making of this nation the most grasping in the world today.
“Mother” Jones declared that Roosevelt had sold out the miners of Alabama and had “double-crossed” labor continually, and that Taft would do little better. She said that Socialism was growing steadily. She will remain in Denver for a few days and then go to San Antonio, Waco and Dallas.
Note: emphasis added throughout.
Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-Feb 20, 1909
The Chicago Daily Tribune
(Chicago, Illinois)
-Feb 22, 1909
The Denver Post
(Denver, Colorado)
-Feb 28, 1909, page 37
The Rocky Mountain News
(Denver, Colorado)
-Feb 28, 1909, page 2
Mother Jones w edit, Dnv Rck Mt Ns p2, Feb 28, 1909
See also:
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 7, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1909, Part I:
-Found Praising the “Appeal to Reason”
Note: for more information on person and organizations named above, see information at TAGS below.