Hellraisers Journal – Friday October 14, 1898
Springfield, Illinois – Two Miners Breath Their Last
From the Springfield Illinois State Journal of October 14, 1898:
Miners Injured in Virden Battle
Die from Their Wounds.
Brother E. F. Long
Two of the miners who were shot during the Virden riot Wednesday died yesterday [Thursday October 13th] in St. John’s hospital. The names of the two men who swelled the list of fatalities to a dozen are: Ernest Long, aged 19 years, of Mt. Olive, and William Harmon, aged 49, of Girard.
Earnest Long breathed his last at 12:07 o’clock yesterday afternoon and William Harmon expired at 5:30 o’clock in the evening. Long was shot in the bladder, in the left leg, and twice in the right hip. His comrade, Harmon, was shot through the spine and lungs. Long is survived by his father, four sisters and two brothers. The remains were taken to Blach’s undertaking parlors where they were prepared for burial. Last night the body was taken to Mt. Olive for burial. the deceased was a member of the A. O. U. W., which order will have charge of the funeral service.
Th remains of William Harmon were taken to Foster’s undertaking parlors and prepared for burial. They will be taken to Girard at 6:45 o’clock this morning. A son of the deceased will accompany the remains home. Harmon was 49 years of age and is survived by a wife and five children.
The remains of Edward Welsh and Frank Bilyeu of this city, who were killed at Virden, were brought to this city yesterday morning and were immediately taken to Foster’s undertaking parlors. Edward Welsh is survived by his father, Martin Welsh, residing in the north part of the city, one sister, Mamie, and three brothers, James, Joseph and Martin, jr. He was born in this city and had resided here all his life. The funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock this afternoon at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains of Frank Bilyeu will be taken to Taylorville at 6 o’clock this morning for burial.
Miners will Donate Tomorrow’s Wages
to The Relief of the Bereaved.
At a meeting of the miners held yesterday afternoon in Central Music hall it was decided that the miners’ organizations should attend the funerals of their deceased members in a body and all other labor unions were invited to attend.
A resolution was offered and adopted, providing that all the miners who had work should labor Saturday, and the proceeds of the day’s labor will be donated to the widows and orphans of the deceased miners.
President [of Springfield Federation of Labor] U. G. Hinman read a of condolence which had been sent by the members of the Connecticut state branch of the Federation of Labor addressed to President [John Hunter] of the Illinois miners’ union. The message stated that steps had been taken towards raising a relief fund for the striking miners in Illinois.
John Mitchell, national vice president [acting president since September] of the United Mine Workers, addressed the assemblage. He advised the miners to be peaceable and to keep within the bounds of the law. Several other addresses along these lines were made.
The final arrangement of the funeral services was left to the executive committee of this [U. M. W.] sub-district and the following notice was issued last night to the miners and other labor organizations:
The remains of Brother Frank Bilyeu will be taken from Foster’s undertaking parlors at 6 o’clock this morning and sent to Taylorville for burial. All miners are requested to attend. An invitation is also extended to all labor organizations to take part in the funeral of Brother Edward Welsh, which will proceed from Foster’s undertaking parlors at 2 o’clock this afternoon; thence to the Church of the Immaculate Conception where the funeral services will be held at 2:30 o’clock.
Henry Cartright, President.
John McGarity, Secretary.
A band will lead the funeral cortege of Edward Welsh and as calls have been issued to the various labor organizations, a large turnout is expected.
From the Springfield Illinois State Journal of October 13, 1898:
Virden, Oct. 12.-(Special.)…..
The list at 10 o’clock tonight stood at nine dead and eighteen wounded….
Six striking miners listed as dead:
Edward Welsh. Springfield.
Frank Bilyeu. Springfield.
Albert Smith. Mt. Olive.
Joe Kitterly. Mt. Olive.
Ernest Keutner. Mt. Olive.
A. H. Breneman. Girard.
From The Chicago Daily Tribune of October 13, 1898:
Virden, Ill., Oct. 12.-(Special.)-Ten men killed and over forty wounded, many of whom will die, is the result of a bloody battle fought here this afternoon…Seven of the dead were union miners….
Five of the dead are listed as striking miners:
A. H. Brennan of Girard
Ernest Ketner of Mount Olive
Joseph Kitterly of Mount Olive
Albert Smith of Mount Olive
Ed Welch of Springfield
The Illinois State Journal
(Springfield, Illinois)
-Oct 14, 1898, page 3
-Oct 13, 1898, page 1
(not used as source, but see also pages 2 & 3) https://www.genealogybank.com/