There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Hellraisers Journal – Sunday June 11, 1916
From The Northwest Worker: Now Offering Walker’s Henry Dubb
The Northwest Worker of Everett, Washington, despite experiencing some financial difficulties, now offers the Adventures of Henry Dubb by Ryan Walker. The May 18th edition of the paper explained:
We could save money today by getting out a smaller paper (the size it used to be), and we could cut out the cartoon service, but that is not our method of doing business. We are getting the Ryan Walker cartoon service, commencing with next week. You will all appreciate this and in return all we ask of you is to renew your sub. when you are notified that it has expired. The Northwest Worker is in the field to STAY. You will receive the full 52 issues for your dollar. So again we ask you to renew if your sub. has expired.
From The Northwest Worker of June 8, 1916:
From Chicago’s American Socialist of June 10, 1916:

The Northwest Worker
(Everett, Washington)
-May 18, 1916
Ryan Walker, Northwest Worker, Feb 10, 1916
Henry Dubb, Preparedness, Ryan Walker, NwWk, June 8, 1916
Dubb, Walker, Preparedness Parade, Am Socialist, June 10, 1916
See also:
“Ryan Walker, Rebel Cartoonist”
-from the Editor and Publisher of Jan 25, 1913
New Adventures of Henry Dubb
Cartoons by Ryan Walker
Pub’d by Socialist Party (SPA)
Chicago, 1915
Preparedness Movement
National Defense Act of 1916
President Wilson on Preparedness
Worker’s Song – Dropkick Murphys