Hellraisers Journal – Sunday October 16, 1910 Fresno, California – Town soon to feel hand of Industrial Workers of the World.
From the Spokane Industrial Worker of October 15, 1910:
Industrial Worker of April 2, 1910
The day draweth nigh. Soon is the town of Fresno, Cal., to feel the weight of the hand of the I. W. W. This upstart city has taken upon itself the task of wresting from the workers the right of free speech and as a result hundreds of workers are in the vicinity of Fresno prepared at the signal to speak in spite of the “law and order” element of thugs and gum shoes.
Soon will the workers demonstrate to the boss that there are a few privileges, at least, that will not be surrendered.
The owners of halls in Fresno have refused to rent their buildings to the I. W. W. boys, but in spite of this obstacle all will be in readiness for the sounding of the call.
Let every worker in the north and west who can possibly do so go to Fresno and speak on the streets in accordance with the age-long inheritance of the Anglo-Saxon. Let us demonstrate to the boss that we will FIGHT before we will submit to the loss of the privilege of free speech.
Fresno, Cal., Oct. 8, 1910.
We have been ordered out of our hall and can’t get one in the city, so are forced to get out of the city limits. We have rented a large tent and a friend has given us a lot which to put it. He says he will defend the ground against every attack. The camp will be on Palm avenue, one-eighth of a mile north of Belmont avenue. Belmont is the main avenue at the north side of town. Go out to Belmont and to Palm avenue and look for the camp one-eight of a mile north of Belmont. If you don’t find the jungle camp go to the Fresno coffee store at 1128 J street and get instructions.
The line of action will be laid out by the men that get here before the fight. So come. There will be no hunger strike.
The bulls are watching the head end of all passenger trains. We are doing our best to get some food for the boys when they get here.
We of the free speech brigade held a special business meeting in Portland last Friday night, September 30th, and decided to hold a street meeting the next night in Eugene, Ore. We were given a fine reception by the citizens and also by the S. P. ites. We were urged to stay and organize a local, but, of course, were unable to do so. There is a fine field in Eugene for a local and I hope it won’t be long before some one gets in there and organizes one. After the meeting in Eugene I hit the rods of the Shasta Limited and rode her to Ashland. I arrived in Oakland last night. Oakland has a good live bunch of workers and a nice hall. All fellow workers and especially soap boxers are invited to stop. I am in Frisco now, but will leave here this evening for Fresno, as I am broke and lumps hang high in Frisco. I will be in Fresno on or before the 15th. The free speech brigade has a street meeting scheduled for Sacramento next Saturday night, but I don’t know whether I will be there or not. I found out today that Fellow Worker Little got out of jail September 25th. He is now in Coalingo, a small town on a branch road out of Bakersfield. Will write you again soon, ours for Industrial Freedom.
A. V. Roe.
Fellow Worker E. F. Doree writes that he is with a good bunch of free speech fighters now on the way to Fresno. They stopped in many places on the way and were especially pleased with the membership in Seattle and Tacoma. At Ashland, Ore., they were joined by several I. W. W. members of Los Angeles and some members of the Western Federation of Miners. Some trouble is expected from the state bulls of California.