There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Saturday June 16, 1906
Denver, Colorado – W. F. of M. Sends Message of Support to Cananea
June 2, 1906, Day 6, Afternoon Session of the Fourteenth Convention of the Western Federation of Miners:
Resolution No. 65, submitted by M. W. Moor, Emmett Morrow and J. A. Jones:
No. 65.
Denver, Colo.,
June 2, 1906.Whereas, The telegraphic dispatches in this morning’s paper herald the fact that the Mexicans in the mines of La Cananea, Mexico, ask for an increase in wages, and through those demands for better conditions violence is now rampant in Mexico.
Whereas, The Western Federation of Miners recognize the class struggle throughout the world, and know no race or creed in the battle for industrial freedom; therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Western Federation of Miners in convention assembled send greetings to the Mexicans, trusting that their efforts for a higher standard of living will be crowned with success.
J. A. JONES.Moved and seconded that resolution be adopted as read, and given to the press for publication.
Moved and seconded as an amendment that the words, “While we deplore the loss of life and property” be made a part of the resolution.
Moved and seconded as an amendment to the amendment that the word “property” be stricken out from the amendment.
Rising vote taken on amendment to the amendment. Yes. 31; No, 50. Amendment to amendment lost. Amendment carried.
[Photograph added.]
From the the Los Angeles Herald of June 4, 1906:
Eight Men Instantly Killed by Rifle Bullets
Mexican Commander Orders Prisoners
Shot down Like dogs
As Leaders Yell
“To Hell with The Government-Away With Mexico,”
Leaden Missiles Pierce Hearts
Special to The Herald.
DOUGLAS, Ariz., June 3.-“To hell with the government! Away with Mexico!”
These words from the lips of eight leaders of the Cananea anarchists who incited the riot and strike in the camp of the Greene Consolidated company Thursday afternoon, were arrested by a volley from the rurales under commander Kosterlitsky a few block over hills from Ronquillo at 9 o’clock this morning.
The shots sounded the death knell of the first outbreak of anarchy in Mexico.
Kosterlitsky lined the leaders up beside the stone wall and cried: “Viva le Mexico! so perish all traitors!”
Without fear the doomed men replied as one man:
“To hell with the government! Away with Mexico!”
Another moment and their lives had paid for that sentiment.
There is no doubt that the quasi public execution of the ringleaders of the riot today will have a tremendously wholesome effect.
While the arrival of armed American volunteers early Saturday morning preserved the existence of Cananea, candor compels the Americans to admit that the whispered word of Kosterlitsky’s arrival had more to do with the final quelling of the disturbance than every measure of death dealt the marauders by their own men.
Cananea is not burned and is not burning. The pecuniary loss to the Cananea Consolidated [Copper Company] will reach $500,000 and work will proceed within a week.
—–[Photograph added.]
Official Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Convention
Western Federation of Miners of America
-Held in Odd Fellows Hall at Denver, Colorado
-May 28-June 13, 1906
Resolution No. 65: Greetings to Cananea Strikers
Los Angeles Herald
(Los Angeles, California)
-June 4, 1906
Cananea Copper Strike of 1906, Strikers confront Am possemen
Western Federation of Miners Button
Cananea Copper Strike & Massacre of 1906, Funeral
See also:
Cananea Strike
Dreams of Freedom
A Ricardo Flores Magón Reader
-ed by Chaz Bufe & Mitchell Cowen Verter
AK Press, 2005
(Search with Cananea.)
Crónicas de Cananea
-Gustavo A. Moreno Martínez