Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones: “We want every dollar we produce, and what is more, we are going to have it!”


Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM, Ab Chp 13, 1925————————-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday August 23, 1904
Brooklyn, New York – Mother Jones Cheered at Meeting of C. L. U.

From the New York Sun of August 22, 1904:

C. F. U. Joins With Brothers in Brooklyn in Cheering Mother Jones.

Mother Jones, Socialist Spirit p19, Aug 1902

The Central Federated Union of Manhattan and the Central Labor Union of Brooklyn met in the Labor Lyceum, Myrtle and Willoughby avenues, Brooklyn, last night, for a dinner with speechmaking on the side. About 300 men and women were present.

The guests of honor were John Z. White of Chicago and “Mother” Jones. The latter attracted the most attention and got the most cheers. In responding to the toast, “Law and Order in Colorado,” “Mother” Jones began by saying:

I hope the cheers you are giving me to-night you will give the Labor candidate for the Presidency the day after election.

Then she went on with parts of the speech she has been giving recently about her work and accounts of what she saw in the Colorado mining camps, and ended with an appeal for funds to help the Colorado miners in their struggle.

[She said:]

Even if you deplete your treasuries completely..it’s the best thing you can do with you  money.

John Sherwin Crosby talked on the “Open Shop,” opposing it.

Miss Annie C. Patterson urged the women to confine their purchases to those articles bearing the union label

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle of August 22, 1904:

Employers Using Weapons of Union Labor Against It,
Speakers Declare.
Oppression and Tyranny Under Stars and Stripes Greater
Than in Ireland, She Declares.

The rather astonishing statement that the strikes and boycotts are no longer effective weapons in the hands of trades unions was made last evening by several speakers at the complimentary dinner given by the Central Federated Union of Manhattan and the Central Labor Union of Brooklyn to John Z. White, the noted labor leader, of Chicago. The dinner was given as a sort of a peace pipe between the two great central bodies. Besides declaring, or rather admitting, that strikes and boycotts had outlived their usefulness, all of the speakers bent their every energy to awaken the unionists present to renewed efforts. “We see defeat staring us in the face” was the burden of their speeches. “The employers have seized our own weapons and are using them against us,” several of the speakers declared.

Perhaps the most remarkable speech of the evening was that given by that remarkable woman, Mother Jones. Mother Jones has been in every great strike in the country. She arrived at the table a trifle late. As she was taking her seat she espied John Sherwin Crosby. She arose immediately and amid thunderous applause, threw her arms about his neck and kissed him.

Mother Jones spoke to “Law and Order in Colorado.” She said the reason strikes and boycotts were no longer the effective weapons they once were was that the labor unions of the country were not united. She gave a good scolding to the labor unions of this city.

[She said:]

You read in the papers..of our sufferings in Colorado, but you did nothing until they began to put us in bull pens, and then you growled a little. I have been at my father’s knee when a girl and have listened to his stories of oppression and tyranny in God-cursed Ireland. I have seen suffering and bloodshed in that little island, but never have I seen or heard of oppression and tyranny equal to that which I have witnessed in the past six months under these Stars and Stripes. Talk about your Neros of ancient times. There never was a Nero who could equal in cruelty Jim Peabody, of Colorado.

Unless you here realize that when labor suffers in Colorado, you are suffering here, that what is the concern of one is the concern of all, we shall be crushed out.

We have been charged with wanting it all. That is right. The employers are entitled to none of the profit which is coming to us. We want every dollar we produce, and what is more, we are going to have it before we are through.

The applause which greeted Mother Jones as she finished her speech was deafening and lasted several minutes. Mother Jones finished with a voice trembling with emotion. Her gray head was shaking with the feeling to which she had wrought herself.

[Emphasis added.]

The article went on to report the speech made by John Sherwin Crosby on the Open Shop. Mr. Crosby defended labor’s right to strike, stating that working people had as much right to strike as employers had to take vacations.

“Socialism and Trades Unionism” was the subject of the speech given by Morris Brown who stated that laboring people who did not vote the the Socialist ticket on election day were “as bad or worse than scabs.”

John Z. White spoke to the question: “How Shall Labor Meet the present Crisis?” White is an advocate of the doctrines of Henry George.

The Eagle further reported on the speech of Miss Patterson:

Miss Annie C. Patterson, president of Brooklyn Woman’s Federation, spoke on “What Women Can Do to Advance the Trade Union Movement.” She said the reason strikes and boycotts were not effective any more was because the wives of the unionists do not demand the union label. “Strikes and boycotts are no longer the successes they once were,” she said. “you are loath to admit it, but it is so, nevertheless.” She exhorted the women to stand true to their husbands’ and brothers’ interests.

[Emphasis added.]



Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM,
Ab Chp 13, 1925

The Sun
(New York, New York)
Aug 22, 1904

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
(Brooklyn, New York)
Aug 22, 1904

Mother Jones, Socialist Spirit p19, Aug 1902

See also:

Henry George (1839-1897)

Tag: Cripple Creek Strike of 1903-1904

Tag: Telluride Strike of 1903-1904

Tag: Colorado Coalfield Strike of 1903-1904


Solidarity Forever – Seth Staton Watkins
Lyrics by Ralph Chaplin