Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for February 1909, Part I; Found Praising the Appeal to Reason


Quote Mother Jones, Wall Street Knows Fears, AtR p1, Feb 13, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 7, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1909, Part I:
-Found Praising the “Appeal to Reason”

From the Appeal to Reason of February 13, 1909:


Mother Jones, Ipls UMWC with Her Boys detail, Ipl Str p7, Jan 29, 1909

The Appeal feels a pardonable pride in the compliment paid to it by that grand old agitator, Mother Jones. She has been with the Appeal from the day of its first issue and she knows its record as few others do. She knows its trials and its struggles, its privations and reverses, it’s mistakes and defeats, and she also knows what its motive and purpose has been through all its career. She knows that while the Appeal, like every other paper, has its shortcomings and has committed its follies its one unflinching purpose has been to serve and strengthen the Socialist movement in the struggle for industrial emancipation.

It is gratifying therefore to have one who so well knows the Appeal and who is so well known for her own spotless integrity and courage to write us that the Appeal

is the one Socialist paper that Wall street knows and fears!

The Appeal values this appreciative expression from Mother Jones sufficiently to move it to exert all its effort to increase the fear of Wall Street and the confidence and good will of all who are helping to overthrow capitalism and usher in the reign of the people.


[Photograph added.]


Mother Jones News Round-up, February 1909, Part I

From The Buffalo Express of February 2, 1909:

Has been asked to address the Labor Men
at Meeting of Protest at Olean
on February 12th.

Special to The Buffalo Express.

Olean, Feb. 1.-At the meeting yesterday afternoon of the general committee arranging for the labor demonstration and protest meeting to be held in the opera-house on February 12th, Mother Jones, well known in the labor movement, was selected as the speaker of the evening.

Mother Jones is now working in Illinois, speaking in the interests of the Mexican Liberals, who are in jail in Los Angeles.

The meeting will be held in this city under the auspices of the Trades and Labor Council and protest will be made in the case of Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison of the A. F. of L., recently sentenced to jail for violation of the Buck Stove & Range Company’s injunction, in the case of Jan Pouren, who is being held in New York City for the Russian Government and in the case of the Mexican Liberals.


From the Appeal to Reason of February 6, 1909:


“Mother” Jones addressed a meeting called by Local St. Louis to protest against the hounding of the Mexican refugees. The meeting was well attended and “Mother” Jones was at her best. Her thrusts at despotism and tyranny pleased the audience immensely. She has raised over $2,000 among labor organizations for the benefit of the Mexicans now in prison. There is no telling just where “Mother” will show up next, but it is safe to predict that it will be in the spot where she can do the most good for suffering, oppressed working people. Wherever necessity is the greatest you will find her white head come into view, and, though nearly 80 years of age, she accomplishes wonders. May her health and vigor continue for many years.


From New York’s Olean Evening Times of February 12, 1909:

Will Hear Mother Jones-The employes of the Olean Glass company will not work tonight, as many of them will attend the address at the opera house by Mother Jones.

Advertisement from page 8:

AD Mother Jones to Speak, Olean NY Evening Times p8, Feb 12, 1909

From the Olean Evening Times of February 13, 1909:


The opera house was filled, up stairs and down, last evening, when the protest mass meeting held under the auspices of the Central Trades and Labor Council and progressive organizations was called to order…..

Chairman Harris announced that Mother Jones, who was announced as the speaker of the evening, was not present. Mr. Harris was unable to explain her non-arrival but he proved conclusively that it was no fault of the committee. He read a letter from Mother Jones in which she specifically promised to be on hand for the meeting, then read a telegram from one of the committee having her itinerary in charge, which stated that they knew nothing of her whereabouts, and had not heard from her in two weeks. The announcement came as great disappointment to the audience, and members of the local committee were equally disappointed….

From the Appeal to Reason of February 13, 1909:


The Miners’ convention at Indianapolis gave Mother Jones a tremendous reception. This was to have been expected. The coal diggers, east and west, know her for the heroic service she has tendered in every conflict in which they have fought for more wages or better conditions. Mother Jones made a stirring plea for the Russian and Mexican comrades and the convention responded with substantial evidence of its fealty to those who serve the working class. The convention voted a thousand dollars for the defense of the Mexican comrades and adopted the most vigorous resolutions protesting against the extradition of the Russian and Mexican refugees.

Mother Jones has already raised many hundreds of dollars and sent them to the Mexican defense fund and she is now engaged in this work with a degree of success which only she could achieve. To serve these comrades she has cancelled her speaking engagements and declares that all her time and energy are at their service and that she will never cease her efforts until they are free.

This is a noble resolve. It is characteristic of Mother Jones. She has always responded to every call and has always gone to the relief of those in distress. The only one she has ever overlooked is herself.

The Appeal is only too glad to back up Mother Jones in all her efforts. It is the same great cause and all should take inspiration from her brave and unselfish example.

It is gratifying to the Appeal to have the unwavering confidence of this grand old warrior. In a characteristic letter to the Appeal, after complimenting the delegates to the miners’ convention upon their splendid work, she says referring to the Appeal:

It is always a pleasure to me to speak for the Appeal. I know its record from the beginning. I stood by it in its infancy and am proud to be with it in its full grown power. There is nothing dearer to me than the Appeal and its faithful crew. It has done grand work in the past, but its greatest work is yet before it. It has had a hard struggle and has had many bitter enemies, but it has kept steadily on its course. The bickerings of jealousy have not kept it back. The yippers that have struck at it have done it no harm. It has fought bravely in the thick of every fight and its enemies will not only fail to crush it, but every attempt to injure it will make it stronger. It is the one Socialist paper that Wall street knows and fears.

[Note: see Mother Jones News Round-up for January 1909.]



Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-Feb 13, 1909
-Feb 6, 1909
-Feb 13, 1909

The Buffalo Express
(Buffalo, New York)
-Feb 2, 1909

Olean Evening Times
(Olean, New York)
-Feb 12, 1909
-Feb 13, 1909

Mother Jones, Ipls UMWC, Ipl Str p7, Jan 29, 1909

See also:

Hellraisers Journal – Monday February 15, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1909, Part I:
-Found Writing and Speaking on Behalf of Mexican Patriots

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday February 17, 1909
Mother Jones News Round-Up for January 1909, Part II:
-Found Speaking at Convention of United Mine Workers of America


“She’s the most dangerous woman in America,” they said.