Hellraisers Journal – Saturday September 10, 1904
Akron, Ohio – Mother Jones Speaks to Members of Central Labor Union
From The Akron Beacon Journal of September 9, 1904:
Woman Leader Speaks Her Mind
on Colorado Trouble.
Will Make a Public Address
in the City on Sunday.
The principal feature of the regular meeting of the Central Labor union Thursday night was an address by “Mother” Jones.
Mrs. Jones spoke mainly upon the labor war in Colorado. She maintained that the money powers and employers of the state of Colorado were united in an effort to crush out all organized labor. She stated that the governor of Colorado said the fight was against the Western Federation of Miners and not the American Federation of Labor he was a liar. Mrs. Jones described many of the scenes of this bloody labor war which she saw while in Colorado before she was deported.
About the Philippines.
She paid her compliments to the Dick bill by which the guns were supplied to the state of Colorado as well as the others. These guns were used by the militia in service at the mines.
Mrs. Jones brought up a bugaboo when she said she actually believed that the next congress would pass a law to make the Philippines a penal institution and ship all union labor over there.
She referred to the wealthy manufacturers of the east as the “commercial cannibals.” Commercialism was declared to be the curse of the whole country and responsible for the Colorado trouble.
Mrs. Jones then distributed some of her literature bearing on the labor questions of the day.
[Will Speak to Public on Sunday]
She will remain in Akron for several days and on Sunday afternoon will again speak in public under the auspices of the Central Labor union. A committee was appointed by the Central union to secure a hall for the purpose. One of the opera houses will be secured…
[Photograph and emphasis added.]
From The Cleveland Leader of September 6, 1904:
[Mother Jones Speaks at Cleveland’s
Labor Day Celebration]
Quote Mother Jones, CFI Owns Colorado, re 1903 Strikes UMW WFM,
Ab Chp 13, 1925
The Akron Beacon Journal
(Akron, Ohio)
-Sept 9, 1904
The Cleveland Leader
(Cleveland, Ohio)
-Sept 6, 1904
See also:
Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday March 30, 1904
Denver, Colorado – Mother Jones to Governor Peabody: “You Don’t Own This State”
Mother Jones was deported by the military on orders of Governor Peabody on Saturday March 26th. With other organizers of the United Mine Workers of America, she was put aboard a Santa Fe train bound for La Junta, Colorado, some 65 miles north and east of Trinidad. They were all given deportation papers which warned them never to return. Mother sat all night in the station at La Junta, and the next morning, with the assistance of a sympathetic railroad conductor, she was able to board a train to Denver. From her hotel room, near the Governors office, she wrote the following letter:
Mr. Governor,
You notified your dogs of war to put me out of the state. They complied with your instructions. I hold in my hand a letter that was handed to me by one of them, which says “under no circumstances return to this state.” I wish to notify you, governor, that you don’t own the state. When it was admitted to the sisterhood of states, my fathers gave me a share of stock in it; and that is all they gave you. The civil courts are open. If I break a law of state or nation it is the duty of the civil courts to deal with me. That is why my forefathers established those courts to keep dictators and tyrants such as you from interfering with civilians. I am right here in the capital, after being out nine or ten hours, four or five blocks from your office. I want to ask you, governor, what in Hell are you going to do about it?Mother Jones
[Emphasis added.]
-Mother Jones re Senator Dick
Hellraisers Journal – Thursday August 22, 1912
Charleston, West Virginia – Mother Jones Demands Removal of Mine Guards
Senator Dick said, when I met him, “I am delighted to see you, Mother Jones.” I said, “I am not delighted to see you.” He said, “What is the matter?” I said, “You have passed the Dick military bill to shoot my class down, that is why I wouldn’t shake hands with you.” That is the way to do business with those fellows. All the papers in the country wrote it up, and he was knocked down off his perch. I will knock a few of these Senators down before I die.
Tag: Cripple Creek Strike of 1903-1904
Tag: Telluride Strike of 1903-1904
Tag: Colorado Coalfield Strike of 1903-1904
Max Hayes, 1866-1945
Wife = Dora Schneider Hayes, 1878-1958
Aug 1-Sept 10, 1904 – “mother jones”
Working Man-The Men Of The Deeps
Lyrics: Rita MacNeil