Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday May 21, 1912
Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1912, Part III
Found Traveling and Speaking in Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana
From The Labor World of April 20, 1912:
Mary Jones, the little mother of the miners, and familiarly known throughout the country as Mother Jones, was a visitor in Duluth Monday and Tuesday. She delivered an address Monday evening at the Lincoln Park Auditorium in the interest of the shop employes of the Harriman lines who are on strike.
Mother Jones has been sent out by the United Mine Workers’ Union to help the striking railroad men. She is meeting with much success in soliciting funds. A fairly good collection was taken up at the Lincoln Park meeting.
During her visit to Duluth, Mother Jones spent much of her time in the office of the Labor World. We have’ known her for almost twenty years, and blamed if she does not look younger today than she did two decades ago. She attributes her youthful appearance to the fact that she has not been in jail lately nor has she been quarantined for smallpox.
Is Eighty Years of Age.
Mother Jones will be eighty years of age on May first. She is as active and as sprightly as a woman of thirty. She never looked better in her life. Her complexion is as clear as that of a baby and there is not the sign of a furrow on her kind old face.
Fight? When she is asked a question about labor conditions in the mining regions of America, her eyes flash, her mouth is set firm, her fist is clenched and she stretches out her arm with the vigor and force of an athlete. She tells a story of social injustice that reaches the heart of the most hardened.
In her speech at Lincoln Park the daily newspapers dwelled only upon the shafts she hurled at men and women of the toady type who “bend the cringing hinges of the knee that thrift may follow fawning.”
Knows the Labor Movement.
Mother Jones understands the philosophy of the labor movement. She has a peculiar way, which is distinctly her own, of driving her points right to the hearts of her listeners. For a moment she will philosophically discuss the growth and development of production; then like a flash she will clinch her argument with a militant attack upon both men and women who are responsible for injustices that have been permitted to creep into the industrial system.
Mother Jones is said to be without fear. During her strenuous life she has been cast into prison, confined in bull pens, driven at the points of bayonets, and once or twice has had a pistol aimed close to her face by willing servants of the capitalistic class…..
From The Butte Miner of April 25, 1912:
From The Butte Miner of April 26, 1912:
White-Haired Champion of Labor to Speak
in Interest of Railroad Workers.
Under the auspices of the Federated Trades, Mother Jones will appear at the Broadway theater tomorrow night in the interest of labor.
Mother Jones is 80 years of age, well preserved and mild featured, and one of the greatest champions of union labor the world has ever known. She has a most mild but powerful voice and is most convincing in her arguments. For years she has toiled in the interests of the United Mine Workers, and at the present time is engaged in defense of the employes of the Harriman lines.
Mother Jones has been kept in the field by the Western Federation of Miners and has been leased to the Federated Trades for the campaign which she is now conducting.
From the Great Falls Daily Tribune of April 26, 1912:
Well Known Woman Labor Agitator Speaks
Before Large Crowd in Luther’s Hall.
———-In Luther” hall last evening before an audience numbering between 300 and 400, “Mother” Jones, the noted woman labor speaker, delivered an address under the auspices of the Machinists local No. 287. Mrs. Jones took for her subject the Harriman strike and gave a very forcible talk urging upon labor to demand its rights as against the “interests.”
Although very well along in years, “Mother ” Jones, is extremely active, and her voice is powerful. She has a fund of information concerning matters of public interest, particularly in connection with labor matters, and her talks are intensely interesting. Her arguments were well received by her hearers last evening and she was frequently interrupted by applause.
From the Devils Lake Weekly World of April 26, 1912:
(From Monday’s Daily.)
“Mother Jones,” as she is known over the entire country, gave an interesting labor address at the opera house Saturday night to an interested audience. Although her lecture was a life story of her work among the laboring classes, it was as good as fiction and those who heard her praised her for her talk.
She left yesterday for Minot where she talked last night. She is on the lecture circuit of the socialist party in the state.
From The Butte Miner of April 28, 1912:
———-Mother Jones, known throughout the country as a worker for the cause of labor, delivered a stirring address before a good-sized audience at the Broadway theater last night. Mother Jones has visited the city several times during the past few years and has many followers, who were present and applauded her.
The speaker advocated better working conditions in many sections of the country and advised the workers to organize.
Mother Jones also told of the great textile strike in Lawrence, Mass.
Note: Emphasis added throughout.
Quote re Mother Jones, LW p3, Apr 20, 1912
The Labor World
(Duluth, Minnesota)
-Apr 20, 1912
The Butte Miner
(Butte, Montana)
-Apr 25, 1912
-Apr 26, 1912
-Apr 28, 1912
Great Falls Daily Tribune
(Great Falls, Montana)
-Apr 26, 1912
Devils Lake Weekly World
(Devils Lake, North Dakota)
-Apr 26, 1912
See also:
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday April 21, 1912
Duluth, Minnesota – Mother Jones Speaks at Lincoln Park Auditorium
Tag: Illinois Central and Harriman Lines Strike of 1911 to 1915
Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1912, Part I
Found as Author of Series on Her Work Among Nation’s Coal Miners
Mother Jones News Round-Up for April 1912, Part II
Found Traveling Through Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota
Mother Jones, No More Deaths for Dollars – Jim Sharp
Lyrics by Ed Pickford