Hellraisers Journal, Monday March 9, 1908
-Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1908, Part 2:
–Found Speaking at Girard, Kansas, at Socialist District Convention
After February 19th, Mother Jones was found in the state of Kansas where she gave speeches in her usual rousing style on behalf of the Socialist Party. She was a special guest of the Appeal to Reason in Girard where she attended the Third District Convention and gave a speech which “aroused the audience to the wildest enthusiasm.”
The Dallas Morning News reported on February 28th that Mother had entered the state of Texas and was engaged to speak in Longview and in Dallas.
From the Appeal to Reason of February 29, 1908:
The Third District Convention Stirs Things up in Girard
-Old Party Politicians Puzzled and Worried.
—–Last Saturday, in the Girard court house, delegates from the Third district of Kansas met in convention and placed in nomination for congress Comrade Ben Wilson. Under the new primary law this nomination is merely an informal expression of the party’s desire and his name will necessarily have to be voted on at the regular primary in August. In the meantime a vigorous campaign will be carried on.
There were seventy-six regular delegates present, representing nearly every county in the district. There were several hundred out-of-town visitors at both afternoon and evening sessions, and the court house was crowded to the doors. Two years ago there were eleven delegates at our congressional convention in Parsons. The old party politicians viewed the assemblage with surprised wonder. They’ll be more surprised this fall.
The feature of the night session was a stirring address by Mother Jones. As usual, her clear, resonant voice, her earnest face, in its frame of silver hair, aroused the audience to the wildest enthusiasm. The air seemed electrified with the spirit of the revolution. Turning suddenly, as she pointed to Ben Wilson, she declared:
I’m coming back to the Third district this summer and fall and I’m going to help you fellows elect the first Socialist congressman. Then I’m going down to Washington, and when Ben and I get there you’ll see something doing.
Mother Jones News Round-Up, February 1908, Part 2
From the Appeal to Reason of February 15, 1908:
With the Organizers.
…Mother Jones-Texarkana, Feb. 13-15; Hooks and neighborhood. 17-21; Moss Springs, 22; Atlanta, 24-26; Longview, 27-29…
From the The Pittsburg Daily Headlight of February 19, 1908:
Socialist District Convention In Girard
Next Saturday-Plan Big Time.
—–Girard, Feb. 19.-The district convention of the Socialist party of the Third congressional district will be held in Girard next Saturday.
It is the intention of the Socialists to make it the occasion for a big rally of their forces in this district, and among other notables who will be present will be “Mother” Jones, the noted woman Socialist leader and agitator.
Mrs. Jones is at present on a speech making tour of this district and will be, it is expected in Girard Saturday to address the convention.
A large attendance is expected by the local Socialists and the Socialist ladies of Girard are planning a social program with refreshments for the occasion.
The object of the convention will be to select a candidate for congress and elect delegates to the national convention of the Socialist party to be held in Chicago.
From The Parsons Daily Sun of February 20, 1908:
A large and enthusiastic crowd attended the socialist meeting last night in Edwards hall. “Mother” Jones, who was announced to speak, with Benjamin F. Wilson, failed to make her train connections, consequently, the entire time was at the disposal of Mr. Wilson, who spoke for over two hours, delivering a most scathing impeachment of capitalism and clear-cut presentation of the principles and program of socialism. The meeting was one of intense enthusiasm from start to finish. “Mother” Jones arrived in the city this morning and will speak at Edwards hall tonight. This will undoubtedly be the largest and best labor meeting ever held in Parsons. “Mother” Jones, the world-renowned labor speaker, needs no commendation. She is known and loved by millions of the working class. Join the crowd and come early to secure a seat. Admission free.
From the Appeal to Reason of February 22, 1908:
Work in Third District.
Last week, owing to unfavorable weather, several meetings of Comrade Wilson were cancelled. Monday night, the 10th he spoke at Coffeyville, in the city hall, to a big audience. He also held a successful meeting at Benedict, Sunday, February 16th, Comrade Wilson went to Wichita, where he spoke to an enthusiastic audience in the F. A. A. hall. As we go to press Comrade Wilson goes to Arkansas City, thence back to Parsons, where he speaks with Mother Jones, Wednesday night.
Comrade George Hibner will be ready for work in the Third district immediately after the convention. He will lecture at Galena Sunday, Feb. 23, at Socialist headquarters. In the evening he will give an illustrated lecture, at which time J. A. Wayland will speak. Comrades from surrounding towns should not fail to get to this meeting, as here is a chance to hear the One Hoss [Wayland].
We will all meet at the convention in Girard, Feb. 22d.
From The Pittsburg Daily Headlight of February 24, 1908:
Girard People Secured the Honors-Synopsis
of the Resolutions Adopted.
—–The district convention of the Socialist party was held at Girard, Saturday afternoon with a large delegation present from all over the congressional district.
George Brewer, of Girard, was elected chairman, and Henry Vincent, of Girard, secretary.
The convention endorsed Benj. F. Wilson, of Girard, for nomination to congress.
The resolutions passed congratulated the working class and the Socialists of America on their splendid victory in the Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone conspiracy, and declared it a partial manifestation of the ultimate victory of the working class when they stand together on the political and industrial field as they stood together in defense of these officers of the Western Federation of Miners, and urged a continuation of work in behalf of Steve Adams now in jail in Colorado on a similar charge.
The resolutions call attention to a supreme court decision legalizing the black list and said this was another evidence of the encroaching power of corporation over the masses.
They also demand that the working classes thus take notice of the necessity of taking possession of the powers of government and place upon the supreme court bench men from their own ranks.
The resolutions pledged their support to Fred Warren, of Girard.
Mother Jones addressed the convention in her usual earnest manner and won the applause she is always greeted with everywhere.
Ben Wilson, candidate for congress, also addressed the convention, in company with Mr. Chafe, mayor of Haverhill, Massachusetts.
From The Girard Press of February 27, 1908:
Benj. F. Wilson Nominated For Congress.
Saturday, Feb 22,, the Socialists of the third congressional district met in the court house in Girard, and had a gabfest and nominated Benj. F. Wilson for congress.
The convention was called to order at 1:30, p. m, by George D. Brewer, of Girard, county chairman of Crawford county, and Henry Vincent, of Girard, secretary of the district, was at the secretary’s table.
[There followed a long description of the business of the district convention: election of a credentials committee, wherein it was decided that all holders of red cards should be allowed to vote, and list of same was read with those on list being accepted as delegates; next, the resolution committee was elected; then, while the resolution committee went to work, the delegates listened to speeches, most notably one made by Mrs. Kate O’Hare.
The resolution committee then reported out and that report was adopted-see above at Pittsburg Daily Headlight for summary of resolutions.]
F. A. Mathis, of Parsons, placed Benj. F. Wilson, of Girard, in Nomination as the candidate for congress, and he was nominated by acclamation, making a lengthy speech of acceptance.
L. T. Staley, of Pittsburg, and Mother Jones also spoke, and after an appeal for campaign funds by the latter, which was liberally responded to, the convention adjourned.
In the evening Mother Jones and others spoke, and Sunday afternoon John C. Chase delivered a speech in Union Hall.
From The Meade County News of February 27, 1908:
Local Items
…..Uncle Tom Bird returned from Girard yesterday where he has been mingling with the Socialist party in nominating candidates. It is needless to say that Uncle Tom is now running over with Socialism. He looks ten years younger since his return.
…..Uncle Tom Bird says that Wayland is the greatest man in Girard and that he has done more for the town than any other man in it. He says he is a fine man. He also heard Mother Jones, the great Socialist lecturer and was pleased with her. Uncle Tom is a greater Socialist than ever…..
From The Pittsburg Daily Headlight of February 28, 1908:
“Mother Jones” So Declares at Socialist
Meeting In Girard.Girard, Feb. 28.-“Mother Jones,” the “uncrowned queen of the Socialist party,” in her speech at a Socialist meeting here remarked:
I would like to see every church and charitable institution in the land burned, and Tom Paine’s temple of justice reared on their ruins.
She was wildly cheered by some of the Socialist adherents.
From The Dallas Morning News of February 28, 1908:
“Mother” Jones, the Socialist orator, stopped over in the city Wednesday night enroute to Longview, where she will speak today and tomorrow. She was direct from Girard, Kan. After her Longview appointment “Mother” Jones will return to Dallas.
From the Appeal to Reason of February 29, 1908:
-Page 4, Roosevelt and Vanderbilt:
The President and Mrs. Roosevelt were the guests for whom Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Metcalf entertained at dinner Tuesday evening Mr. And Mrs. George W. Vanderbilt, who came all the way to Washington to attend the dinner.-Army and Navy Register.
Comment is scarcely needed. Vanderbilt is lord of the American manor at Biltmore, near Asheville, N. C., with a palace and grounds worth $25,000,000, to say nothing of 80,000 acres of hunting preserves. There is bitterness of vinegar and gall, however, in the reflection that Mother Jones, the Grand Old Woman, with her squadron of factory children, whom she marched from Philadelphia to Oyster Bay [in 1903], were refused audience with His Royal Highness and turned away. And this O Americans, is our Theodore!
-Page 3, Socialist Party District Convention at Girard:
The Third District Convention Stirs Things up in Girard
-Old Party Politicians Puzzled and Worried.
—–Last Saturday, in the Girard court house, delegates from the Third district of Kansas met in convention and placed in nomination for congress Comrade Ben Wilson. Under the new primary law this nomination is merely an informal expression of the party’s desire and his name will necessarily have to be voted on at the regular primary in August. In the meantime a vigorous campaign will be carried on.
There were seventy-six regular delegates present, representing nearly every county in the district. There were several hundred out-of-town visitors at both afternoon and evening sessions, and the court house was crowded to the doors. Two years ago there were eleven delegates at our congressional convention in Parsons. The old party politicians viewed the assemblage with surprised wonder. They’ll be more surprised this fall.
The feature of the night session was a stirring address by Mother Jones. As usual, her clear, resonant voice, her earnest face, in its frame of silver hair, aroused the audience to the wildest enthusiasm. The air seemed electrified with the spirit of the revolution. Turning suddenly, as she pointed to Ben Wilson, she declared:
I’m coming back to the Third district this summer and fall and I’m going to help you fellows elect the first Socialist congressman. Then I’m going down to Washington, and when Ben and I get there you’ll see something doing.
Convention Proceeding
[Proceedings of convention were then given in detail. See above for summary of proceedings.]
Convention Notes.
When Mother Jones started the silver shower the crowd broke loose, raining the coin from every corner of the room till she had to get out of the way or get hurt. When it was all gathered up the total footed up $57.
The ladies of Girard local had a lunch prepared for the visitors in Union hall, to which the convention adjourned, where the time between 5:30 and 7:30 o’clock was put in eating, drinking, visiting and dancing in a good old-fashioned manner.
A delegation of friendly spirits were down from Ft. Scott to share the enthusiasm of the occasion, some remaining over till Sunday evening, taking in the entire program.
After Mother Jones’ evening talk quite a gathering returned to Union hall, and for an hour or two tripped the light fantastic as joyful wind-up of the day and occasion.
The chairman introduced Mother Jones “from North America.”
Spectators who are in the habit of attending conventions of the old parties looked on with some measure of surprise when Mother Jones sprung the finance question. It does tend to set the ordinary man to thinking and wondering who puts up the funds for the old parties, as they have long years since ceased giving the common herd an opportunity to contribute in this manner, though they pay it just the same.
Work in the Third District.
From every corner of the district there is an intensified interest in our movement. Comrade Wilson’s meeting at Arkansas City. Monday night, Feb. 17, was one that shall not soon be forgotten, notwithstanding the fact that his train was delayed two hours, which prevented him from getting to the hall earlier than half-past 9.
The Wednesday night meeting at Parsons was a rouser. Mother Jones missed her train connections, consequently Comrade Wilson had the entire evening, which he used to good advantage. Mother Jones was announced to speak the following night and the hall was packed and the deepest interest prevailed in the meeting from start to finish. It is safe to say that this has been the most significant meeting of this character ever held in Parsons. Mother Jones was at her best and presented her ideas in her own effective manner….
A rousing convention of the socialists of the Third district was held at Girard. Saturday, Feb. 22. Ben F. Wilson being nominated for congress. Several speakers of note were present and entertained the delegates in the evening, among whom were Mother Jones, John C. Chase, of Haverhill, Mass.; L. S. Edwards, of Oklahoma, and Kate Richards O’ Hare, of Oklahoma.
Mother Jones, the Joan d’Arc of the Twentieth century, has been the guest of the Appeal during the past week. It is always cheering and inspiring to have Mother shake up things once in a while. She’s off again on her mission of enlightenment. This time for Texas.
Appeal to Reason
(Girard, Kansas)
-Feb 15, 1908
-Feb 22, 1908
-Feb 29, 1908
p1-Quote Mother Jones, Palaces and Jails
p4-Roosevelt and Vanderbilt
p3-Third District Convention at Girard
The Pittsburg Daily Headlight
(Pittsburg, Kansas)
-Feb 19, 1908
-Feb 24, 1908
-Feb 28, 1908
The Parsons Daily Sun
(Parsons, Kansas)
-Feb 20, 1908
The Girard Press
(Girard, Kansas)
-Feb 27, 1908
The Meade County News
(Meade, Kansas)
-Feb 27, 1908
The Dallas Morning News
(Dallas, Texas)
-Feb 28, 1908, page 10
Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR
See also:
Tag: Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone Case
Tag: Steve Adams
See Emma F Langdon’s Cripple Creek Strike:
“Supreme Court vs. Labor”
From Appeal to Reason of May 22, 1909:
“Trial and Conviction of Fred D. Warren”
-by Eugene V Debs
For more on the March of the Mill Children:
The Spirit of Mother Jones – Andy Irvine