Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 31, 1920 Mingo County, West Virginia – U. S. Troops Arrive to End Mine War
From the Baltimore Sun of August 30, 1920:
U. S. TROOP BATTALION TAKES OVER MINE AREA ———- Soldiers From Camp Sherman, Ohio, Arrive At Scene Of Clashes In West Virginia. —–
WILL HOLD 50-MILE “FRONT” —– Riot Equipment Carried-Trials Of Those Accused Of Killing 10 Men At Matewan To Be Held September 6. —–
(By the Associated Press.)
Washington Times August 29, 1920
Williamson, W. Va., Aug. 29.-A battalion of United States Infantry, numbering between 400 and 500, under command of Col. Samuel Burkhardt, Jr., arrived here this morning from Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio.
A detachment of soldiers will be stationed at each mine in the strike zone from Kermit East to Delorme, a distance of 50 miles, it was announced.
Colonel Burkhardt was met by T. M. Davis, adjutant-general of West Virginia, representing Gov. John J. Cornwell, who yesterday asked the Government for troops because of disorders in connection with the coal strike in the Mingo Field during the summer. They visited a number of points in the district and mapped out distribution of the troops. Of the 65 mines in the district 20 or more have remained open during the strike, according to operators.
The troops were armed with regulation riot equipment, including rifles and machine guns, and carried one-pound cannon. Five trucks. one ambulance, and several motorcycles were also unloaded from the troop train.
The situation throughout Mingo county was reported quiet today. Martial law has not been proclaimed yet in the strike district, nor will it be, Colonel Burkhardt said, until occasion for such action arises.
The residents of Matewan and Williamson are said to have been relieved considerably by the arrival of the United States troops, owing to the frequent disturbances in the region during the strike. Their presence was welcomed particularly, according to local authorities, in view of the approach of the trials of 24 men indicted for the killing at Matewan May 19 of seven detectives, the Mayor of the town and two other men in a battle between miners, citizens and private detectives.
The trials are set for the term of court here September 6. Since the grand jury investigation of the Matewan battle a number of witnesses in the case have received letters threatening their lives and property, according to a statement issued by Governor Cornwell last night, assigning his reasons for calling Federal troops. One of the threats was carried into execution when Anse Hatfield was shot from ambush at Matewan recently, the Governor’s statement said.
Kentucky national guardsmen are still on duty along the Kentucky-West Virginia border on Tug river, in the Mingo fields, and whether they would be recalled with the arrival of the Federal troops, could not be stated.
Violence Renewed In Raleigh.
Charleston, W. Va., Aug. 29.-Disturbances at the Willis Branch Coal Company mines, Willis Branch, Raleigh county, were renewed at 11 o’clock tonight. A constable who attempted to enter the town was driven out, according to information received by the Charleston Gazette from Magee McClung, prosecuting attorney of Fayette county. There was some shooting, according to Mr. McClung, who was at Fayetteville, but no casualties were reported.
[Newsclip and emphasis added.]
Banner Headline from Washington Times of August 29, 1920:
The Battle of Blair Mountain The Story Of America’s Largest Labor Uprising -by Robert Shogan Basic Books, Jul 26, 2006 (search together: “anse hatfield” “one hot august night”) https://books.google.com/books?id=IVmypbQvHwAC