Hellraisers Journal, Friday October 5, 1917
New York, New York – I. W. W. Leaders Will Fight Extradition
From the Everett Labor Journal of October 5, 1917:
NEW YORK, Oct. 1.-The first step in the government’s fight to extradite the four eastern leaders of the Industrial Workers of the World for trial in Chicago in the alleged nation-wide conspiracy against the government was taken here today when Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, known as “Princess of the Reds,” Carlo Tresca, Arturio Giovanitti [Arturo Giovannitti], and John Baldazza [Giovanni Baldazzi] were arraigned before United States Commissioner Hitchcock. The prisoners were held in $10,000 bail for examination
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn is the well know I. W. W. orator who visited the Sound Country last year, while Carlo Tresca and Arturio Giovanitti are two of the leaders in the Lawrence, Massachusetts, textile strike and the Mesaba Range Mining strike, in both of which they were tried for conspiracy and acquitted.
[Photograph added.]
From the Wilkes-Barre Evening News of October 3, 1917:
—–New York Oct 3.-The preliminary hearing of John Baldazzi, Carlo Tresca, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Arturo Giovannitti, arrested in recent I. W. W. raids of the charge of obstructing the wheels of the government, was postponed today until 2 o’clock next Monday afternoon. The postponement was caused by delay in the arrival of the certified copies of the indictment from Chicago. The defendants said today they are prepared to fight extradition.
Minnesota Fellow Worker Gets Two Years
From The Brainerd Daily Dispatch of October 3, 1917:
Gets Two Years’ Sentence From Judge Stanton.
Bemidji, Minn., Oct. 3.-Judge C. M. Stanton, of Bemidji, has put teeth in the sabotage act passed by the Minnesota Legislature last April by sentencing Jesse J. Dunning, former secretary of the I. W. W. local at Bemidji, to two years in the state penitentiary at Stillwater.
Dunning was arrested July 22 at the I. W. W. headquarters by Chief of Police Frank Ripple, who searched the place and found books teaching sabotage. He was arraigned in municipal court the following day and was bound over to the district court, his indictment following.
In district court the evidence included several books on sabotage, two of which were “Sabotage,” by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and “Sabotage,” by Emil Pouget. When these books were introduced in evidence Dunning said that although he had displayed them he did not know what they contained and did not realize that they taught the malicious destruction of property as he had never read them.
[Photograph added.]
The Labor Journal
(Everett, Washington)
-Oct 5, 1917
The Evening News
(Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania)
-Oct 3, 1917
The Brainerd Daily Dispatch
(Brainerd, Minnesota)
-Oct 3, 1917
EGF Red Princess, Kane Rpb PA p5, Oct 4, 1917
Sabotage by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Le Sabotage by Emile Pouget ab 1913
Note: Marxist dot org dates Pouget’s Sabotage to 1898
See also:
Note: Tresca was never brought to trial in the Mesabi Range Strike Case:
Hellraisers Journal, Saturday December 23, 1916
Mesabi Range, Minnesota – Plea Agreement & Vindication Meeting
Judge Hilton Defends Plea Deal in Mesabi Cases, Lauds IWW Men and Praise Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Tag: Carlo Tresca
For more on the Trial of Ettor & Giovannitti:
Ettor and Giovannitti Before the Jury
At Salem, Massachusetts November 23, 1912
-IWW, Chicago, ab/ 1912
Note: EGF came to Washington to assist with the Everett Defense in January of 1917
and left in May of that same year:
Hellraisers Journal, Monday January 15, 1917
Seattle, Washington – Miss Flynn, of Mesabi Fame, Coming Soon
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Coming to Seattle to Assists 74 Fellow Workers Jailed in Everett
Note: Flynn’s Sabotage was introduced into the Tracy Trial:
Hellraisers Journal, Monday March 19, 1917
Seattle, Washington – “Sabotage” Introduced into Tracy Trial
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Walker C. Smith in Courtroom as Sabotage Books Read at Tracy Trial
Hellraisers Journal, Friday May 18, 1917
From the Industrial Worker: Elizabeth Flynn Heading Back East
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Leaves Seattle, on Speaking Tour Back to New York City
-by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
IWW, Cleveland, April 1915
-by Emile Pouget
Translated from the French, with an Introduction by
by Arturo M. Giovannitti
C. H. Kerr, 1913
Sabo-Tabby Kitten – Jim Giddings.
Lyrics by Ralph Chaplin
(Search Big Red Songbook with: sabo tabby kitten.)
You rotten rats, go hide your face;
I’m right here, so find your places.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
The tiger wild in its jungle sittin’
Never fights like this here kitten.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
O, the rats all hate and fear me.
The softest paw can be a claw;
They seldom venture near me.
Hurrah, they saw your Sabo-tabby kitten!
The boss has cream for his lordly dinner;
Feed him milk and make him thinner.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
If you are down and the boss is gloating,
Trust in me instead of voting.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
On every wheel that turns I’m riding;
No one knows, though, where I’m hiding.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
The fight is tough, and you can’t see through it?
Shut your traps, and a cat will do it.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
Lawyers have no bunk to fill me;
Cops and soldiers cannot kill me.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
Step on things that the boneheads bow to;
Come with me, and I’ll show you how to.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
This world should have but freemen in it;
Let me show you how to win it.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
Perch will I on the system’s coffin,
On the hearse they take it off in.
Hurry now! Wonder how?
MEOW! Sabotage!
See also the song, “Sabotage,” by Ralph Chaplin,
from When the Leaves Come Out.
Image below also from that source: