Hellraisers Journal: President Wilson Demands Settlement to Colorado Coalfield Strike, Issues Plan for Three-Year Truce


Quote Mother Jones re Miners Org Real Power of Labor Mv, Speech UMW D14 Conv, Apr 30, 1914, Ptt KS, Steel Speeches p134—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday September 9, 1914
President Woodrow Wilson Demands End to Colorado Strike

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World of September 7, 1914:

Woodrow Wilson, 1912

President Wilson Sent Message
to Leaders of Miners’s Union
Are on Duty to Protect the Citizens
From Atrocities
Government Has Particular Interest
 in This Strike

Washington, D. C., Sept. 7.-President Wilson addressed letters to the heads of mining companies and officers of the United Mine Workers of America concerned in the Colorado coal strike, virtually demanding that the long strike be ended, because of federal troops on duty in the strike district, the president feels that the government has a peculiar interest.

[Photograph added.]

From the Mount Vernon, Ohio, Democratic Banner of September 8, 1914:


Wilson Submits a Proposition
to Operators and Miners.


Appeals to Patriotism of Belligerents and at the Same Time Warns
the Mine Owners That Federal Troops Should no Longer Remain
Doing Police Duty in Strike Districts. Now Up to John D., Jr.

Washington, Sept. 8.-President Wilson submitted a plan for a three years’ truce to all parties in the Colorado mining strike. The president urges the acceptance of this plan on patriotic grounds, alluding to the European war and the need that “all untoward and threatening circumstances be taken out of the life of the people of the United States.” At the same time the president serves warning on operators and miners that the federal troops have remained about as long as they ought to remain doing police duty in the strike districts.

This action by the president will again necessitate a decision by the Rockefeller interests as to whether they will make any concessions in the vital principles involved in the strike. Thus far John D. Rockefeller, Jr., has indicated a purpose of fighting it out to the very end.

The president points out that there are important public interests involved in the existing controversy aside from those of the two contending parties. The plan he submits was evolved by two representatives of the government who have studied the issues in the strike for several months with a view to finding a solution.

The plan contemplates establishment of a truce for three years, during whence the state mining and labor laws shall be enforced, and the restoration to employment of all striking miners who have not been found guilty of violation of the laws. Intimidation of nonunion or union men is to be prohibited and wage scales are to be posted at each mine. A grievance committee is to be chosen by the employes of each mine which shall be entrusted with treating with the employer when trouble arises. A committee, to be appointed by the president, is to be the appeal body to which grievances that can not be otherwise settled are to be taken.

The president sent a letter outlining the government’s plan to the presidents of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, the chairman of the Victor American Fuel company, the president of the Rocky Mountain Fuel company and the officers of the United Mine Workers of America.

[Emphasis added.]



Quote Mother Jones re Miners Org Real Power of Labor Mv,
Speech UMW D14 Conv, Apr 30, 1914, Ptt KS, Steel Speeches p134

Lawrence Daily Journal-World
(Lawrence, Kansas)
 -Sept 7, 1914

The Democratic Banner
(Mount Vernon, Ohio)
 -Sept 8, 1914

Woodrow Wilson, about 1912

See also:

Sept 12, 1914, Denver United Labor Bulletin 
“President Wilson Submits Settlement Plan for Coal Strike and Establishment of Peace”

Sept 5, 1914, Appeal to Reason p2
“[Rockefeller Interests] Forcing Class War in Colorado”
“Victims of Gunmen…1910-July 1914” by John Kenneth Turner

Tag: Colorado Coalfield Strike of 1913-1914


Which Side Are You On – Tom Morello
“There’s one law for the rulers and one law for ruled.”