Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for February 1902, Part II: Found Returning to West Virginia as Organizer for United Mine Workers
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday March 19, 1902 Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1902, Part II Found Returning to West Virginia as Organizer for U. M. W. A.
From The Philadelphia Inquirer of February 16, 1902:
Mother Jones stopped over in the city yesterday on her way to the Southern coal fields, to the organization of which region she has been assigned by President Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers.
[Photograph added.]
From the Birmingham Labor Advocate of February 22, 1902:
It is interesting to note the progress being made by the organization of Textile Workers for the betterment of the workers in the textile industries, both North and South.
A national organization of these workers with affiliation with the American Federation of Labor was only formed last year, and delegates were accepted at the last convention at Scranton. The organization consists of the workers in cotton factories and knitting mills and their strides forward have been rapid and well taken. Quite a foothold has been secured in the Carolinas, particularly North Carolina, the Charlotte district being compactly organized.
The condition of the textile workers are little understood, and if told in cold black type would probably create a furore….They are first robbed of all independence, planted in company houses, often fed from company stores and worked at the company’s will. The result is that the spirit of organization has hard ground to work over, but the Textile Workers’ organization is making headway.
Mother Jones, that noted woman who has devoted her life to the interest of the organization of labor and to the betterment of the conditions of the workers, and whose penchant seems to be the factory workers, came to Birmingham a few years ago and spent considerable time in the Avondale mills working as a weaver and trying to lay ground plans for an organization, but the time was not ripe; yet many of the facts that she made known have been most useful in the work now progressing…..
From the Hazleton Plain Speaker of February 25, 1902
Female Marching Club.
According to a letter received here today “Mother” Jones, the famous woman organizer of the United Mine Workers, who was a prominent figure in the last big anthracite strike in this region, has just organized a female marching club at Arnot, Ill [Pennsylvania]. The club is composed of daughters of miners in that city.
From The International Socialist Review of February 1902:
Coal Miners of The Old Dominion. ———-
[-by Mother Jones]
A FEW Sundays ago I attended church in a place called McDonald, on Loop Creek, in West Virginia. In the course of his sermon the preacher gave the following as a conversation that had recently taken place between him and a miner.
“I met a man last week,” said the preacher, “who used to be a very good church member. When I asked him what he was doing at the present time he said that he was organizing his fellow craftsmen of the mines.”
Then according to the preacher the following discussion took place:
“What is the object of such a union?” asked the preacher. “To better our condition,” replied the miner. “But the miners are in a prosperous condition now.” “There is where we differ.” “Do you think you will succeed?” “I am going to try.”
Commenting on this conversation to his congregation the preacher said: “Now I question if such a man can meet with any success. If he were only a college graduate he might be able to teach these miners something and in this way give them light, but as the miners of this creek are in a prosperous condition at the present time I do not see what such a man can do for them.”
Yet this man was professing to preach the doctrines of the Carpenter of Nazareth.
Let us compare his condition with that of the “prosperous” miners and perhaps we can see why he talked as he did.
At this same service he read his report for the previous six months. For his share of the wealth these miners had produced during that time he had received $847.67, of which $45 had been given for missionary purposes.
Besides receiving this money he had been frequently wined and dined by the mine operators and probably had a free pass on the railroad.
What had he done for the miners during this time. He had spoken to them twenty-six times, for which he received $32.41 a talk, and if they were all like the one I heard he was at no expense either in time, brains or money to prepare them.
During all this time the “prosperous” miners were working ten hours a day beneath the ground amid poisonous gases and crumbling rocks. If they were fortunate enough to be allowed to toil every working day throughout the year they would have received in return for 3,080 hours of most exhausting toil less than $400.
Jesus, whose doctrines this man claimed to be preaching, took twelve men from among the laborers of his time (no college graduates among them) and with them founded an organization that revolutionized the society amid which it rose. Just so in our day the organization of the workers must be the first step to the overthrow of capitalism.
In the closing hours of the baby year of the twentieth century I stood on the soil that gave birth to a Patrick Henry who could say, “Give me liberty or give me death,” and a Jefferson, the truth of whose prophecy that the greatest tyranny and danger to American liberty would come from the judges on the bench, has been so often shown in these last few years. I had just left West Virginia with all its horrors, and as I was whirled along on the railroad I wondered if when I stood on the soil stained with the blood of so many Revolutionary heroes, I would once more really breathe the air of freedom.
Well, this is the first breath I received. I arrived in the northern part of Wise County, Virginia, over the L. & N. R. R., to find a message waiting me from the superintendent of the mines saying that if I came down to the Dorcas mines to talk to the miners of his company he would shoot me. I told him to shoot away, and that I did not propose to be scared out by the growling of any English bull-dog of capitalism…..
This superintendent should remember that the shooting of John Brown did not stop the onward march of the Civil War and the emancipation of the blacks, and should know that the shooting of Mother Jones will never stop the onward march of the United Mine Workers toward the goal of emancipation of the white slaves from capitalistic oppression.The laborers will move onward in their work until every child has an opportunity to enjoy God’s bright sunlight and until some Happy New Year shall bring to every toiler’s home the joyful news of freedom from all masters.
Note: Letters as written, except for periods added, where necessary, for clarity.
February 7 [17?], 1902-From Mother Jones at Montgomery, West Virginia To John Mitchell, President, United Mine Workers of America
Montgomary, West Virginia 2. 7. 1902
My dear Comrade
Owing to the frightful weather we have had I have very little of importance. I have not been doing much for the last few days only getting nervous. There are so many calls from all quarters [we] cannot reach them owing to the waters being up. My boys are doing good work. We meet every Monday morning and hold a council-outline our work for the week so that each worker will know where to go and all know where the others are. The first fellow who goes into a Saloon will be court marsheled and put in Irons for a week. We have no drinking every move must be strictly business. All are in Harmony and there is Some pleasure in doing the work every night if we are near each other we gather in the General Managers Room (Thats me) and [talk over?] things in general. Change the program if we think best. We have a big Mass Meeting billed for next Sunday at Brooklin. I expect to have a clash with John Lang. Rest assured it will be the last one. We are going to organize that camp next Sunday. I have my crowed. There are some noble fellows in here.
Comrade Mitchell, I am very surprised at the statement the Ill. boys made as to the amount of money it would take. If Ill [miners of Illinois] gives you $50000 and leave you pick the men I will give you this State organized inside of a year. They had wheels in their heads-That to say the least of it is poor policy. We give the enemy his weapon to strike us with. The operators say in the statement of their own men they have in field. Then some Board Member said during the National Conventionthat the output of coal was umlimated. So was the Ignorance of the West Virginia Miners.That is an outrages statement for any man to make whom those miners are paying. We are sent out to raise our craftsmen in the public mind and not lower them. If the author of that expression would look at home to my knowledge he would find as much Ignorance at his door as in West Virginia. Kiss the babies for me when you go home.
Note: Newspaper accounts place Mother Jones in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Pennsylvania towns of Erie and Arnot from February 5-12, 1902. She passed through New York City and Philadelphia, Feb 14th and 16th, on her way back to West Virginia.
February 19, 1902-From Mother Jones at Sewell, West Virginia To William B. Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer of UMWA
Sewell West Virginia 2nd 19th 1902
Dear Comrade Wilson
William B. Wilson Secretary-Treasurer United Mine Workers of America
Here I am in this God Cursed Monopolistic State. With all its dismal forbodings I feel that there is a ray of sunshine breaking for those so long in bondage.
Yesterday there were 300 miners young and old at Thurmond when the train pulled in they heard I was on they jumped on all rushed to get my hand and the cry of Mother you are going to stay with us went up from young and old. The meeting was pathetotic black and white alike rushed to grasp my hand the conductor wept he said it was the most touching seen he had ever witnessed. they had brought the body of a comrade who got killed by a fall of slate. They were shipping the body home. They had their U. M. W. buttons on and were not afraid or ashamed to wear it. When I look back at six short months ago and compare then and now These men were afraid to look at me or Comrade Walker but today they are realizing they are men and have some rights on this earth. Some day they will let their masters know that. Money is not all man lives for.
For all my weary tramps in the dead of night counting the rails on the R. R. track at walking many miles after a meeting with those slaves of the dismal caves that meeting has compensated for all. I would not exchange that meeting for all the palaces or millions earth has. The affection that came from their weary hearts beamed out of their eyes dimed by the darkness of earth caverns meant volumes for the future generation as William Morris says. in days to come how Bishop Hoben [of Scranton] and Ireland [Archbishop of St. Paul] will stop a while and ponder on their Hypocry in those bitter days of old when they drank wine and worshiped at the God cursed gold. If Arch Bishop Ireland-Potter could witness that meeting of young men with the old grey headed dispised labor agatater they would tell Morgan give all you have to the poor and from henceforth walk in Christs foot paths.
everything looks good here. Arnbucle boys are most all lined up they told me they had over three hundred members. I promised them to go up next meeting night. I have not been on the Kanawha yet for I find work to do here untill the weather settles.
hope Agness [daughter of WBW] got there safe.
I had a long talk with Max. Spoke for the boys in Erie and believe they will win out there. The Long Shore Men Shore Men are getting sore at D. Keefe. their getting on to him you can’t fool them all the time.
My poor people in Arnot were at war again. Well I need not tell you I gave lincoln all he looked for it is a God blessing he is gone.
I ran up to N. York. Just the day they were going to hold that Indignation Meeting. I got our people to have nothing to do with it. They agreed not. there were no speakers that amounted to anything. While there was a good house it died out for the lac of speakers the thing was got up by [Socialist Labor Party]. The papers have been giving it to our friend Tillet poor jovial good hearted fellow. I heard from some of our boys he was mixed up in some women scandel I did not [seek?] for information its the old old story of the race.
I had a long talk with Bishop Hoben. he had been up dedicating a church that Schwab [President of U. S. Steel] gave to the Catholics. Sure the Bishop and Schwab dined together. he gave me a synopsis of their diner talk. they had wined and dined on the backs of the robbed of Homested all in the name of Christ. the Parasites
They talked of labor leaders. Schwab said he did not have any confidence in Shaffer some others “but he said for that man Mitchell I have the highest regard he is the soul of honor true to the people he represent. he will fight for the last inch that is theirs concede to his oponent only what he believes to be his.” The Bishop said he was glad to hear him say what he did. he told the Bishop he did not oppose organization it was the combination.
I told the B—- that Schwab lied. Why did he send his lap-dog to watch the 70 men who started to organize when he found those men organized he blacklisted them. I told the Bishop they all become filled up [with?] humanities interest when they were filling their stomach at our expense. (Dam that kind of Reliegion)
February 27, 1902-From Mother Jones at Montgomery, West Virginia To John Mitchell, President UMWA
Montgomary WV 2n 27th 1902
Comrade Mitchell
I am at the old post with plenty of hard work ahed
Last night Brother Carrell [J. W. Carroll, UMWA organizer] and myself made inroads on the Kanawha Meet. with good success lined up old Morris Creek. There are some fine boys there. I think that we will give you this River organized by the 1st of May.
I spoke at Mount Hope last Sunday. had a tremendous Mass Meeting. Spoke at Glen Jean Sat night the result of which brought 64 members to the U-that practically takes in every miner in Squire Collins mines.
Monday and Tues at Armbucle have most all of the miners in the Local. The Boys are full of enthusiasm ready to fight when you say so. Last night at Morris Creek. Tonight Montgomary. Tomorrow at Union. it has been frightful weather. Mud up to my knees. hard Tromping but it has been done with good grace. Who would not Tramp for the young boys and break their chains. My heart goes out to these boys. We are doing good work. don’t want a general Manager. get along just as well without. The organization can save that money. This man Carrell is doing good work. I have not much confidence in this fellow Davis. I do not know where he got his Training but he is a clear cut T L. Man [T. L. Lewis, UMWA Vice President] and is leaving not stone unturned to make others the same. I am watching this fellow with all my eyes,
Rend [Coal Operator] is importing men in here. Serving the U boys mean gives them no cars while he gives to others all the cars. I have requested the boys to send in their Tax to National
Rend discharged the President of the local. While I am not in favor of taking those fellows up and carring them in our arms but I do think this fellow can do good work. he is honest inteligent and while Carrell and I are out he is one of the men we can trust. There are so many places over there that have to be looked after every meeting night and I feel he would do good work besides taking care of his local. There are over 250 men in the Local. they seem to have so much confidence in him. I fear if he would leave it might go back.
Rend imported some men in here. Some one I wont say who but you can guess sugested to a few fellows to organize a Mulligan Brigade. Which they did. one night they served notice on the imported fellows to get out of the Camp by three oclock in the morning all were gone and the fellow who brought them in Scadadled with. They have not showed up since nor do I think they will. Say it was fun to hear the young bloods tell how they did it. They have adopted the same in other camps.
I am not very well today. I had a frightful walk last night in mud and rained like fury. So I say good bye with God bless and spare you to those who sadly need your guidance. Believe me always fraternally yours
Note: Emphasis added throughout.
She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain -Ken Carson and the Choraliers