Hellraisers Journal: The Northwest Tour of IWW Organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn-From Chicago, to Butte, to Spokane


Quote EGF, Life and Liberty, Btt Inter Mt p1, June 14, 1909———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday July 4, 1909
The Northwest Tour of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn for June 1909

From the Spokane Industrial Worker of June 3, 1909:


My husband, J. A. Jones, has written to me from Cobalt [Ontario] saying he owes $2.50 to the Industrial Worker, but that he is “broke” and asking me to forward the amount to you. Enclosed please find money order for same.

The Industrial Worker is a splendid paper, the only revolutionary sheet in this country, and deserves unqualified success. The May Day issue was fine, went like hot cakes here in Chicago, was well liked by all who read it. I am expecting to be out in the Northwest in about a month’s time if the plans for my trip go through all right, when I will have the pleasure of meeting you and all the fellow workers of that part of the country who are the hope of the Industrial Unionists every where, at present.

[Emphasis added.]

From The Spokane Press of October 7, 1908
-Gurley Flynn and Jack Jones Arrive in Chicago:

EGFand JA Jones Beat Freights to Chg IWWC, Spk Prs p2, Oct 7, 1908

From The Butte Inter Mountain of June 14, 1909:

[Gurley Flynn Speaks at
Butte Miners’ Day Celebration, June 14th]

The Butte Miners’ union has never had a more auspicious birthday than was today, its thirty-first. Thirty thousand people thronged the streets along the line of march and cheered the 2,000 miners and the 1,500 other union members who turned out in tribute to the parent union body of them all, so far as this city is concerned……

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the orator of the day, occupied a carriage immediately following the band.

The miners marched four abreast and each one of his left breast wore the official badge of the union. There were just 1,000 men in the first section of the division. The second section was headed by a fife and drum corps, and first in line behind that came a four-horse carryall for old and disabled miners, who are always given a place of honor in the parade.

The line of march was west on Copper to Alaska, south to granite, west to Idaho, south to Silver, east to Main, north to Park, east to Covert, countermarch west on Park to Main, north to Broadway and west to the Broadway theater, where the parade disbanded, and where Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the orator of the day, delivered the address immediately after the parade……

From The Anaconda Standard of June 16, 1909:

Miss Flynn Addresses Butte Miners’ Meeting, [June 15th]

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the Joan of Arc of industrial unionism, spoke last evening at the meeting of the Butte Miner’s union, addressing the miners for about two hours. The hall was well filled and the young woman was listened to with close attention……

From The Daily Missoulian of June 25, 1909:

[Miss Flynn Schedule to Speak in Burke, Idaho]

Miss Elizabeth Gurley Flynn organizer of the Industrial Workers of the World, will speak in Burke on Sunday night [June 27]. The I. W. W. would reorganize all the unions in the world under one head so as to “better compete with capital,” as the promoters say.


From the Spokane Industrial Worker of June 24, 1909:

[Miss Flynn Scheduled to Speak in Spokane on June 29th]

EGF to Speak at IWW HQ, Spk IW p4, June 24, 1909



Industrial Worker
(Spokane, Washington)
-June 3, 1909, page 1
-June 24, 1909, page 4

Hellraisers Journal – Friday June 18, 1909
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn at Butte Miners’ Day Celebration, June 14th
Speaks on Life and Liberty at Butte Miners’ Day Celebration

Hellraisers Journal of June 17, 1909
Butte, Montana – Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks to Miners, June 15th
I. W. W. Organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Found Speaking to Metal Miners in Butte, Montana

The Daily Missoulian
(Missoula, Montana)
-June 25, 1909

EGF and JA Jones Beat Freights to Chg IWWC, Spk Prs p2, Oct 7, 1908

See also:

Tag: EGF 1909

EGF Marries Jack Jones, Lake Co MN, Jan 7, 1908

EGF Marries Jack Jones, Lake Co MN, Jan 7, 1908

EGF, Fall 1908-Summer 1909:
Iron in Her Soul
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and the American Left

-by Helen C. Camp
WSU Press, Mar 1, 1995

By fall [1908] Gurley and Jack had decided to try to make a life for themselves in ChicagoVincent St. John, the “Saint,” and his wife lived close by…It was a hard winter…Before the year was out her baby was born prematurely; the tiny blue-eyed infant, named John Vincent after Vincent St. John, died before the night was out.

The death of their baby left Jack and Gurley deeply in debt, but she needed activity to fight off the depression caused by the loss of her first child even more than the couple needed money. Vincent St. John found work for Jones in Cobalt, Ontario, and Flynn quickly joined him there to speak to Western Federation of Miners locals. The area was so raw that she could reach one northern mining camp only by a two-day stagecoach journey. Later in the spring St. John arranged a speaking tour for her to the Pacific Northwest.

[Emphasis added.]

John Vincent Flynn Jones

Vincent St. John
“I never met a man I admired more”: Vincent St. John (1876-1929)by Juan Conatz


The Rebel Girl – Hazel Dickens
Lyrics by Joe Hill & Hazel Dickens