Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday March 18, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up for February 1902, Part I
Found in Indianapolis, Cleveland, Erie and Arnot, Pennsylvania
From Indiana’s Muncie Daily Herald of February 3, 1902:
Our Indianapolis Correspondent Has to
Do With Several Points.
Indianapolis, Feb. 3.-The members of the delegation of the Illinois miners to the joint conference here told an amusing story today in which a woman’s hat was a prominent part. One of the most picturesque characters at the great convention is Mother Jones, who has a national reputation among organized laborers. She has been prominent in their trials and triumphs and the miners would be lonesome at their convention without her. Today she appeared among them with a handsome new hat and thereby hangs the tale. She attended one of their meetings last week, and during the discussion a husky Illinois delegate sat down on her hat, mashing it flat. Mother Jones didn’t say much about it, as she is with the miners first and last, but the Illinois men were determined to make good, so they took up a collection and purchased a beautiful and costly bit of millinery that was the talk of all the miners.
[Photograph added.]
From The Cleveland Leader of February 6, 1902:
Famous Woman Agitator Delivers Address
Before Central Labor Union.“Mother” Jones, the famous agitator made a stirring address at the meeting of the Central Labor Union last night on the subject of her organizing work for unions in the Virginias. She was bitter in her denunciation of capital and many of her remarks were warmly applauded. She stated that the toilers were in no better condition than the prisoners in Siberia. She urged the workingmen present to elect men from among their own numbers to the lawmaking bodies, as their only means of salvation…..
From Pennsylvania’s Erie Daily Times of February 7, 1902:
The Miner’s Valued Friend,
Is in Erie Today.
———-Mother Jones stopped over in Erie today on her way from the miners’ convention in Indianapolis. By request she will remain in the city for a few days. She will give an address tomorrow evening at the Labor Carnival, and on Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, will speak at the Central Labor Union hall, corner of Fifth and State streets. Mother Jones scarcely needs an introduction to the people of Erie, as by reputation she is well known here as the woman who for many years has been a conspicuous figure during he strikes of the coal miners.
From Pennsylvania’s Erie Daily Times of February 8, 1902:
Is in Midst of a Rushing Business.
Last Night and Will Make an Address Tonight.
Many Attractions.
This Evening Given to the Politicians.
———The Labor Carnival being held at Gabel’s hall by the combined union trade and labor men of Erie for the purpose of raising funds for building a hall-a temple wherein all future meetings as well as festivities can be held, is proving a success. Not alone are the trade and labor men interested in this worthy project, but the good people of Erie are “boosting” it along with a royal good “boost,” in the way that a good “boost” ought to go.
The several committees under whose regime the carnival is being conducted are doing all they can to make the programs of entertainment and all other arrangements a success, and they have shown excellent headwork and capability. There was the angel of the miners and good-woman generally, Mother Jones, present to do honor to Labor. She was given the best welcome that Labor of Erie can give one who has defended and been a true friend to their interests,. All the evening she was a marked center of interest and the listened to her comments and opinions with respect and attention. Mother Jones is in fact a modern Joan of Arc and humanity is her forte pure and simple. Tonight she makes a public address to those who go to the carnival, and it “goes without saying” that the hall is apt to be “dreadfully” crowd……
From Pennsylvania’s Erie Daily Times of February 10, 1902:
Of the Week Was the Saturday Night One.
A large, surging mass of people swayed and elbowed their way around in Gabel’s hall on Saturday evening. It was without a doubt the banner night of the entire five days. The crowd came early and staid until the lights were being put out. It was politicians’ nights, but the politicians evidently did not seem to fancy the idea of trying to speak to such a restless lot of people, for no political addresses whatever were made.
Mother Jones was the main attraction of the entertainment program, and she made a very impressive and forcible speech and had very good control over the large crowd of people, over one-half of which was composed of women…..
From Pennsylvania’s Wellsboro Agitator of February 12, 1902:
Another Strike is Threatened and the Cause.
Contention Over the System of Dockage
and Complaint about Water Rates.
———-The Arnot miners complain that the system of dockage now in practice by the Blossburg Coal Company is manifestly unfair, that favortism is shown, persecution is practiced on certain ones n the matter suspension from work and that the water rates of the Arnot Water Company are excessive. They claim that they have been able to get no satisfactory adjustment of the matter through local officials; hence a long strike is threatened…..
Miners’ Meeting at Arnot.
There was a large and enthusiastic meeting of miners at Arnot last evening in the opera-house under the auspices of the U. M. .W, A., it being intended as a public reception to Treasurer William B. Wilson and a demonstration of the strength of the organization. Addresses were made by Representative Hitchcock, Rev. Mr. Parsons, Rev. Mr. Williams and others, closing with an address by “Mother” Jones, which was delivered with spirit and it was enthusiastically received.
Two brass bands were in attendance and the opera-house was packed.
Note: Emphasis added throughout.
Quote Mother Jones WV Miners Conditions, ISR p179 , Sept 1901
Muncie Daily Herald
(Muncie, Indiana)
-Feb 3, 1902, p4
The Cleveland Leader
(Cleveland, Ohio)
-Feb 6, 1902, p3
The Erie Daily Times
(Erie, Pennsylvania)
-Feb 7, 1902, p3
-Feb 8, 1902, p8
-Feb 10, 1902, p5
The Wellsboro Agitator
(Wellsboro, Pennsylvania)
-Feb 12, 1902, p1
Mother Jones DRWG Reading, Ipl Ns p9, Jan 22, 1902
See also:
Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for January 1902
Part I: Found Describing United Mine Workers Organizing Drive in Old Virginia
Part II: Found Speaking at Convention of the United Mine Workers of America
Note: Appeal to Reason of Feb 8, 1902, p3
republished article by Dorothy Adams
re Little Strikers Who Long for Mother Jones
-previously published: Hellraisers Journal of May 9, 1901 (scroll down)
The Spirit of Mother Jones – Andy Irvine