Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday October 20, 1903 Mother Jones Stands with Working Men and Women
Saturday October 17, 1903 Cincinnati, Ohio – Mother Jones, “The laboring man is advancing every day.”
Mother Jones was in Cincinnati for a few hours yesterday on her way to Chicago. This famous old labor agitator travels alone. While in Cincinnati she made this statement:
The Cincinnati Enquirer October 17, 1903
To advance the cause of labor and laboring people is my only object. I have for years studied carefully the labor question, and in all my speeches to the miners and others I advocated peace and efficient work as the sure road to success. My idea is that every laborer, man or woman, should be worthy of their hire. They should, out of each week or month’s salary, save a few pennies, dimes or dollars. I am in hearty sympathy with the workingman, and in times of strikes or lockouts I make it my duty to go to the scene of trouble and lend my aid to the laborer and his family. They are my personal charges.
I think the day will come when capital will learn to respect laborers enough to pay them in proportion to the services they render. I am at all times an advocate of peace when disagreements arise between employer and employees, for that is the laborer’s stronghold. If he can only hold out and remain peaceable the victory is won. It is a rare occurrence that anything is accomplished by the working men who cause strife and bloodshed. They lose the respect sympathy of those who would otherwise be with them in time of need.
I think the laboring man is advancing every day, and it will be my life work to aid in this advancement.
From The Denver Post of October 18, 1903 -Mother Jones, Joan of Arc, Expected Soon in Denver: