Hellraisers Journal – Saturday June 24, 1911 General Mosby and Rebel Army Defeated at Tijuana
From The San Francisco Call of June 23, 1911:
John R. Mosby
TIA JUANA, Cal., June 22.—Armed resistance to the authority of the Mexican government in Lower California has practically ceased. General Jack Mosby and his men, comprising the second division of the Mexican liberal army in Lower California, are prisoners of Company D, Thirtieth infantry, U S. A., Captain Frank A. Wilcox commanding.
About 100 men in all surrendered at the line, all Americans. They report their loss in the battle with 500 Mexican troops under Celso Vega, jefe politico of Lower California and Colonel Miguel Mayot, as three killed and one dying.
The dead are: George Morgan, Fred Rogers, Frank Smith.
Mortally wounded: Captain Holland of troop C.
Wounded and disabled: Lieutenant Barkalo, shot in groin.
The rebel prisoners of the United States troops were taken to San Diego this afternoon and conveyed to the guardhouse at Fort Rosecrans to await disposition of their cases by the government at Washington. In the meantime they will be treated as prisoners of war.
The rebels were divided into five troops, A, B and C, about 155 in all, Americans; and D and F, Mexicans, about 75 men. So far the Mexicans have scattered below the line, and some of them are said to be fleeing before scouting parties of the Mexican troops.
The loss of the Mexican force, at a late hour this afternoon, was not known, but it was believed to be heavy. B troop of the rebels at one time was within 50 yards of the federal firing line, and it is believed many Mexicans were killed at that time.
The Mexican force under Vega and Mayot occupies Tijuana, Lower California, this afternoon.
According to stories told by the rebel prisoners at the American troop camp the Mexican federal force had three machine guns and one field piece in action against them. The field piece was using canister and shrapnel alternately, they say. It was the machine guns and field piece that caused the retreat of the rebels.
The federal force was well placed three miles from Tijuana. It occupied hills commanding all approaches from Tijuana, and, greatly outnumbering the rebels, made an attack a forlorn hope at best.
The battle lasted little more than two hours and was witnessed at a distance by a great throng of spectators from San Diego and intermediate points.